

Category 品茶上课论坛

"In thunder is divine …"

His language micro-dunfang continued
"According to this period, there is almost no inquiry!"
Zhou Jia shook his head.
"How can I have met …"
Halfway through the words, he realized that it was not right to deviate from the lucky ones or that thunder was divine when he came.
Other places are not normal.
"That’s all!"
He got up and walked unhurriedly to the quiet room.
"Not everyone needs the deity of ice. With more and more income, there will be a trading market one day."
"This early bird needs me to do it."
Shut up!
No sooner had the shop door hit a furtive figure than it rushed in.
"Ge Lao, help!"
"Are you …" Ge Honggen leaned back and looked at the men in black who gathered together in front of him, frowning and scrutinizing.
"Brother Qian?"
People are impressively rich.
However, some time ago, he was in high spirits and looked different. At this time, his eyes were bloodshot and his face was covered with thick tumors
Body breath is disorder.
"It’s me"
Money is shaking, hands are clinging to Ge Honggen’s sleeve and pleading.
"Ge Lao help me … I should be poisoned!"
Ge Honggen’s face changed slightly and he looked at him carefully for a moment before shaking his head with regret.
"What a pity!"
"Qian Xiaoge should be offended by someone. This poison is extremely good. Your insides are the source of power."
"It’s hopeless!"
"ah!" Money is stupefied, then the body wobbles and retreats, and eyes are full of disbelief and fear.
"No, no, you lied to me, didn’t you?"
"say it!"
"Are you lying to me!"
He snarled and bared his teeth.
Ge Honggen’s face changed into a long sleeve, waving his strength and whistling, and he swept the money directly to the street and fell heavily to the ground.
"At this moment, Qian Xiang is dead, and you dare to be presumptuous in front of the old lady!"
"get out!"
He fell into a muffled thunder, leaving him limp, struggling, moving and disappearing.
"Hey …"
A shop not far away just knocked on the door and immediately laughed.
"These people are SangGuQuan when the Lord was still around, and now they deserve it."

These hundreds of years have finally not been in vain!’

Hundreds of years!
Not for decades.
Zhou Jia threw her into Gankun when it was all right and adjusted it tenfold at the same time.
Ten years in a year.
Although it has not been in it all the time, Tianhe has been practicing for more than 300 years.
Moreover, you can start with a Taoist fruit, except that you don’t have the characteristics of Yuanxing. When you practice the same, Zhou Jia is not as afraid as her.
Don’t say six orders
Seventh order
It must not be killed!
"Brother Zhou"
No sooner had Huang Fenglin left the abode of fairies and immortals than a new guest arrived.
Cai Yuzhen one hand a gift sitting opposite sighed
"I really want something if it doesn’t rain in the Three Treasures Hall."
"Miss Cai is welcome" Zhou Jiakou
"You and I have been neighbors for many years, and if you have something to say, you can’t talk about it."
Cai Yuzhen looked up and looked complicated.
"Brother Zhou knows how many changes have taken place in the giant mountain gang over the years. I even can’t sit in the dark lane all the time. I guess I have to change places."
Zhou Jia frowns
"But some people don’t like it?"
"There is a lot of rain in every session of the Dark Square every four years, so many benefits are really shared for no reason. Naturally, some people are greedy." Cai Yuzhen took something out of his body
"I know that Brother Zhou is very interested in spiritual practice. This is a golden inspiration from Haoyue Bailian’s inheritance."
"I want to come to Zhou Xiong to have some places."
Zhou Jia’s face showed thoughtfully.
What a big deal
The situation of the Jushan Sect has deteriorated to such an extent that even the elders of the Sect have to find a way out for themselves, which should be attributed to more than sheep being indifferent.
And the ghost bender has been cheating all these years
Who doesn’t want a piece of this fat meat from Jushan Gang?
"Miss Cai can rest assured"
Zhou Jia convergence mind slowly nodded.
"No one can drive you away with Zhou."
"…" Cai Yuzhen beautiful eyes a bright.
"Thank you!"
With the deterioration of the situation of the Jushan Sect, the Imperial Ghost Sect is pressing on her step by step. It is the solution to betray the Jushan Sect and join the Imperial Ghost Sect.
But she didn’t want to
There are not many who can protect themselves.

The charming and lovely second lady brought a cup of hot tea and carefully placed it beside the shopkeeper Xue, whose eyes were latosolic red and her hair was messy.

"Dongcheng has gone, you should also pay attention to your health. If Dongcheng knows that you are torturing yourself so much, he will certainly feel uncomfortable."
"Take a break."
Xue shopkeeper with a wave of his hand dish lamp smashed to roar a way.
"What do you know?"
"I have such a son Dong Cheng who was killed and didn’t find the murderer. How can I rest at ease?"
Angry, he pushed down his second wife and left for the backyard alone.
It’s getting dark.
Light Xue shopkeeper eyes ferocious suddenly took out a set of night clothes from the room and took out a cloud knife, pushed the door and went out.
He was sure that the murderer was in the inn.
These days, Dong Cheng and the three of them just happened to be killed when they planned to make money, or did the three of them live together?
Since the surname won’t help, I’ll do it myself!
Xue, the shopkeeper who avoided the courtyard, quietly climbed over the courtyard wall and just fell to the ground, just like a person dressed in black.
The man was trying to touch his home with an axe and a shield.
Two people four eyes relative is one leng.
Chapter 31 Night Fight
"It’s you!"
Xue shopkeeper first one leng, then during the glare, a surge of murder is even more difficult to contain.
Zhou Jia, on the other hand, rushed to wield an axe and cut it without saying a word.
Now that we’ve met here, what is there to say?
Thunder needle initiation!
The source of the Three-Yuan Dharma is vigorous and heavy, and the same realm is far beyond Tongji. Another six-force blessing axe swing immediately brings sharp strength.
Skilled cloak axe method is no longer difficult to display.
In the face of the oncoming axe blade, Xue, the shopkeeper, hummed a cloud-headed knife and took advantage of it.
The holding part of the cloud head knife is not big, and the blade bends forward and continues to bend to the back of the knife. The cutter head is round and looks like a cloud head, so it is named.
This knife is light and good at chopping.
The sword is often strong and sharp, but the middle part is too fragile and flexible, so it is difficult for ordinary people to luck.
Zhou Jia’s complexion changed at the moment when the knife and axe collided and touched. He found that he seemed to be cut on a smooth fish skin with almost no force.
Have a very lopsided figure
Xue shopkeeper’s arm quivered and his bones and muscles trembled in an instant, and the night clothes swelled like blowing.
Clothes several muscles like a rigid python steps a mistake has come to Zhou Jia side slashing with a knife.
The foot is hard and the bluestone ground is cracked.

This is a bit wise … Qin Jing got up and said to Xiaoxi, "Just do as you say, and welcome to Zhongzhou team. I have already admitted your teammate status."

Little bush gave him a white look but ignored him.
Qin Jing shook his head. I really don’t know if she is afraid of herself or her nerves. Compared with Zhongzhou team, several new people are better than Mo Yao. This girl has no fear for herself, just as if she is completely afraid of annoying herself.
Qin Jing got up and walked to the outside of the house, giving up his time to Xiaoxi and the Queen of Flame.
When he walked to the door, Xiao Xiyin suddenly came out. "If you can guess that the other two teams may be in Imton’s place, can they guess that we are here in O’ Connor?"
"Maybe." Qin Jing turned around and saw Xiaoxi still looking at the flame queen with great interest, but he still saw the thoughtful look of the girl at that moment.
Am I delusional? She seems to be calculating something …
When Qin Jing closed the door, the idea came out from the bottom of my heart.
The first chapter triggers the plot (2)
Five thousand years ago, there was a brave and skillful scorpion emperor who led his troops to conquer the world. Unfortunately, in Thebes, they encountered the most powerful obstacle. In the seven-year battle, the scorpion emperor led the army to defeat and fled all the way with the remaining troops into the sacred desert Amherst, where the scorpion emperor swore to Anubis, the god of death, that he could let him live and defeat the enemy. Anubis promised him a miracle and turned Amherst into an oasis, giving him the army of death to keep everything in sight. The enemy crushed the scorpion emperor and finally realized his dream, but death also took away his soul. His army, the Corps of Death, returned to the earth, and all that remained was the death bracelet, which proved that everything was …
It was just dawn, and it was windy and dusty all night last night, which made people sleep badly.
Alex opened the door sleepily and saw Jesse at the door with a face of excitement.
"I heard that you went to Egypt to get a scorpion bracelet?" Jesse is already rubbing his hands.
"Huh?" Alex paused for a while to get rid of his sleepiness. Although Alex is still young, he has never lived with his disgusting parents and opened a room by himself.
"Will you take me to see it?" Jesse has been dragged into the archaeological world by Alex these days, and he is fascinated by this magical world. When he heard Qin Jing knocking on his door last night, he inadvertently revealed that Alex’s family had gone to Egypt to get a death bracelet, and he couldn’t wait to ask Alex to take him to see it.
"But …" Alex hesitated a little. He remembered that his parents forbade him to go near the box. He was an out-and-out saboteur. This was completely inherited from his mother Eve when he accidentally knocked down the stone pillars in the hall like a domino when he brought back the death bracelet.
Alex, who is very famous, waved his hand and was ready to refuse, but at that moment it seemed that something came into his ear, like a whisper. When he wanted to listen carefully, he couldn’t hear it again. He was at a loss and suddenly wanted to change his mind. It seemed that it was also a good choice to look at the bracelet.
"No, I’ll take you there."
Say Alex didn’t even brush his teeth or change his pajamas, so he pulled Jesse out of the door.
Jesse secretly gave Zhan Lan a thumbs up, which is why Jesse asked Zhan Lan to do him a small favor this morning-when Alex refused, he suggested that Alex made him change his mind because he didn’t know that someone had already told Zhan Lan that she would do it even if Jesse didn’t tell him.
The death bracelet is packed in a sealed box. The face of a typical Egyptian creation is covered with Egyptian characters. Jesse doesn’t know any of them, but this doesn’t affect his excitement at the moment.
Alex looked for a while before he took out the key to open the box from his bag. The pentagram is a pentagram key. In Egypt, the pentagram is the symbol of the underworld, which represents the gate of yin and yang isolation … Alex explained to Jesse and turned the key to open the box.
The golden light seeped out of the dark box, and a gold bracelet carved with scorpions lay quietly inside, but it should be the bracelet part, but it was like a scorpion leg.
"Wow, that’s cool." Jesse carefully held out the bracelet. He wiped his sleeve and was immediately supercilious by Alex, who snatched the death bracelet from Jesse’s hand. "This bracelet is not the softest brush that can wipe the sleeve." Alex carefully held the bracelet in his hand.
"I want to see if it is pure gold," Jesse said with some injustice, but soon the child forgot the unhappiness and Jesse leaned over. "What should I do with this bracelet? Just wear it? "
"Yeah, but I’m not too white. How can he fix it in his hand …" Alex put the bracelet on his wrist, suddenly buckled the scorpion leg and tied it tightly to Alex’s hand, and then shot a white light from the scorpion head that Alex could see, forming a vast desert image in the air …
Qin Jing opened his eyes, not only Qin Jing, but all the members of Zhongzhou team opened their eyes at that moment because they heard the cold voice of the Lord God.
"Seven days before touching the follow-up story, send Alex to the lost oasis Amherst pyramid team. Each member of the team gets a 1-point reward for the D-level subplots. If it fails, it will kill all the players. It is forbidden to make the aircraft bring its own flying skills."
Actually, it’s killing the plot. Is this a punishment for touching the plot before? Qin Jing opened the door, and he saw that all the other members of the Zhongzhou team also came out. Most of the newcomers looked at Qin Jing calmly with a look of consternation.
Qin Jingchong they nodded first took the stairs.
And is it forbidden to use flying props? It seems that we can go to Amherschel by flying balloon like the original, but the question is, can that balloon be used by so many people?
Qin Jing looked down at his watch. The distance of 5 thousand meters has disappeared. I can’t help but suddenly see that …
In the lobby of the building, Jesse shook his head. Alex "Alex, what’s wrong with you?"
Because Jesse didn’t have a big Qin Jing for the team at this stage, he didn’t ask Jesse to see the ghost house. He didn’t know that Alex was attracted by the map shown by the white light now.
Jesse panicked. His name was Alex, and his voice grew louder, but the latter responded. At this time, he caught a glimpse of a figure coming from the stairs, and his face suddenly lit up.
"Uncle Qin Jing, come and see what happened to Alex?" Jessie turned and ran to Qin Jing.
Qin Jing heard Jesse scream and almost fell down the stairs. Uncle …
Jesse thought Qin Jing’s eyes were a little scary. He bowed his head and didn’t dare to look at Qin Jing. He said, "Go and see Alex."
Qin Jing nodded and then heard Eve from outside the door "Alex? Alex, what happened to him? "
It seems that I am not attracted to Jesse …
Qin Jing motioned Jesse to go back to the building first and walked over to the O ‘Connor couple who almost ran in from the outside.
Alex has recovered from his absence. He saw his parents come in from the door and looked down at his death bracelet. He thought that his former father O ‘Connor had been warning himself and scared to shrink his right hand behind him, but his move was not completed. His right hand was gently held. He turned around and saw Qin Jing’s serious look (pretending, of course …)
"What happened to Mr. Qin?" Eve saw Qin Jing pulling her wrist and asked.
Qin Jing didn’t answer Eve’s words but turned to look at O ‘Connor. "Can I have a look at your right wrist?"
Although O ‘Connor was puzzled, he did what Qin Jing said when he saw Qin Jing’s serious look. It was the same as the original plot. O ‘Connor had a tattoo on his right wrist to show that he was a god warrior. This is also Qin Jing’s starting point …
See Qin Jing sighed "it happens"
"Is it true?" O’ Connor is more confused.
"I have to tell you the real purpose of our trip." The more gloomy Qin Jing looks, I have to say that Qin Jing’s control over his facial muscles has reached an incredible level after unlocking the genetic lock. "We just came back to Egypt this time to stop the resurrection of the scorpion emperor."
"The scorpion emperor? !” Eve reacted first. Obviously, this knowledgeable woman is quite sensitive to this name.
"It was my ancestors who once made a prophetic dream. After the scorpion emperor fell asleep for 5,000 years, a man and a child with a tattoo of a god warrior would bring the scorpion emperor back to this world, and we came to Egypt this time to stop this prophecy …"
"With the unremitting efforts of our ancestors, we found out that the key to resurrecting the Scorpion Emperor was that he once wore a death bracelet, but when we arrived at the ancient tomb in Thebes, it was swallowed up by the Nile. Our original bracelet sank forever at the bottom of the Nile River, but I didn’t expect you to get it and wear it."

Ling Yunfeng is a sigh.

"Brother Zhou is really gifted, and at a young age, he can prove that we are waiting for you … Pei!"
"Lucky" Zhou Yi smiled and handed over.
"Lai Dong’s help, otherwise Zhou will be difficult to achieve."
He has now achieved Daoji’s knowledge, and when he swept away, he saw that the two people in front of him were mixed with each other, and even they had secretly become Taoist couples.
It’s normal for two people to trudge from Wan Li to do errands that they may lose their heads at any time and comfort each other.
Being able to see loneliness and torture is different.
Sit for three.
I can see that Ling Yunfeng and Xuan Shang are a little stiff, and even if they don’t get into each other’s eyes, they are very different now.
"Ha ha …"
Zhou Yi chuckled and wanted to think.
"Speaking of Zhou’s advanced Daoji process, it is quite dangerous. If you are not careful, you may die and die. Now I think about it, I still have doubts."
"hmm!" Two people spirit a shock XuanShang is urgent way
"I was just about to ask Zhou … senior"
"Don’t!" Zhou yi waved his hand
"Two seniors who are several years older than me say that they can’t call each other by their first names."
"Not" XuanShang a face of primly shook his head.
"Those who practice the Tao are closer to our predecessors than we are in the Tao, and the response should be addressed as predecessors."
"I’d appreciate it if you could give me some advice."
"Yes" Ling Yunfeng nodded and agreed.
"Zhou’s predecessors didn’t know the advanced Daoji process, such as the two of us. Although there is little hope, we are willing to give it a try if there is a chance."
"In fact, it’s nothing." Zhou Yi saw that two people were so determined that they no longer advised squinting slowly.
"As the two men said, the foundation of the Tao needs the essence and spirit to meet …"
He has a golden finger and a purple heart to soothe his breath, which is advanced and dangerous, and makes him more aware of the process.
Changes such as convergence are all perceived one by one.
These experiences are extremely important for the two of them, and they can’t help but listen to God without knowing that someone else has entered the room.
Zhou Yi’s mouth tells about looking at two people at the same time.
in his view
Xuan Shang’s foundation is unstable, and the possibility of advanced Daoji is slim, but Ling Yunfeng’s foundation is solid and there is still a little chance.
Not much chance.
"Pa … pa …"
At this moment, the ringing of the palm also made two people during the event.
A gray cassock, white beard and white hair old man don’t know when sitting on the opposite side is tapping his hands with admiration.
"Taoist friends can tell the process of building the foundation of Taoism so clearly, which shows that the advanced process is a piece of cake!"
"The mountain mirror is inferior to itself!"
"It turned out to be a mountain mirror road flyover face to face" Zhou Yi nodded.
"I’m ashamed."

It is no exaggeration to say that if the wind-twinkling spiral pills cooperate with ordinary people in the short-term outbreak of cross-country, they will be defeated by cross-country hands!

Maybe it wasn’t cross-country strength, but he showed his strength with the help of four generations of Huo Ying.
But so what?
Not everyone can imitate the four generations of Huoying!
Not everyone can imitate the four generations of fire shadow warfare routines as well as off-road
Then the giant stepped on the shoulder of the four generations of Huo Ying. First, the wind flashed and successfully avoided the Hohzuki Mangetsu attack. Then he held the spiral pill and pushed it directly on Hohzuki Mangetsu’s chest at a distance. With a confident smile, the cross-country almost certainly Hohzuki Mangetsu was bound to be defeated in the spiral pill.
But just when Hohzuki Mangetsu was sure to be defeated with a confident cross-country smile, suddenly Hohzuki Mangetsu laughed into the cross-country ear!
"Ha ha ha ha!"
"Did you really just hit Inninjutsu?"
"Too look down on me Hohzuki Mangetsu!"
"Water dun! Water imprisonment! "
Listening to Hohzuki Mangetsu’s arrogant laughter and cross-country heart sank to the bottom.
In particular, Hohzuki Mangetsu India made the water escape and endure. As soon as Hohzuki Mangetsu came to cross-country, he was trapped in the dungeon. When he was breathing, he opened his eyes and saw that he was close at hand. In the dense fog, he suddenly found that Hohzuki Mangetsu had turned his chest into a liquid by "hydration" and abruptly avoided opening his confident spiral pills. There was a touch of horror in his cross-country eyes!
"Is it hydration?"
"Ghost lamp clan occultism?"
"That’s right, it’s my ghost lamp clan occultism!"
Looking at the horrified eyes of cross-country, Hohzuki Mangetsu smiled confidently and said, "I am really surprised by your performance, especially when you have a faint strength that can threaten me after breaking through in a crisis of life and death."
"It’s a pity that your war experience is still a little worse. Everyone knows that my name is Hohzuki Mangetsu. Don’t prevent me from being a ghost lamp?"
"Losers feel the consequences of failure in terms of your life!"
"die a little!"
Hohzuki Mangetsu’s voice just fell and he gripped the knife and stabbed it, which instantly penetrated the cross-country chest.
However, in Hohzuki Mangetsu, he was so proud that he stabbed the cross-country chest and saw the blood flowing out of the cross-country body. When the water department in the dungeon was dyed red directly, he said a word in a pale face. Suddenly, he reversed the immediate disadvantage. Then he let Hohzuki Mangetsu step into heaven and fall into hell!
"I have long known that you are a ghost lamp family. Are you and I really unprepared?"
"You can’t move in the water dungeon situation, can you?"
"The loser is you, Hohzuki Mangetsu!"
"Art is an explosion!"
Cross-country say in Hohzuki Mangetsu that astonished eyes suddenly flip!
Especially with the "hiss" and "hiss" sound entering Hohzuki Mangetsu’s ears, the terrorist explosion is even more soaring when Hohzuki Mangetsu sees the ankle sticking to those detonating symbols!
Moment will Hohzuki Mangetsu figure shrouded in it!
Chapter 7 Lost
Suddenly there was a deafening explosion in the silent forest, which frightened the birds and animals to scatter.
And after the explosion, stay off-road and deal with Hohzuki Mangetsu alone. Sarutobi Kurenai and Tatami Iwashi, who have escaped from the fog-tolerant defense line in front, suddenly turned ugly.
Especially Sarutobi Kurenai.
Sarutobi Kurenai, who had no special training in the dark, felt that it was very shameful to abandon his companions.
Now when I heard that the fighting in the rear was so fierce, I caught a glimpse of the smoke rising from Ran Ran. I couldn’t help but ask Tatami Iwashi next to me, "Washi, is it really good for us to lose a shadow?" Outside the fog-tolerant defense line, the fog-tolerant fight against the shadow. "
"There will be no problem with the shadow, right?"
"There’s no way we can trust the shadow."
First there was silence for a few seconds when Tatami Iwashi gritted his teeth and suffered like Sarutobi Kurenai in his heart.
But there is no way to escape from the fog-tolerant defense line. Tatami Iwashi once knew that even Kakashi’s captain might have to give the same order as cross-country Da.
At this time, Tatami Iwashi had to force himself to calm down and squeeze out a calm smile and shouted at Sarutobi Kurenai, "Red, we are mainly meeting the big troops quickly now. Only in this way can we find a way to save the shadow. Let alone endure the fog, just say that it is very difficult for several people to save the shadow."
"Now I hope the shadow can last a little longer and we must speed up our journey."
"If you want the shadow to persist until we rescue it, then there is no problem!"
Listen, Tatami Iwashi, comfort Sarutobi Kurenai, and know the big picture.
But in my heart, Sarutobi Kurenai is still so unwilling, especially when she and Sarutobi Asuma looked down on cross-country before, and my heart is full of guilt.
However, Tatami Iwashi’s mood is actually not much better than Sarutobi Kurenai’s.
Others don’t know the cross-country identity. They used to cross-country in the same secret department. Didn’t Tatami Iwashi know the cross-country identity?
At the age of four, it is dangerous to perform in the dark, and it is even more difficult to face failure and face the brutal fog alone.
If you think of the age and identity of cross-country Tatami Iwashi, you feel that you are really a nobody. When Sarutobi Kurenai fled with Sarutobi Asuma, Tatami Iwashi could not help but hold on to his fists and silently prayed that cross-country must persist in the same determination and prepare for the future. Don’t drag cross-country backwards.
People can be so good at cross-country at the age of four.
Tatami Iwashi, you are so much older than cross-country, are you willing to be a nobody?
It’s very ordinary in the original plot because of the cross-country appearance. Tatami Iwashi suddenly changed in some aspects. I wonder if it can affect the cross-country familiarity with the original plot.
What about cross-country
What happened to his confrontation with Hohzuki Mangetsu?
It was the scene when the detonator just exploded and Hohzuki Mangetsu’s figure was completely shrouded in a hot and powerful explosion
Because the cross-country was bound by the Hohzuki Mangetsu water dungeon technique, it went up into the sky and exploded. When it unfolded, the cross-country was even a wind attribute. chakra was wrapped in the body and was very unfamiliar, so that the four generations of hokage defense occult techniques prevented the terrorist explosion from causing harm to himself
However, the distance between cross-country and Hohzuki Mangetsu is too close.
The low attainments of cross-country in the four generations of hokage defense hermetic directly led to the explosion wave of cross-country flying out.
Straight cross-country hit a tree in the rear, and his body fell to the ground with a "splash"
Barely open your eyes, and gradually disperse the fog to see the situation ahead.
When cross-country saw Hohzuki Mangetsu’s figure disappear in front of us, cross-country took a deep breath and turned to look at himself, looking at his mess and secretly heart way.

There were many people at the party, and Chen Yi and Jin Douna hugged each other and walked slowly, while Xiao Ye Caijia and Mo Shaoqiu walked to the door alone, but they were faster. Kung Fu really blocked Chen Yi at the door.

"alas? Mr. Chen "Mo Shaoqiu can’t wait to move forward and Joseph seems to have found his long-lost father."
"Mo less? Why are you in Jiangning? Chen Yi suddenly saw Xiao Ye Caijia who greeted Chen Yi with surprise.
"Let’s do something. Ting Yun Hangsheng said that there was a dance and he came to see that he hadn’t entered the university for many years." Mo Shaoqiu smiled as if he didn’t notice Chen Yi’s eyes. "I’d like to introduce you to a member of the Xiao Ye Caijia Japanese Orange G girl group. He just flew to Jiangning today and said he wanted to visit Jiangning University."
In fact, the reason is not very sufficient, but the main points have been made. First, Xiao Ye Caijia’s identity, and second, she didn’t ban herself.
Mo Shaoqiu finally noticed that Chen Yi was so anxious to talk about things when he saw his expression change. His voice seemed to be forced to ask, "It’s better to be a tour guide for us when you finally meet Mr. Chen."
"Good" Chen Yi nodded to Jin Douna and Mo Shaoqiu walked side by side, while Xiao Ye Caijia walked behind. Korean beauty can also speak Japanese-based dialogue, and she can always cope.
"I heard that you have set up a purchasing department?" Mo Shaoqiu surprised Chen Yi with the first sentence.
"How do you know?"
In fact, this is not a secret message, but I don’t know if I don’t listen.
Mo Shaoqiu smiled. "You are half a colleague and you have done my job."
"There’s no way to be too big."
"It’s as if you kept it a secret this time. I didn’t know you liked Korean beauty." Mo Shaoqiu smiled in a flash. "Baba brought a Japanese girl. Ah, it was a mistake."
Chen Yi eyelids jumped up.
Mo Shaoqiu didn’t feel shy at all. "Xiao Ye Caijia is also a famous idol group in Japan. It’s only one year since they debuted. They took on the responsibility of asking me to escort China or South Korea."
He pause and said, "I’ll give you that chance if you are willing to do something."
Chen Yihu didn’t hear without saying a word.
Mo Shaoqiu felt that the temperature was ripe, and he laughed like a jackal. "I have never understood which country you developed overseas, but I don’t care without it. I think I can actually get more favorable prices for some equipment."
"For example, can you buy diesel from Liu Shouyi cheaper than my diesel?" Mo Shaoqiu said, "I’m smuggling. Are you going to enter Hong Kong anyway?"
"Are you interceding for him?" Chen Yi’s face is stiff.
Chapter three hundred and twenty-two Anxious meeting (3)
"Of course I’m on your side," Mo Shaoqiu said with an extremely positive tone, but smiled. "The interest bond is the strongest bond, right?"
"Well …"
Perhaps it is because Mo Shaoqiu, a philistine, laughed and said, "In the eyes of outsiders, we are all red aristocrats, and our life history is also a bond-this is definitely good."
"Well …"
"When we met, I always felt that there was a kind of …"
"I still like the idea of interest ties." Chen Yi quickly interrupted the nonsense Mo Shaoqiu.
"That’s the best, that’s the best." Mo Shaoqiu didn’t look embarrassed at all. When there are no businessmen with weak momentum, there are many businessmen who can make money.
Mo Shao’s autumn clothes look clear, and he is ready to talk about his own needs first. "The interest bond is good, and we want to see it is fate. I can get 10,000 tons of diesel every month at a price of 290,000 acquaintances."
"Well …" Chen Yi said nothing again.
He can see that Mo Shaoqiu may be interceding for Liu in Beijing this time, but he and Liu Shouyi are actually from the same position.
Liu Shouyi insisted because Liu Shouyi felt that he was an elder brother of Beijing School, and Chen Yi insisted because he felt that he was dominant and powerful. Mo Shaoqiu didn’t want to get caught in the middle, so he suggested diesel first.
Of course, he really wants to win Chen Yi’s business, not to mention the current monthly turnover of tens of millions. If he has any interests overseas, the turnover will definitely rise. So Mo Shaoqiu paused for a moment and added, "I can also find auto parts. I think your import and export purchasing company imported a lot of auto parts. I am 30% cheaper."
"I pay taxes and all the extra money is 30% more expensive than your smuggling?" Chen yi tone finally loose some.
Mo Shaoqiu clapped his hands and said cheerfully, "Then say a price and I will send it to a high sea for you."
"Oh, I have to send it to Jiangning." Chen Yi did not explain, "I can give you a part of my business."
Mo Shaoqiu knew that this was Chen Yi’s promise in front of Mo’s family, but it was disappointing that some of the quantities might change after completion.
He remembered that Liu Shouyi had promised to prepare a way, "I can get diesel from CNPC for 3 yuan per ton, and I should give you 10 thousand tons."
This is equivalent to more than 30 thousand yuan cheaper, and he points out the name of CNPC, which is equivalent to paying Chen Yi 20 thousand less
Chen Yi walked over and shook his head and said, "It’s still expensive."
Mo Shaoqiu, it’s white. Don’t talk about business. Turn to chat.
If you want to make a counter-offer, it means that you are interested in paying millions more. Whether it is a problem for Chen Yi or Liu Shouyi, of course, Liu Shouyi may be more painful, but Mo Shaoqiu is willing to make the decision and promise him.
Of course, it is wrong to keep cutting prices. Maybe Xiao Ye Caicanon can help.
Mo Shaoqiu made up his mind and swam in Jiangning University like a real tourist. I have to say that compared with Chen Yi, who is less than 2 years old, who is at the golden age of men, Mo Shaoqiu is still very able to attract the attention of girls, especially the eyes of older female students who are about to enter the society. She kept turning around with Armani and Vacheron Constantin.
Although Chen Yi’s dress is also very expensive, it is impossible for anyone to hang a self-reliance label for him with Mo Shaoqiu.
After strolling to Bohu at will, Mo Shaoqiu has got two words and said, "I have to leave in advance."
Chen Yi had to let him stay away from Chinese. Xiao Ye Caijia blinked and looked at Chen Yi.
Nana Jin Dou said, "Let me take this Mo Shaoqiu to the hotel."
Chen Yi can say yes.

When Imil was proud, Nick Frey was having a headache, such as reporting to his peers. He held his head high in his control room and said calmly, "That’s it."

I don’t know if an illusion appears in front of Nick Frey. It seems that all the students deliberately dim their own light, creating a depressing atmosphere.
"This is outrageous, Nick." A voice came out, and he couldn’t see who was talking. He was rarely reprimanding Nick Frey for reprimanding a director of SHIELD. "You are betraying our efforts and you are trying to manipulate forces that you can’t control."
Nick Frey was stunned for a while. Obviously, he didn’t expect his old friend to scold himself first. He shook his head. "No, I’m a staunch defender of federal interests. I won’t sell anything."
He asked, "Congressman, have you ever been to the battlefield and fought in person? Where will there be any complete control in the war? "
In the video conference, several other lawmakers stirred up an old woman who looked dry and was about to reprimand Nick Fury, or did the previous voice say, "Do you mean that this Asgard has declared war on the earth?"
"Not Asgard, but the evil god Loki and the Zetatari army he represents," explained Nick Freschen.
The old woman next to her finally found a chance to get in a word. "He will never fight alone with other people." What about those people who appear in Nordic mythology, such as another god, his brother Thor? "
"According to our information, Thor doesn’t agree with our enemy," Nick Frey slowly raised his head to the old woman and replied in a low voice. "Besides, he has now arrived on earth and will join us as allies to deal with his brother. I believe he will help us."
"Do you believe him? But Nick’s feelings can’t help us win the war. "A member of parliament interrupted Nick Frey with his hand.
The former white senator took the opportunity to say, "So you should work harder to develop the second phase. I have read the new report you submitted, and I think the Skynet plan you visited is very perfect, which can be used to deal with this situation."
"But our second-stage plan is still on paper, and the enemy has sharpened his sword. A big war is just around the corner, and we need an emergency team, even during the transition period."
A black congressman spoke cautiously, "I’m sorry, Director Nick. I don’t doubt your loyalty to the United States, but you have left a team of super-capable students in charge of outsiders, which has to make me wonder."
In order to cope with these congressmen’s questioning, Nick Frey’s forehead was full of sweat. He explained for the hundredth time, "First of all, Imil is not an outsider. His parents and sisters are the best agents of SHIELD. He loves the Federation as much as I am loyal to the country. In addition, I need an emergency unit, but you have stopped the Avengers program and these students have not been able to take them to the battlefield and push them to the battlefield before they grow up. This is murder!"
"In the Avengers project, we have seen the list. Is the world’s first-class secret service organization in your palm leaving the fate of mankind to a group of freaks?"
Nick Frey shook his head and said, "I didn’t mean that. I listened to your instructions and suspended the Avengers project. At present, they have come together spontaneously. I firmly deny that there are SHIELD forces involved, and this is not today’s topic. I need an emergency force that can form combat effectiveness immediately."
A congressman muttered a few words, "So you gave those Avengers students to a young man under your control and expected a student from the theological seminary of Columbia University to defend our planet?" to be continued
Chapter DiErQi World barrier
The video conference was silent for a long time before Nick Freyin replied, "If this Columbia University student really has this ability, members of parliament, what I need is an emergency team, which doesn’t mean that we, SHIELD, have quit the battle."
The black senator nodded gently and suddenly suggested, "Since it is an emergency force, Director Nick, why don’t you ask Professor Charles for help? As far as I know, he has a strong hand, and Xavier School is just outside new york. I don’t understand why you go far to set up Avengers students and send them outside SHIELD for training. "
"Imil will become a formal consultant of S.H.I.E.L.D. He is not a simple outsider."
Nick Frey suddenly stared at the black senator’s eyes, and there was a sharp light in his one eye. "As you said, Professor Charles’s hands are already very weak, and they are the truly uncontrollable forces."
The white senator laughed strangely. "Well, Nick, don’t be angry. The bill has passed the examination. If possible, we will implement it in a complementary way with Skynet. Well, we can agree to the Imil terms. He will become the new special adviser of S.H.I.E.L.D., enjoying the four-level limit and not being controlled by us. If he can grab the tesseract, we can also give up everything."
A voice horse sounded, "I have a problem with giving him a four-level limit. It’s nothing. Anyway, his sister Kathleen is also an agent of SHIELD. I never thought there was any secret in the family department, but he was out of our control and wanted to hand over the tesseract. So, is our federal government dignified?"
The white senator laughed. "Do you think we can get the tesseract back after it falls into his hands? Unless there is another war, it’s not in our interest. Besides, I’m not sure he can win the tesseract from the evil god Loki. God, that’s a statue of god. "
Everyone looked at the white senator wait for a while, but I didn’t expect him to be a supporter of Nick Foley. Except for a few perfunctory criticisms, he accepted the application of Nick Foley’s department almost unchanged.
He said with a smile, "So I always say that we should read more about psychology. Can he remain independent for a long time after joining SHIELD?" Interest exchange and all kinds of negotiations, isn’t that what we people are good at? He wants to talk about conditions, then we will talk about conditions with him! "
I arranged for the department at hand to go to Imil, and it didn’t take long for the call from the strange doctor to come to him. As before, Father Terrence went directly into Imil with the help of the church, trying to wake him up from deep meditation.
This time, goodbye to the strange doctor, Imil, has become somewhat speechless. At this time, the strange doctor can be worthy of the title of wizard.
Imil knows a little about magic these days, and he can see at a glance the terrible magic possessed by strange doctors, that is, it is enough to easily destroy a city and the terrible energy of a country.
After lighting the jack-o’-lantern in his eyes, he could see a brilliant, complex and poor "eye of the sky" in the strange doctor’s forehead.
That’s what Argo’s motorcycle eye really looks like!
"Something is wrong. Now the world is full of fear. Some elves can foresee that something is about to happen." Dr. Strange said to Imil with great seriousness.
Imil naturally couldn’t guess what the strange doctor said, but he guessed that it was probably not just because of Loki’s deep frown and asked, "What is going to happen, strange doctor?"
"It’s hard to say yet, but the appearance of the Rubik’s Cube and the return of Kamatai’s life symbol all indicate that the world has changed." Dr. Strange whispered that there was a treasure ball of Argo motorcycle in front of him, and it seems that he has not been idle these days
Imil wondered, "What’s wrong with this?"
In his cognition, Loki took the tesseract, that is, he had already scheduled the development route. If there was no tesseract in this world, it would surprise Imil.
Doctor Strange shook his head with a gloomy face and said, "No, all supernatural forces are subject to the laws of the universe. They will not appear in the world like this. I saw from Argo’s motorcycle treasure that this is not an isolated case. More supernatural forces are interfering with the trajectory of fate. The most terrible thing is that the walls of the world are gradually melting. I don’t know if this is because the tesseract started or something else."
Imil muttered "but what can this do? There have been many superheroes and super criminals in this world since the beginning, even if there are more people with super abilities, it will be no different. "
"What if angels in heaven, demons in hell and those alien lords need to reduce their energy consumption when they travel to and from the earth?"
For example, Dr. Strange said, "Why does Loki attach so much importance to the tesseract? That’s because he needs the help of the Rubik’s Cube to stabilize the Zetatari planet leading to the earth. A planet and a planet are like a separate world. It takes great magic to link them together when you want to distort it. If the world barrier disappears, then some extraordinary forces can come directly to the earth, such as the terrible Thanos. "
"Thanos? Who is that? " Imil looks as usual. I don’t know why Dr. Strange is so cautious when naming this name.
Dr. Strange also blurted out Thanos’s name at the moment. Obviously, he didn’t want to talk more. He simply replied, "That was the former owner of the Rubik’s Cube, a real cosmic god."
The strange doctor showed a little concern, looked low and muttered, "The most important thing now is to take the tesseract away from Loki. Maybe I can save it, otherwise everyone on earth will be in danger at any time."
"The world power disappears, so it is also true for the evil spirit hell?" Imil face changed suddenly thought of something.
Dr. Strange nodded, "That’s it. I’ve checked that there are more and more records of demons showing their strength in this world. Since the beginning of the last century, it can almost be said that there is no obstacle. They must have found that the world barrier is fading long ago, but I didn’t notice it until now." To be continued.
Chapter 222 Battlefield new york
Imil’s face changed. What suddenly occurred to him? "The world barrier has declined, so it is also true for the evil spirit hell?"
Dr. Strange nodded, "That’s it. I checked that the demons have shown more and more records of strength in this world. Since the beginning of the last century, it can almost be said that there is no obstacle. They must have found that the world barrier is fading long ago, but I didn’t notice it until now."
Imil’s eyes flashed with a dark green ghost light, and he said, "I think I have learned something. mephistopheles damn it, mephistopheles is interested in the tesseract."
The greatest strength of the tesseract is that it can connect distant planets through its power, and the energy required to open the Rosen Bridge channel is close to that. Similarly, if it falls into the hands of Defense of the Ancients like mephistopheles, they will not need to consume their magic when they come and go in this world.
"The most terrible thing is that we don’t know what will happen next. Have you heard of the theory of multidimensional universe?" Asked the strange doctor
Imil "well" expressed his willingness to listen to Dr. Strange’s continued introduction.
"The multidimensional universe is like a thick piece of paper, and our world is one of them. The world is parallel to each other and will never cross." Dr. Strange took one from his shelf and then picked up the knife from the table and inserted it hard.
"The tesseract is like a knife connected to a parallel world at one point. Through this connection, heterotopic creatures can easily enter and leave it. They can break through the original cosmic rules and reach this point penetrated by the knife, which is our world."
Imil was shocked and asked, "Doctor Strange, are you sure this is the tesseract power? It won’t be any other artifact, such as a Longinus gun? "
"Longinus gun?" Dr. Strange frowned and wondered what Imil would associate with it. "I’m not sure what I need to get the tesseract. Only when I get it, can I further study what you call the Longinus gun, which disappeared in this world centuries ago."
Imil, a strange doctor, didn’t think much about finding the artifact that is related to his family, but comforted, "But with the gradual decline of the world barrier, the stability of our world has also begun to shake. Maybe I can find it from the past timeline through time magic, just like the return of Kamataip’s life symbol, the whole world is changing."
Hesitated, Imil nodded silently and said in a low voice, "I understand. Thank you for your kindness, strange doctor. We should mainly find Loki now. Isn’t it just that you called me?"

"You you a dirty lie! How can the emperor-"Wei Liangqing’s words were stabbed into the heart with a knife before he finished, and soon they were covered with Wei Liangqing’s splendid bullfight-

"It’s already a matter of life and death. How can I give you time to talk nonsense here!" He is putting his knife back into its sheath, then picking up Wei Liangqing’s body and putting it on his horse, and then turning over, Ma Chong went out of the crowd and headed for his own yamen …
At the right time, due to the death of Wei Zhaoren, his hand, the Royal Guards, is not so good. Plus, I just heard that it was "in the imperial order", and I was even more at a loss. I looked at the Royal Guards and the East Factory, but I didn’t know who I and others should help.
Fortunately, Sun Yunhe, who has turned over a new leaf, came out and flashed his waist tag and shouted, "The official is a thousand Sun Yunhe, a security guard of Beizhen. He was specially ordered by the emperor to kill Wei Zhongxian and his henchmen and other people. If they dare to obstruct, they will be regarded as killing on sight!"
Come on, even the original kneeling Wei Zhongxian North Town Fu Si Qian Sun Yunhe has moved out of this mountain, so this secret order must be true!
As a result, Wei Zhao brought hundreds of royal guards and decisively threw a knife at the few East factories-these East factories were soon killed on the spot because of the large number of people in the Royal Guards. At this time, several hundred strong men came to Sun Yunhe and asked, "What should we do if Sun’s adult receives us?"
Sun Yunhe corners of the mouth gently apostrophe way "is, of course, to inform the command of Wei Yan arise and rebel LuoSiyuan adult! ! Then the city will search for eunuchs. If there is resistance, execute them on the spot! !”
136. I’m in the country.
A carriage left the back door of Xinwangfu and headed for the Forbidden City. In the dead of night, the horseshoe landed on the green flag and made a ringing sound.
The carriage is opposite to Zhu Youjian, but people are talking so silently. The depressing atmosphere makes Zhu Youjian feel more and more "banging" his heart.
"Brother Luo, what you just said is true?" After a long time, Zhu Youjian finally couldn’t help asking, because at this time, he had put each other’s lives in the same rope, so he also changed his name to "Luo Xiong" because of the intersection of friends.
"Nature is a true believer in the Wang Dian. I hope you will not mistreat my Luo family when you become emperor." He was seeing his plan begin to be implemented, so he thought about his "afterlife."
"Brother Luo, no, I promised you that I would really do that. I promise that I will never disappoint your Luo family if I am in office for one day!" Zhu Youjian solemnly promised
"I hope so." He turned his head and looked out of the window. He suddenly remembered something and asked, "Do you believe that Wang Dian saved a man named Miao Xuan Nv?"
"Who is wonderful xuan? I don’t know this person. "
Well, this is embarrassing. If the letter king didn’t save Miao Xuan, would Beizhai appear again that year? If it doesn’t appear, Shen Lian shouldn’t worry about a lot of things!
He was scratching his head and thought of another person, so he continued to ask, "Does Wang Dian know Lu Wenzhao and Guo Zhen?"
"…" Zhu Youjian said after a moment’s silence, "Guo is really my confidant eunuch, and Liu Wenzhao is Guo Zhen’s recommendation to give me a talent. It’s extremely secretive but I don’t want to know Luoxiong very well."
"He just made a wild guess." He nodded his head and wondered at his own body. It is reasonable to say that the two films of Embroidered Spring Knife are connected.
But in my own opinion, I feel that Embroidered Spring Knife 1 and Embroidered Spring Knife are totally different except for their names and backgrounds!
Besides, I also have many doubts about the unification, such as what the unification is, where it comes from, and it will be possessed by me.
And the most important thing is that this system is different from the "system" in reading. What do you think of the redemption, points, reward points and subplots of the Lord God in "Limited Terror"?
But I really don’t know what this thing has except that there will be such a piece of information at the beginning
Think of it is can’t help but give a long sigh Zhu Youjian saw was about to ask suddenly heard someone talking outside the carriage "people dare to break into the Forbidden City at night? ! !”
It turned out that the carriage had arrived in the Forbidden City unconsciously. Zhu Youjian opened the curtain and scolded, "Fool can’t even recognize the king’s car?"
"Letter report? ! I beg your pardon if the villain has eyes! " Sergeant gatekeepers kneel for mercy way
"Forget it, forgive your sin and open the door quickly. Wang has something important to meet his brother!" Zhu Youjian put the curtain and said
"Yes, yes! SIMS this call a person to open the door "say that finish the gatekeeper sergeant will report to the Forbidden City guarding city officer and then opened the door to let Zhu Youjian carriage through.
After coming to Hongwumen, the soldiers who stayed here motioned for the carriage to stop, because the front was the emperor’s residence and everyone could walk on horseback.
So Zhu Youjian led him through many corridors to the dry Qing Palace where the emperor lived. Zhu Youjian indicated that he was waiting outside the door to walk the steps alone, and then he indicated that he was coming after stuffing a piece of silver for the eunuch who was guarding the door.
When he entered the Ganqing Palace, he saw that the Emperor Apocalypse, dressed in a golden dragon robe, was sitting in front of the imperial case, concentrating on carving something, and a lantern eunuch was waiting beside him.
Hearing the movement, the Emperor of the Apocalypse did not look up and asked, "What’s the urgent matter in the middle of the night, Wang Di?"
"Brother Liaodong emergency information, please ask your brother to screen back or so to prevent air leakage." Zhu Youjian said slightly.
"Oh, go to Wang An. I have something important to talk about with Wang Di." After the Emperor Apocalypse waved his hand and repelled the eunuchs around him, he looked up slightly and saw Zhu Youjian behind him. "A security guard? Brother Wang, what are you doing with a Royal Guards? "
"Brother, he brought Wang Dicai from Liaodong Nurhachi Intelligence Institute to bring him." Zhu Youjian said and motioned for him to walk into some more places so that the apocalypse emperor could see him clearly.
One step, two steps and three steps …
It is slowly approaching the apocalypse emperor. When it is still three steps away from him, suddenly, his body suddenly bursts with two fingers like a flash. The apocalypse emperor realized that the flowers at the moment had already passed out.
"What shall we do if Brother Luo picks us up?" Zhu Youjian saw that he was making the apocalypse and the emperor was a little flustered and asked.
"LuoXiong? Who’s Brother Luo? Who are you talking to, Wang Di? " It is slowly turned around and asked while solving the apocalypse emperor robes.
"You! You! Actually turned into a brother! ! This-this is incredible! !” By dim lights Zhu Youjian impressively see its positive face, shape has become the apocalypse emperor sample by surprise way
There are no words to wear the dragon robe behind him, wake up the Emperor of the Apocalypse, and the mind-taking controls him to wear the original black flying fish and then say to Zhu Youjian, "I will have you and Wei Zhongxian declared to enter the palace early in the morning, and then you should mobilize all active forces to hold the main roads of the Forbidden City and not let people in and out."
And I will secretly get rid of Wei Zhongxian and pretend to be stabbed by Wei Zhongxian soon and then take your place-if all goes well, you will really become the master of this country after a day-
But before that, I think it’s necessary to leave you a souvenir in case you still destroy the Great Wall because of paranoia like history. "
When Zhu Youjian first heard that he was planning, his face was excited and a red tide emerged. He was so intent on "becoming a master of the country" that he didn’t notice his last sentence.
When he finally calmed down, he found that his eyes were shining strangely and his consciousness was getting weaker and weaker …
That night, Zhu Youjian left Ganqing Palace with a red face, and eunuch Wang Anxin was worried about the apocalypse, and Emperor An hurried back to Ganqing Palace only to find that there was a fake apocalypse in it, so he carefully asked, "I believe that Wang Diangang just brought that royal guard?"
"Didn’t you see you go back with Wang Di?" It is imitating the accent of the Apocalypse Emperor and replied, "I am tired and have an early rest!" "
"Yes," Wang An asked, "I don’t know whether to go to Kunning Palace or Jingren Palace tonight?"
"Well … what’s the difference?" It is a listen to the emperor sleep have to go somewhere else suddenly a little guilty way
"positions? Queen Zhang lives in the Palace of Kunning, and Jingren Palace is a concubine-"Wang An’s" Apocalypse Emperor "spoke because it was difficult to decide." Queen Zhang hasn’t seen an old slave since she entered the palace in July, so she should go to the Palace of Kunning tonight. "
"Oh, I know, then let’s go to the Palace of Kunning." He wanted to completely subvert the world, but he was throwing caution to the wind. Anyway, he just had to get through it one night …
137 nights in the Forbidden City

In this way, the dialogue with the predecessors can be realized, and the techniques of the predecessors can be seen. Through the detection of modern science and technology, the "secret" in the painting can also be discovered. In those days, the royal craftsman actually let the courageous fat risk beheading to cut corners.

There is no shortcut in skill, and this sentence is vividly displayed here.
In the process of restoring the framed painting, it is the most interesting point for the members of the painting group to communicate with each other through dialogue.
At the same time, the top famous paintings in the Forbidden City are also displayed one by one. The Qinghe map of You Chuntu Wuniu Map shows the achievements of the fathers and the painting skills of ancient Chinese painting artists, which is exciting.
"Alas, if only the travel map of Xishan Mountain was also in the Forbidden City in Beijing."
"It’s all tears. There are still a lot of them. It’s best that those paintings have been transported away by Lao Jiang. Su Dongpo’s cold food post in the Tang Dynasty, Yan Zhenqing’s memorial manuscript, Wang Xi’s quick snow, and Qing Tie won the National Palace Museum in Taipei."
Many people think that the jade cabbage meat-shaped stone on the east slope of the National Palace Museum in Taipei is the signature treasure of the National Palace Museum in Taipei, which is actually famous for its convenience in exhibition. The three major town treasures of the National Palace Museum in Taipei are "jade cabbage", "shaped stone" and "Mao Gong Ding". Strictly speaking, Mao Gong Ding is one of them, while the jade cabbage meat-shaped stone is more valuable than the truth, which is far from matching the title of "town treasure". The most awesome thing in the National Palace Museum in Taipei is painting collection.
Watching the program and understanding the cultural relics, the audience are sighing.
"In those days, Lao Jiang moved away all the Yi Yun paintings, which was the first choice. It is said that it was too heavy to take away Si Wu’s tripod at that time.
At present, many of these top paintings in the Forbidden City in Beijing are donated by the people, including Mr. Zhang Boju, the fourth nominal of the Republic of China, who accounts for almost half of them. This You Chuntu is donated by him, and there is a reply to the "Magic Emperor". It is with this reply that the collection of paintings in the Forbidden City in Beijing is complete, and all the paintings in the past dynasties can be compared with the National Palace Museum in Taipei. "
"Hum, when Zhang Boju got the reply, the Japanese were crazy, but Mr. Zhang Boju just didn’t give the Japanese much money and didn’t sell it. He was kidnapped and would rather die than sell it. He fled thousands of miles in the quilt. This didn’t let the Japanese succeed. What kind of spirit is this?
If he didn’t lay down his life to protect the so-called Fattie Zu’s reply, it wouldn’t appear in the Forbidden City in Beijing now. "
"Ha-ha, now people always like to say that a few gentlemen and young masters in Beijing are simply weak compared with him."
"Well, in fact, whether it’s in Taipei or Beijing, it’s still in our China. Taiwan Province will come back. I’m just waiting for the remaining mountain map of the Forbidden City in Beijing and the division volume of the Forbidden City in Taipei to be exhibited again. It’s a pity that Fuchun Shan Jutu’s enlightened master is divided into two halves."
Cultural relics are not cold. Now we are lucky enough to see every cultural relic in the museum. The theory behind them is whether to create these sages who have become national treasures or to restore and protect them. There are too many stories for craftsmen and collectors to tell.
At the end of the film, I played the theme song of repairing cultural relics in the Forbidden City when I was here.
"One of them.
Silence is crossing the feather coat.
Smell Qiu Guang.
Bathing cicada singing
Where were you when you were there
And here I am.
You have been waiting for me for a long time.
Finally meet as bosom friends
Cherish the snow
Hear yang Xu
Where were you when you were there
And here I am.
Hands weave time.
Gentleness brightens the vicissitudes of life.
Sighing at the context
Today is the evening.
The fact is that the audience has been numb with the music accompaniment head, and the crisp knock is the pair of copper-plated country music water clock collected by Emperor Qianlong in Qing Dynasty.
The fragments in the program flashed back one by one, and then listened to this poetic word. When the theme song singer Yuxuan Leng had a long charm and a spiritual voice, the tear glands exploded and tears could not stop flowing.
At the end of the program, the camera gives a photo. The wall is a group photo of the members of the Cultural Relics Restoration Institute, which has long been yellowed.
Then an old hand hung a new photo, which was a photo of Jia Fu, a member of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Wenbao, and the picture was finally fixed here.
End of film
Chapter five hundred and ninety "artisan spirit" into a hot word.
Weibo fan riot
"Pit master, get out of here."