

Category 品茶喝茶资源预约


A stone eye hangs quietly in the darkness.
"It seems that this is it!"
Zhou Jiayin sounded leisurely.
"The stone eye body comes from the Huanglong Taoist, who lives in a world where there are traces of gold and strong people, and others have a legacy."
"When you go to this world, you should have a chance to get gold."
"Opportunity …"
A ray of distraction in the low drink melts into the stone eye and breaks through the void to throw it out of the market.
With the distance getting farther and farther away, I can’t feel the body, and even the source star is gradually blurred. Only the apocalypse star is still as bright as ever.
"and the divinity of the Lord God."
See the dry eyes in the kunli that shrink the bloody fetal Zhou Jia slightly thoughtfully palm flush Lei Guang toward the fetal cover.
"It seems so."
The tenth volume into the world
Chapter 1 Small B
There is soup in the bowl.
The soup is very clear
A few brown rice are ups and downs, and two unknown vegetable leaves are floating
With a gentle blow, rice grains and leaves float to the side, and the soup is clear as a mirror, reflecting a young man’s face.
This is a slightly square facial feature.
A long hair that is yellow and sparse due to lack of nutrition is messy, and it grows like hay scattered on the earth in winter.
Thick eyebrows are a pair of straight wait for a while eyes, giving people a dull and dull feeling. At this age, they should be smart and energetic.
Pingqi’s nose is slightly thicker, his lips are chapped and purple, and bloodshot can be seen. I don’t know how long it has not been moistened.
"Small B!"
Zheng Dashu sound sounded from the side.
"Don’t be in a daze, hurry up and get a second bowl after drinking."
Ripples on the surface of the water, the reflection figure’s eyes retract, showing a bit of maturity, nodded and took the bowl to stop drinking.
How can a bowl of this clear soup be full of water?
Liang Shundi Yonghe in seven years and nine years Kang, Ping and Jizhou suffered successive droughts and fertile fields, and the people were displaced.
Natural disasters are vivid and chaotic. Bandits abound in three continents, and there are many waves in other state capitals.
The villagers in Wagou village also had to stay away from their ancestral land and were swept into the rich land by refugees. One of them was Xiao Yi, the 15th anniversary of Qizhou.
The villagers who have been running for months have already scattered and their relatives have disappeared.
The imperial court of Kunshan City accepted tens of thousands of wealthy businessmen, powerful men and gangs in the refugee city, and even took turns to offer porridge to appease the refugees.
Xiao Yi is one of them.
However, after all the twists and turns, Xiao Yi had already left in his sleep and was replaced by a distraction in the market world.
Not long ago, I met Uncle Zheng and asked while licking the soup residue at the bottom of the bowl.
"I have been calling you Xiao Yi and I still don’t know your last name?"

The combination of the two is a different choice.

Thought turns Zhou Jia’s thunder axe and staff in his hand, and a hidden thunder comes out and spins around him endlessly.
Hundreds of battles!
Protect yourself from sneak attack at the beginning of the battle.
At the same time, he speaks the truth
The incoming light suddenly lags behind.
Heaven and earth suddenly become black and white, and the flashes are also decomposed.
"Lei Yun chains!"
Holding a thunder axe and a magic staff, it’s a long way to go. Thunder comes out of nowhere, and huge chains are wrapped around thousands of machines.
"Wan Lei falls!"
Repeating the mantra to stimulate the source
Several Lei Guang burst out and burst into the square figure, listening to the thunder roar for a while, but seeing the light shining but not seeing the shape of a thousand fuselage.
Mantra, source art have inspired body source force is not a weak Zhou Jia slow a sigh of relief a little observation of the surrounding situation.
Courtyard array has long been broken.
Mr. and Mrs. Mohs used the platform of Snow Sword and Three Robbers to attack the sword one step ahead, and a shining golden corpse collided with each other.
It’s far from easy to see Zhou Jia easily replace two shining golden corpses with Mohs couples.
Everything in the market world sinks.
Any corpse that has been photographed by the Red Crescent will be alienated into a walking corpse.
Walking corpse condenses resentment, corpse gas and yin gas, which have accumulated for thousands and thousands of years before they have a chance to evolve into golden armor corpse.
The shining golden corpse was born, and nothing grows in Fiona Fang.
Several breath of life was plundered by it to help it achieve immortality.
Their body is indestructible, which can make the mountains split and the sea split as fast as lightning, and they can resist the strong silver by their physical fitness alone.
Even a sharp weapon like Snow Sword and Three Robbers can’t be hit hard.
"Ding ding … Dangdang …"
Collision ring
Shining armor resin mouth fangs roar strong resin gas spray to the sharp claws of double swords and fingers is crazy waving.

"Card!" Zhuang jumped out from the side not far away

"Er …" (Migu) was stifled. I just wanted to get angry and froze when I saw that Zhuang was not far away.
"Zhuang … Master Zhuang?"
"Can you stop playing dog blood drama?" Not far from Zhuang, there is a little resistance. "No matter how many times I watch it, it’s every dog’s blood. Although I don’t like to get involved in family affairs, it’s … card! Director I want to change the play! "
"What?" A group of people next to you were dumbfounded. What are you talking about? Are you out of your mind?
A guard behind Cong Cong was just about to speak. Not far from Zhuang, he reached out and pointed, "Shut up! There is no order for you here! "
The cruel light of his eyes exploded and scared the guard to the ground.
Not far from Zhuang, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the side of a war giant dog, which had quietly targeted Qin Mu.
"You! Take care of your bursting and throwing a gun to sneak up on me and shove it up your ass! "
Zhuang looked at it not far away, but he still didn’t feel comfortable waving his hand at Qin Qin. "Qin Qin … you and one-inch come behind me!"
(Migu) looked blankly at Zhuang not far away. "Master Zhuang, what are you doing?"
"To prevent you from going on with your dog’s blood!" Zhuang asked (Gu Gu), "Do you believe me?"
"I …" (Mi Gu) wanted to write a letter, but he was really at a loss in this situation.
"What important words have grown in your head? Can you make it clear first! Do you have to go to the law to save it? " Zhuang not far stretched out his hand and pointed to the Cong.
Cong Cong came to talk, and was scared back by this finger.
"He wants to tell you that he didn’t kill your mother." Not far from Zhuang, he turned to (Gu) and sighed.
"What? Really? My mother, where is she? "
Just then, the main force of Green Rongcheng has rushed to draw the first battle. The giant dog stopped. Green Rongcheng rushed out of the village not far from the war giant dog and reached out and pointed out, "That’s your mother."
"What?" (Migu) dumbfounded. Is the owner of Lvrong City my mother?
What the hell are you kidding?
Don’t say (ancient) sigh, even you are stunned. What kind of dog blood development is this?
"Hey old brown! Take it easy and don’t do it! " Not far from Zhuang, he suddenly looked up at the sky. Old Brown blinked and pressed the launch button. His hand came back and he was scared out in a cold sweat.
Really? If I had been late, wouldn’t I have almost become a stepfather?
There are not many people in the manor who can make him afraid, but there is no doubt about his fighting capacity. If he goes crazy, he will die.
"No … how is this possible … how is this …" (Migu) I can’t believe it.
"There are some things that I have regretted for decades …" Next to Cong Cong’s tearful eyes, "I have no chance …"
"Stop talking nonsense and tell him the truth!" Not far from Zhuang, he was angry and stared at Cong Cong.
"And don’t dawdle and take off your mask!"
"Well, don’t stand there. Come here quickly and kowtow to mom."
"You, you, you, you all come here!"
"This is your mother, this is your father, this is your daughter-in-law, this is your grandson, and this is your parents-in-law!"
Not far from Zhuang, I dragged this lesbian and that brought the family together.
The family held each other blankly and didn’t know what had happened.
Why is this development so weird?
Just then, I heard a bang, a burst, a spear, and dragged the trail to the family who were holding together.
"Boom!" Not far from Zhuang, I caught the leader of Lvrong City and threw it out and never looked back, blasting the burst javelin in the middle.
"Didn’t I say that? I am optimistic about your bursting and throwing a gun! "
Then Zhuang took a step back and nodded.
"Well, that’s right. A family just wants to smile neatly."
"Ha … ha ha …"
Cong Cong, Zhen Jia, Yi Gu, Qin Qin and the furry little guy all twitched their corners of their mouths and gave an embarrassed and vacant smile.
What’s the matter with this embarrassing scene?
At this time, shouldn’t it be boiling with blood, heartbroken or heartbreaking?
Why is there a feeling of eating fake medicine?
"Click" a village took a photo with a mobile phone not far away, typed it out with a photo printer and handed it to "Good dzogchen ending!"
"By the way, I have to leave a message for myself!"
Not far from Zhuang, I switched to the front camera, and the family stretched out scissors and clicked.
"Er ….." Next to it, a face of nai said, "Master Zhuang, should you give the family a little privacy?"
Zhuang not far shook his head.
Give them some

Xianwang has been smiling and polite. After coming into Fengzao Palace, he saluted Yunde Princess respectfully. "My son sends his regards to the mother princess, and Wan Fu Jin An!"

"Why are you so polite every time you come?"
Rhyme princess, although blaming in her mouth, is very satisfied with Xianwang’s doing this.
Rituals can live longer and longer in this deep palace.
Especially the emperor likes ceremonial children.
The wise king bowed his hand. "It’s really sad to say that my son and my wife are so sad. You know, my son and my wife really respect my mother’s concubine. Since my mother died, I’ve been treating my son and my wife as if she were a child. I’ve always been so impressed that I dare not forget it!"
"I know you’re sweet. Sit down first and wait for Anyi Xu to come to the mother princess to get down to business."
Rhyme, princess than than a chair motioned XianWang wait for first.
Tang Jincheng arrived late, and De Fei was a little unhappy. Wei Qing asked, "So late?"
"Back to the Empress, after Xu Ma retired from the DPRK, the king of Zhao and the prime minister longed for a few words, but they were already in a hurry to come."
Wei Qing’s position in this Fengzao Palace is the most confident of Yun De Fei.
Tang Jincheng talking to Zhao Wang?
Yun Defai frowned at Tang Jincheng. "Xu Ma, shouldn’t you tell the palace what you talked about?"
"Empress Jin Cheng told King Zhao that Mo Jiehuai attacked Tang Luoling in the main hall."
Tang Jincheng bowed his head and told the truth clearly.
He replied to let Wei Qing eyes light flow and then didn’t speak at a side.
Rhyme, princess sneer at a "whether he cares! What did the emperor say about Xia Wang today? Actually let a little girl treat Xia Wang’s eyes? "
Tang Jincheng suddenly realized that it was Xia Wang that Yun Defei was in a hurry to call him Xian Wang.
Xianwang sat there without saying anything because he denied his own rhyme, and Princess De would listen.
It is better to wait and see if it changes.
"Why don’t you talk? The palace is asking you something! "
Rhyme princess glared at Tang Jincheng and sent her anger at him.
Xian Wang is not her own son, that is Shen Guifei’s son.
Shen Guifei died of poisoning that day. In that year, Shen Guifei was only four years old, so she asked the emperor to let her raise the virtuous king for Shen Guifei.
Although the emperor agreed that she should follow the good king, he did not move the good king to her name.
Shen Guifei’s position is, after all, a rhyme higher than her own, and there is nothing that De Fei can do to make the column of Xian Wang Mu Fei remember her name.
Unless princess yun can climb the throne of the imperial concubine
Tang Jincheng hurriedly advised Yun De Fei to express anger "Empress, calm down! The emperor wants to cure Tang Luoling. She is a two-year-old girl. How can she really know how to cure Xia Wang’s eye disease? Aren’t so many imperial doctors in the palace doing nothing about Xia Wang’s eyes? "
"Brutalize! Don’t forget what a terrible woman Xia Wang’s biological mother Xianfei is! "
When the virtuous princess in this harem was still favored by the emperor, the emperor would always stay in the virtuous princess apricot pear for six or seven days a month. Chapter 147 The gap between husband and wife is 1.
Xianfei is a forbidden person in Beiqiang harem.
And this princess is even more difficult to pull out in the heart of Beiqiang Emperor.
Why did Emperor Beiqiang suddenly talk about Xia Wang in the early morning today? Even Jinhe, who was with the emperor, was confused.
Rhyme princess in phoenix algae palace to Tang Jincheng made a big internal heat fully scolded for an hour before letting Tang Jincheng leave.
Xian Wang naturally asked Yun De Fei to keep him for lunch.
Poor Tang Jincheng has been hitting nails all day today, and he is a little tired and returned to the Princess House. This talent just entered the door and suddenly flew in his direction as soon as he took a cup of tea!
Tang Jincheng quickly flashed aside and shouted, "What’s going on?"
"Do you have the face to come back? How dare you make your mother princess angry? Tang Jincheng, will you please my mother princess or not? Do you know that my mother’s concubine has never allowed me to visit her in the palace since you asked me to make Luo Wan a concubine for my father? "
Princess Anyi has a gold ornament. How can she be gentle when she first got married?
She is now unruly after marriage, and her personality is worse than Princess Changle, and many of them are exposed at this moment.
Since Tang Luowan entered the palace, Princess Anyi has transferred herself to him in the wronged department of Princess Yun De.
He can’t live if he doesn’t make trouble all the time in the house.
Normal people can bear it if their wives make trouble for a day or two, but now Anyi has been making trouble for more than a month.
Although his parents died, he kept most of the money in his account, and he always kept those aunts in the Tang family. After all, he could not let outsiders watch him go home after his parents died.
I was angry early in the morning, and now I’m back in Anyi, and it’s like this all the time.
He’s had enough for more than a month!
Tang Jincheng glanced at Anyi coldly. "Since you think everything is my fault, then we will live separately! Come to me when you think I’m right! "
Say that finish Tang Jincheng turned to go.
"You live in the palace! Do you want to go back to Tangfu? Don’t even think about it. The palace has taken back the Tang House! "
"What? ! You-"
Tang Jincheng smell speech spirit not dozen 1 come but speechless.
Because Anyi is right, that mansion belongs to her!
If he is wrong, he will miss the fact that this woman will listen to him. It’s really a mistake to think about it now!

"You know" Immortality "?"

"a little"
Goethe replied like this.
"Can you show me one?"
The princess royal continued to ask.
Goethe immediately frowned.
What do you want to demonstrate?
The other party can’t let go.
Almost consciously, Goethe let 【 Blood Crow Spirit 】 patrol a group of 【 Second-class Blood Crow Spirit 】 and fly.
High eyes patrol the whole Haimen.
Then Goethe found someone outside the mansion.
Not an ambush eunuch.
But the little eunuch appeared further away.
The little eunuch surrounded him
Those people surrounded the little eunuch.
It’s like a ferrule
Goethe squinted and smiled.
"Because of those people outside?"
Goethe didn’t point out who it was, but Goethe believed that Zhao Dingsi must know.
Or is this a temptation?
Zhao Dingsi root did not deny the fact.
"These guys will think that you are Yan Zhongxia only when you show the true power of immortality, and then you will make moves at this time, and I can confirm whether you can be my partner through this battle."
This princess royal said that it was a white.
"Who is it?"
Goethe emphasized the pronunciation.
The princess royal nodded, and then the words became angry.
"You are so annoying."
"Don’t act like a gentleman at all."
"All right, all right"
"I know what you’ve been thinking. I know your identity. Don’t worry, you didn’t reveal your whereabouts, nor did the people around you have a little special means."
Princess royal Zhao Dingsi caught a glimpse of Goethe like a girl.
A glance at a woman of the same age will make you vomit overnight.
But put Zhao Dingsi body is just right.
Both have girlish innocence.
There is also a amorous feelings.
The maid playing the piano, the dancing singer and the meat cutter all froze around.
Goethe didn’t.
It didn’t work for him.
It’s not as tempting as cutting meat on the table.
It’s not that Zhao Dingsi is not good-looking and amorous.
It was his "heart" that kept giving warnings, which made Goethe automatically block something he shouldn’t see just like coding.
The speed is not fast enough
Then don’t get up
"Do you have to force people to show you their treasures?"
After seeing Goethe unmoved, princess royal Zhao Dingsi pursed his mouth.
Then the palm of your hand turned over.
A treasure card appears.
This is the’ mad king’ Zhao Jingjue, who seems to have created a treasure card in his mind that allows the cardholder to completely control the instant message.
(Mark 1: This place can’t exceed 100 miles in Fiona Fang and last for 12 hours).
(Label 2 can indicate the person who is malicious to the cardholder)
(Note 3: Ten years’ service life will be lost each time)
(Note 4 can be replaced by bloody honor)

Li Xiaomei is a top-notch and picky person. He usually relies on the support of Wei’s family to meet with Kim because Zhao got a good job. He walks with his head held high and looks superior in front of a group of sisters-in-law. I wish I could get this job as my own man.

"You women just don’t mind your own eyes and say less. No matter how you say it, the third brother is also my own brother. It’s not the same as those two." Zhao Cheng pointed out that he was with his mother and brother in a certain direction. Although he was a little pantothenic and frustrated about his brother’s job, he still spoke to Zhao.
"Third brother got this job, and it’s much more convenient to handle affairs. After that, we have to ask him to take care of you. Be polite to Sansao. Accept your bitter little gender nose, not nose and eyes, and offend people." Zhao knew that his daughter-in-law was not at ease.
Li Xiaomei, how can you hear your man say that she is not good? Immediately, like a firecracker, she exploded her hand and pinched Zhao Cheng’s ear. "Well, Zhao Cheng hasn’t seen that you are so disgusted with me. When I first married, who said that I was gentle, beautiful and considerate? I want a generation to be good to me. Now it’s only a few years, and you’ve changed your mind and said that I was mean! Do you have a lover outside? ! You have no conscience. I can’t beat me. "
"Ouch, tap your ear, it’s almost gone." Zhao Cheng, while protecting his ear, told Li Xiaomei that the wind was rainy and he didn’t say a few words, and it was all true. How did this happen? With a tigress like her at home, where would he dare to philander outside, or call the tigress to know and not eat him?
Think of when Li Xiaomei just got married, and Zhao’s achievements were inexplicably sad. At that time, Li Xiaomei, the new bride, was really gentle, beautiful and considerate. He got such a daughter-in-law that he seemed to be so happy that he couldn’t wait on his daughter-in-law all day. Later, it slowly changed. How did it become like this? No wonder some people say that when a woman marries someone, her eyes become dead fish, and even better, they become impetuous and restless.
Lin Yue has been uneasy for the past two days and even has no idea to do embroidery. Since Zhao Erhu has been in the mountains for four days, he hasn’t come back yet. I don’t know if he is in the mountains. Have you met anything dangerous? Is it enough to eat? She has no choice but to worry at home and secretly pray for Zhao Erhu’s safety.
It’s already evening after waiting for another day, but there is still no hope for Zhao Erhu’s figure. Looking at the sky and crushing a piece of Lin Yue, the mood is as impetuous as this weather. I’m afraid there will be a heavy rain. If Zhao Erhu can’t catch up, he will have to be trapped in the mountains. I wonder if there is any place to shelter him from the rain.
"Three niang dad how hasn’t come back? Dad didn’t say he would be back in three days. It’s been four days. It won’t be eaten by the big old worms in the mountains, will it? " Saburo is younger after all, and he doesn’t have any scruples about saying what he thinks in his heart, but he can’t say something good when he hears Yue4 Xin jump.
Jiro stared saburo one eye "what nonsense! Dad is so powerful that he will be fine. He will definitely go hunting in the mountains a day or two later. Once he didn’t come back safely, this time it’s the same. You’re talking nonsense. Be careful, I’ll beat you. "Jiro said something like a card. He made a fist at Saburo and shrank his neck and stopped talking. However, Dalang’s face was still a little worried. He was not as good as Xiaosan, so he was fooled and believed it.
Saburo said that for no reason. Dalang knew why Saburo would say that. "I’m so worried about dad. I heard Zhao Dog say that his uncle never came back as soon as he entered the mountain. Everyone said that Uncle Zhao Dog met a blade in the mountain. Dad should never meet him."
"How can your father be so clever that when a person encounters a blade, he will hide. It won’t be okay. Maybe he will come back soon. Don’t worry about it." Lin Yue sighed in his heart at this. This big lang is really sincere in his heart, and he has to say it. She is even more worried. She can’t show it. She has to comfort several children. The bottom of her heart is inexplicably sour.
Former Zhao Erhu didn’t feel that he was worried about everything when he was away from Lin Yue. Now Zhao Erhu has only been away for a few days, and Lin Yue feels like a year. Although most of the worries are in it, Zhao Erhu is like a mountain in this house, which is the only thing she and her children can rely on. Now that the mountain is gone, she and her children have some help to say that she was not a weak person who struggled alone for so many years. It happened that Zhao Erhu was used to doing everything by himself these days. The habit is really a terrible thing.
It is said that Zhao Erhu has been thinking about his family since he entered the mountain early in the morning, and he doesn’t know if Kannika nimtragol got up, didn’t eat breakfast, didn’t listen to him and stayed at home. Since Kannika nimtragol got married, it’s the first time he went out for so long, and he doesn’t know if Kannika nimtragol will get used to the old saying that if he doesn’t see you every day, he will miss Kannika nimtragol for a moment. He has been married for three times, and he is still thinking about a young man. It is his daughter-in-law Zhao Erhu
On the first day of entering the mountain, Zhao Erhu didn’t get much harvest. Most of the time, he was on his way. Seeing that it was dark, he found a cave to rest. He has been to this forest several times before, and he is familiar with the cave. He doesn’t have to look everywhere. It was a few years ago that Zhao Erhu was chased by wild animals. He accidentally found that the mouth of the cave was covered with vines. He couldn’t find it without looking carefully.
Picked up dry firewood nearby, Zhao Erhu lit the fire and then untied Lin Yue’s baggage. Wow, it’s no wonder that the baggage is a little heavy. He took something from the baggage at random and didn’t look at his feelings carefully. Kannika nimtragol brought him food cooked yesterday afternoon.
"This girl doesn’t know to leave home with half a piece of meat to make a bag. It must be a silly girl these days." Zhao Erhu complained that his heart was warm and he didn’t even feel cold at night.
When Zhao Erhu got up early the next morning, he noticed a forest and stepped on it. When he passed by yesterday, he found that there were blind footprints of a bear in this forest. Seeing the size of the footprints, the bear was an adult, thinking that if he could beat the bear blindly, he could sell it for a hundred taels of silver. Although it was dangerous, it was worth fighting for a hundred taels of silver. Of course, injuries were inevitable, but it would not be too dangerous if he was careful. Anyway, if he beat the bear blindly for a long time, he could not go into the mountains. Besides, there was still room to plant at home,
The more you think about it, the more beautiful it is. Zhao Erhu is a bit eager for quick success and overestimates his ability. Bear Blindness is not so easy to fight, otherwise the price will not be so high. That’s a desperate situation. When he hit that bear Blindness and was seriously injured by a wild animal attack, it was so easy for him to succeed. Perhaps it is because of it that he has neglected his mind now.
This state is very dangerous. Now this bear is blind, but it is still in the prime of life and hungry. Needless to say, Zhao Erhu may not be sure if he hunts together, but Zhao Erhu seems to want to hit this bear with his heart lost.
Zhao Erhu didn’t see the bear blind for a whole afternoon. Kannika nimtragol prepared food for him, so he brought some steamed buns and the rest were left in the cave. When Zhao Erhu felt hungry, he took them out and ate two, then put them in his arms again, took a few mouthfuls of water from the water bag and continued to abide by them in the bushes.
Patience is the most important thing in hunting. Sometimes it takes a day or two to keep the prey, and Zhao Erhu is no exception. He is also an excellent hunter in this area around Zhaojiacun. Many old hunters will give a thumbs up when hunting Zhao Erhu.’ This strong young man is good, authentic and good, and he is a promising successor!’ The elder is the master who teaches Zhao Erhu to hunt.
Zhao Erhu has been waiting patiently for about an hour when he heard a faint movement in the distance. Zhao Erhu immediately tightened his body and was in a state of preparation. His eyes were fixed on the direction of the sound, and he saw a huge black figure in the bushes. Chapter 85 Hunting injury.
Zhao Erhu took the opportunity to cut off the bear’s blind head with a knife, but underestimated the rough skin of the bear’s blind skin. He tried his best to hurt the bear’s blind skin. Although it looked bloody, it didn’t really hurt the key. Instead, it annoyed the bear’s blind backhand and knocked Zhao Erhu over and fell a few meters away. Zhao Erhu pooped out a mouthful of blood. Rao, the bear still didn’t let Zhao Erhu’s animal nature go. This thing is absolutely cruel. At this time, Xiong Blind is thinking about cutting this reason and hurting it, provoking it, tearing it up and eating it
Zhao Erhu was calm when he got a slap in the face of a bear. Suddenly he remembered that when he left, Kannika nimtragol said that he was relying on her and the children to go back safely, which made him wake up earlier because of utilitarianism and blood. Only then did he realize that he was really reckless.
What should the kannika nimtragol and the children do if something happens to him? He’s still here. The elder sister-in-law and the Zhao family dare to bully their mother so much. Even if something happens to them, they will bully him to death. But now there is no chance to go back on our word. Xiong Blind was angered by him just now, and he was even more brave and afraid to attack him crazily regardless of his own management. Even if he tried his best to win, his strength was very small. He could try his best to avoid it and find a way out at the same time.
Zhao Erhu was chased by a bear blindly and ran away, but it was only a moment when his body was covered with scars. Fortunately, the injury was not too heavy. He could barely hold on and continue to chase me with the bear blindly. He rushed to a hillside because the soil was loose and Zhao Erhu was close to the hillside. He accidentally rolled all the way down the hillside and confiscated his head and was hit by a stone. This is the injury and injury, but at least he avoided the bear chase.
Zhao Erhu was afraid that Bear Blind would chase after him again. He tore a piece of cloth from his clothes and tied it to his head wound. He got up and fled to the distance. After a long walk, he looked back. Oh, my God, I don’t know when Bear Blind had another bear beside him. It was a male and a female who roared and roared on the hillside and seemed to vent their anger that they couldn’t catch up with those who hurt him.
Zhao Erhu felt a cold sweat coming. It’s a good thing that he ran so fast that he didn’t have lard, regardless of the bear’s blindness and hard work, or he would have lost his life. He even bumped all the way to the cave he lived in last night. Zhao Erhu was also reflecting on himself for making a mistake this time. He has been relying on himself to get a good collar all the time, and he is too arrogant to dare to blind the bear without measuring his own strength. After this lesson, he must be more cautious.
Probably lost blood. Zhao Erhu went back to the cave, and his mind was a little dizzy. It is common for him to go out to hunt and get hurt and bleed. Every time he goes hunting in the mountains, Zhao Erhu will bring some hemostatic and healing herbs with him. This time, he has brought herbs to too many places, but he has run out.
When the wound was handled, Zhao Erhu was confused. Although he was sleepy, his eyelids went straight, Zhao Erhu still lit a fire and ate his food before going to bed. Otherwise, he was cold and hungry all night at this time, even if there was nothing wrong with him. What’s more, if he gets cold now, it would be really snow and frost. In this mountain, no one knows that he is here, and no one will come to rescue him. Everything depends on him.
Although Zhao Erhu was badly injured, it’s good that he treated himself and ate something to replenish his strength. Zhao Erhu slept for a long night, but he finally woke up the next afternoon, but he felt depressed and painful. Zhao Erhu knew in his heart that his injury was even heavier than he had thought before, but after a night’s rest and recovery, his spirit was finally better. Naturally, it was impossible to continue hunting in the mountains. Zhao Erhu packed his things and walked back with a bag and a wooden stick on his shoulder.
I can’t hunt because of my poor physical strength, and I have to avoid the wild animals in the mountains. When I go back, my foot is much slower than going into the mountains. Rao is so careful. It didn’t take long before I met a wild wolf who found the smell of blood. If Zhao Erhu, a wild wolf, didn’t pay attention at ordinary times, it was fatal to get away. Zhao Erhu had to reluctantly throw away his prey to avoid this robbery, but he felt very bad. These prey were his only gains in entering the mountains this time.
It’s a lot easier for Zhao Erhu not to pick his prey, but he also walked half the way in one day. Seeing that it was dark, he found a proper place to stay overnight and then continued on his way the next day. Fortunately, the kannika nimtragol prepared enough food before he entered the mountain, otherwise it would be really helpless. It is just that he can stand hunger without food to replenish his physical strength, and he can’t stand it. Even in this condition, he won’t be able to go home.
Tired, leaning against the stake, eating steamed bread bite by bite, it’s been three days now, and I can’t go home when I made an appointment. I don’t know how kannika nimtragol will worry about herself. But fortunately, I will be home in the next day. Although I have not gained anything from this trip, at least I have saved my life. Kannika nimtragol will understand herself.
But I don’t know that people are not as good as today’s speed. Zhao Erhu wants to get home in the evening, but he doesn’t want to wake up the next day because of internal injuries. Stop and go. Even if he goes to get home in the middle of the night, Zhao Erhu is not impatient. But who thinks that it will be dark in the afternoon and it will rain heavily in the evening? It’s really unfortunate that the house leaks and it rains all night.
See if the rain will stop for a while. It will be the thunderstorm season in spring. Zhao Erhu also dare not hide in the tree. If he is unlucky again, he will really die when he is struck by a lightning strike. He pulls a branch over his head and slightly blocks it. It takes about a moment to get to a thatched cottage while it is raining.
This thatched cottage is usually used to rest when hunting in the mountains. Because of disrepair, it will drop a few drops of rain from time to time. Even so, it is always better to have a shelter from the rain than to get caught in the rain outside.
After walking in the rain for so long, Zhao Erhu’s body was soaked, and his clothes oozed blood. I don’t know where the wound cracked. Zhao Erhu didn’t care to take off his clothes and wring them out. He continued to wear them, and then fell asleep against the wooden pier. I don’t know how long it took Zhao Erhu to feel like he was on fire, but he couldn’t open his eyes.
It rained all night, and Lin Yue sat in front of the bed and couldn’t sleep all night thinking about Zhao Erhu’s current situation. If something really happened, even if it didn’t happen, staying in the mountains on such a rainy night without rain gear was also afraid of suffering a lot. Lin Yue was cranky for a long time, and he couldn’t stand it until the next day. It didn’t take long to go to the Wu family to ring 87. Chapter 87 Looking for someone in the mountains.
Wu Qiang and his wife were asleep when they heard a knock at the door outside and opened the door, but they saw Lin Yue’s face was anxious in front of the door. At this time, it was still raining, and Lin Yue’s impatience did not even hit the umbrella, so he came running directly. The outside layer of clothes was soaked by water, and Lin Yue did not care.
"Moon sister, what’s the matter with you? You got this picture early in the morning." Zhang Chunhua also got dressed and came out to see Lin Yue. She was surprised and asked.
"Brother Wu Qiang, my" xianggong "has been in the mountains for five days, and I don’t know if it happened yet. It rained so heavily yesterday. I’m really worried about him. Can you accompany me into the mountains to find him?" Yue-lai Lin also plans to find him herself. She doesn’t know the mountain road, and her body is not enough to plug the teeth of the wild animals in the mountains. If she doesn’t get it back, she will lose it first. After all, she wants to run and ask Wu Qiang for help. After all, she is Zhao Erhu’s good friend since she was a
Zhang Chunhua also knows that his man and Zhao Erhu have a friendship. Zhao Erhu has something. Her man will definitely not shirk it, so he won’t care so much about pulling Yue Yue in outside the door. "It’s still raining outside the moon sister. Come in and say don’t catch cold."
"Sister-in-law Chunhua is really sorry to bother you so early, but I’m really worried that my" xianggong "had such a heavy rain last night that he didn’t stop all night. Second Tiger Brother doesn’t know what to do yet. I’m really worried that I can’t sleep. I’ll come to consult with Angkor at dawn."
"Look at what you say. What is Erhu and my Wu Qiang? If you have something to come to him, it’s right, don’t you think?"
"Your sister-in-law Chunhua is right, sister-in-law. You mean Erhu hasn’t come back yet?" Wu Qiang frowned and thought that it was the fifth day. Erhu’s daughter-in-law was in pain during this period. She would definitely come back as soon as possible and would not stay in the mountains. However, it is not impossible to come back two days late if something really happened. It is hard to say what happened when the wild animals came to the mountains at this time. At that time, he advised Zhao Erhu to go hunting in the mountains at this time. Unfortunately, Zhao Erhu refused to listen to him.
It’s not good for Wu Qiang to worry about Lin Yue. It’s a good thing to say what’s in his heart. It’s a good thing to comfort Lin Yue. "Sister in law, don’t worry too much about the two tigers. I still know that he is the strongest hunter in Shili Township. There won’t be anything wrong. Maybe sometimes it’s common to catch cunning prey and come back a day or two late. If you don’t trust me, I’ll go into the mountains and see if I can get the two tigers back."
"Ah, thank you, Angkor. I’ll go with you. I can’t sit still at home alone. It’s good to see him early." Yue Yue replied happily when he heard Wu Jiangken’s promise.
"That can’t be done. The mountain road is difficult to walk. It rained all night yesterday. It’s not convenient for you to follow each other. I have to take care of you in turn, but it’s a burden. You’d better wait at home and let your sister-in-law accompany you if you are really uneasy."
Lin Yue is not unreasonable to know that Wu Qiang is ugly but it is also true. "That’s all right, but Angkor, you should also be careful. Chapter 88 You’re drifting."
At this time, the beast has been hungry for a long time and it is extremely fierce. Wu Qiang didn’t have Zhao Erhu’s good martial arts. He didn’t dare to ask Lin Yue to go out. After going out, he found his brother and accompanied him into the mountain. He brought a firewood knife around his waist to defend himself.
Although Wu Qiang can’t hunt, he occasionally followed Zhao Erhu to the place where Zhao Erhu often went hunting several times when he was free. He still knew all the way to find the past and thought that Zhao Erhu would definitely find a place to shelter from the rain last night, that is, he found Zhao Erhu in the thatched cottage in the mountains.
I didn’t expect that Zhao Erhu really had an accident. Wu Qiang got a fright. He hurriedly lifted his finger from the ground and tried to see Zhao Erhu breathing before he breathed a sigh of relief. Then he patted Zhao Erhu on the cheek. "Two tigers wake up, two tigers wake up."
Wu Qiangda called a few words. Zhao Erhu fell into a deep coma. He didn’t react for half a day. His body burned like a fire. It seemed that he was about to catch fire. Wu Qiang relaxed a little, and his heart began to get heavy again. What if he burned out his brain? There are so many injuries to Zhao Erhu’s body. It is estimated that it is the first cause of fever.
Wu Qiang didn’t dare to be vague. Zhao Erhu hurried back because he was carrying such a heavy personal foot. It was difficult to slow down, so he asked his brother to go back and report to Lin Yue and prepare to go to the city to ask the doctor to come back. This would also save time and see the doctor earlier. I hope that Erhu will not have an accident. Otherwise, how can his family live after a woman is a few small children except her daughter-in-law
Lin Yue heard someone come back and reported that Zhao Erhu had an accident. It took a long time for the whole person to calm down. Someone had gone to the city to ask for a doctor, but it certainly wasn’t that fast. She told several children to run to his uncle’s house quickly and asked for a bottle of strong wine. She came back. I heard that Zhao Erhu had to be cooled down before the doctor came and thought about the heavy rain last night. Lin Yue hurriedly boiled water and prepared dry clothes for Zhao Erhu to come back. Lin Yuelai also wanted to cook some ginger soup to give Zhao Erhu a chill.
When I don’t know Zhao Erhu’s situation, Lin Yue is still uneasy. When I know Zhao Erhu’s injury and fever, Lin Yue just can’t sit still for a moment and get ready for what she needs, and then she is busy in the house, and she doesn’t know what she is doing. She feels confused.
Spring flower sister-in-law took care of the family affairs and then came over. Zhao Erhu’s family has been with Lin Yue. She knew that something had happened to Zhao Erhu. Lin Yue must have felt bad, but she also comforted her for a few words. After all, it is better to let Lin Yue do something to distract her attention at this time. Unless Zhao Erhu can do something, Lin Yuehu will even have a hard time. It’s hard to say that the other day she was still admiring Zhao Erhu’s kindness to his daughter-in-law. I didn’t think that it would suddenly become such a scene. Spring flower sister-in-law sighed
I don’t know how long it took to finally see Wu Qiang carrying Zhao Erhu back. Lin Yue and Zhang Chunhua were greeted and looked at Wu Qiang with his eyes closed and no response. Zhao Erhu Lin Yue’s tears rolled down. Chapter 89 Get silver.
Lin Yue also knows that this is not the time when she is sad. Now the most important thing is to take good care of Zhao Erhu. After she has been sad for a while, she wiped her tears three or two times. After Wu Qiang and his wife helped put Zhao Erhu to bed, she was wet and bloody and tattered in exchange for warm water to scrub Zhao Erhu’s body. After that, she felt that Zhao Erhu’s temperature had dropped several times, so she gave Zhao Erhu clean underwear. Lin Yue was so tired that she was full of sweat, but her heart was at ease.
Lin Yue did everything she knew she could do, and Zhao Erhu waited for the doctor to come and wait. Suddenly, it occurred to her that asking the doctor must be for consultation and medicine money. She was just in a hurry and didn’t expect this thing, but where did she get the money? The sector that she was going to use to earn private money hasn’t been embroidered yet. She was really penniless. Now the only pillar in the family has fallen. Zhao Erhu controls the money at home. She never asked or knew if there was any spare money at home, but Zhao Erhu was in a hurry to enter the mountains only to earn money this time.
Look at the bed and close your eyes. Zhao Erhu Lin Yue is very worried. If the doctor comes, he can’t afford to pay for the diagnosis and medicine. It should be like Zhao Erhu. Now the situation is bad enough. She must find a way to get silver.
Yue4′ s first thought is Zhao’s old house. It’s not that people in Zhao’s old house are reliable. It’s time to borrow this silver from them. Can there be Zhao Erhu’s father and brother who can’t from ruin? Before the situation, they didn’t find any excuses to pull silver from them. This time it’s time to return it.
Lin Yue entrusted Zhao Erhu to Wu Qiang and Chunxi Sister-in-law to take care of her for a while and told several children to be obedient, so she went to Zhao’s old house. She was not afraid of those people in Zhao’s old house getting fresh, and it was not so better to take this opportunity to just break up contact with Zhao’s old house once and for all. Zhao Erhu’s father had to force Zhao Erhu to submit once and for all with the word filial piety.
Although the ancients regarded the word filial piety very seriously, it was not visible to everything. If you are a father, you can live or die. Then let’s talk about the word filial piety. The so-called father’s kindness can force filial piety. It’s not such a way to force people to live. Previously, Zhao Erhu was driven out without any money. Even if he went to court, Zhao Erhu was in a position. Every year, they would still give a lot of money to Zhao Jingen on time, and they would never find a reason to ask them for extra benefits.
Lin Yue’s abacus was playing scratching in her heart, and she wondered if she was a little unfaithful or if she didn’t have enough feelings when she got along with Zhao Erhu. She was sad for a while when she saw Zhao Erhu being so seriously injured, but now she can quickly adjust to it and calculate the Zhao family’s old house.
"Knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock.

At the same time

Proficient in ape (15/1)
With the realm of dzogchen, the pure yang iron cloth shirt bottoming ape is also making great progress, and the innate environment is already far away
"To ape a complete can carry the body trauma advanced congenital …"
"The advanced ape should be Tian Man"
Thanks to the original strength, the ape is not obvious for the physical change, and the consumption of life expectancy is even less.
Before the achievement of Tian Man, one’s own background can still resist one resistance.
After being rude all day …
Take it one step at a time!
"Zhou Yi"
Furong paddled a raft and passed by Zhou Yi, who was in charge of the waters.
"Going to the city?"
Zhou yiyinyi
"Wait a minute"
He packed something and jumped on the raft.
Hibiscus sliding raft-like random mouth
"I haven’t seen the sea during this time. Do you know where he went?"
I don’t know.
Zhou Yi shook his head.
"You haven’t seen him either?"
Lotus turned and looked callous.
"I heard that director Ma Yuma died."
Zhou Yi is one leng.
Chapter 1 Assassination
Zhou Yi greeted him in unfamiliar language.
"A pot of spicy tiger meat and two jars of sake"
"Wait a moment, guest officer."
The bartender Gao Ying and soon brought a large plate of stewed tiger lean meat mixed with spicy and spicy to stimulate the taste buds.
Sake is the most famous here, and almost all visitors will order it.
it is said
Sake has the means of refining qi, which can often wash the essence, weaken the five poisons and bring physical damage.
I don’t know the truth
The taste is mellow and continuous.
Zhou Yi clapped his hands and the dust agent grabbed a piece of tiger meat and stuffed it into his mouth. He was also listening to the conversation in the wine shop.
Ma Yu is in charge of the lifeblood of many gold diggers, although his cultivation is not high. His death will naturally become the focus of discussion among others.
"I heard that it was done by thousands of savage mountain people."
"Don’t have to hear that it was someone over there."
"It’s still because Red Sands is unlucky enough to be in charge of the horse that it was traced back to the gas refining body and was solved by people."
"It’s … a great event."
Whispering can’t hide from each other. Zhou Yi needs to deliberately inquire about the news of Ma Yu and then he will hear it one after another.

Found her puzzled eyes to blue ink yan light way "for a while there will be an imperial edict to the palace, I have to meet the imperial edict"

RuXiaoNan this just remembered that in the imperial harem, the emperor said he wanted to reward him.
Although he refused at that time, the emperor later called him over and they talked alone.
"What reward did you ask the emperor for?" RuXiaoNan curious way
Qing Mo Yan did not leave the horse after wearing the official, but sat quietly in the chair and drank tea leisurely.
He seems to be looking forward to what he is saying, but he is anxious about this kind of expectation, and RuXiaoNan can detect it.
"Am I going, too?" She asked
Green ink yan looked up and saw her one eye, corners of the mouth curved curved "good".
Ru Xiaonan jumped up hastily. "Then I should change my clothes, too. What should I wear?"
Green ink Yan unhurriedly got up and refused to pick out a suit for her. "Just wear this."
It’s a big red brocade coat embroidered with magpies in spring.
RuXiaoNan looked at that suit so dazzling … Isn’t it nice?
At this moment, people in the courtyard told me that "people in the palace have come to the front yard to meet the order."
Green ink yan quickly help RuXiaoNan change clothes, two people went to the front yard.
In the middle of the night, the palace bearer’s decree had already shocked Hou Fu people.
The old duke also hastily changed his official position and hurried here with the steward in the house.
The second young master was frightened and ill in bed. The duke tried his best but failed to get him to go to the front yard with him.
Palace to serve obviously green ink yan is very familiar with meet and talk about gossip.
Blue ink yan still cold face but didn’t neglect each other let a person to serve the reward red seal.
The old duke looked at the thick red corner of his eye and jumped straight.
His house is getting too tight, but it’s small and generous.
"It’s so late … it’s hard for my father-in-law." The old duke also made a conversation in the past.
It’s rare for people like this to suddenly come to announce the decree in the middle of the night, which makes people feel that Mao Mao can’t settle down
"I wonder who this will is for?" The old duke tempted way
Shi smiled and said, "Congratulations to the Duke."
The duke felt a thrill in his heart.
Listen to this, this will be given to him, and I congratulate him, which means it should be a good thing.
Think of now Hou Fu bleak the duke heart can’t help but surges limit expectations.
He is willing to give up his face if the emperor can restart him, even if he is asked to run errands.
"It’s getting late," the waiter looked at the sky. "Our family has to go back to pay a visit to the emperor, but everyone is here?"
Qing Mo Yan didn’t say anything. The duke bowed his hand to Shi Gong in embarrassment. "The second person in the house suddenly fell ill and didn’t come to bed. I can’t take the order and ask the emperor to forgive me."
"oh? Didn’t Shao Qing, who was so ill, ask the palace to cure him? " Shi casually asked a sentence
"Might as well do my second brother, but he was scared by torture in his cell when he was on an errand in Dali Temple. It would be nice to keep him for a few days." Green ink Yan light way
I raised an eyebrow and didn’t ask again
What’s torture like in Dali Temple cell? It’s scary enough to imagine it. Ordinary people don’t say they are scared sick or crazy when they see it.
When Shi raised a roll of jade shaft in his hand, his shrill voice sounded "Holy decree …"
They shout and kneel on the floor.
RuXiaoNan followed closely beside the green ink yan also look like kneeling.
Green ink Yan covered most of the place with her. At this moment, Genen noticed that this sly girl was kneeling in vain and didn’t even touch her knees. After adding a dress to cover it, she couldn’t see it
The wording of the imperial edict was rather obscure, and she barely understood it after listening for a long time with her ears propped up.
It turned out that the emperor made a decree to chase after the first lady of Lu, the mother of Qing Mo Yan.
The atmosphere in the courtyard suddenly froze.

Sleep in a warm flower paradise

At the climax, Su Suo sang and burst into tears in an instant.
The story of the little girl selling matches is the most tragic story in the whole story, even before suluo sang. Many parents think that it should not be put in. This is not a fairy tale, and they dare not let their children see this sad story.
The difference between children and adults is that when adults read this story, they always think about the little girl, but most children think about how delicious the roast goose will be.
Why did suluo put this desperate story in? Through this fairy tale, he expressed his deep sympathy for the poor people’s tragic experience and discontentedly revealed the darkness and evil of capitalist society at that time.
It must be interesting, but it’s a little white after hearing this song. Maybe suluo has more meaning.
The strength of tragedy lies in tearing the beauty to people. This brave and strong but poor girl lost even the minimum food and clothing for a moment, and still maintained her yearning for a beautiful situation. This may be the most true place of human nature. This may be the most hope of suluo for children to understand.
"Is it because I am too emotional to listen to crying?"
"I suddenly feel so sad. I hope the little girl is really in a beautiful and warm paradise."
"The front part is so sad that the whole person is brought into that story, which is more inspiring than the sad climax part."
Live broadcast continues
How can I keep you so sad?
Throw a few short paragraphs and the atmosphere will be alive again.
The pit owner is the pit owner. Don’t try to stop him. He is so casual. You can always pick a new song.
If Tang Yike’s baby children’s songs are finished, the story is sung from the perspective of children, and Su Luoge is sung from the perspective of adults.
Fans point to the sea daughter, he Malay a song so that you can hear that your ears are pregnant and you can’t stop mermaid.
"said you love willingly stranded.
I can also dive into the sea.
How can you have the heart to cut off?
Forget my unchanging oath
My tears are broken.
In reality, I am attached to you.
I’m willing to turn into a statue and wait for you to appear.
In his pen, the little mermaid loves to die at last, and the man in the song is willing to love the statue until she appears beautiful again and explodes.
You laughed and told him that the seven dwarfs were miserable. They saved the princess, but in the end, the goddess ran away with the king, and his horse came with a song of Seven Friends.
"Snow White is not much.
But there are too many people who pretend to be dwarves
There were six earlier
More than me, this is not much.
Am I too kind or stupid?
Snow White and the seven dwarfs sang from the perspective of one of the dwarfs, and finally moved a spare tire to herself, but could not touch the deep despair of the goddess, which was painful and sad.
It’s like a spare tire divine comedy. After listening to it, fans are screaming and heartbroken.
You want us to do it. No, he’s crazy
He can make you doubt your life in minutes. When you rack your brains and put a big enemy trick on yourself, point it at his nose and laugh triumphantly.
"If the pit owner has something to do, just give me a song and sing all the stories of the Thousand and One Nights."
Hey, hey, are you stupid?
You have no confession, have you?
Can’t make things difficult for you
Come on, you put another one on your sister. It depends on how you sing.
However, suluo didn’t need to respond to a storybrooke for three seconds.
"I heard that Snow White is running away.
Little Red Riding Hood is worried about the Wolf.

"It is precisely because I am kind to you that I can’t ask you for something in exchange for my own safety!" Xiaoya said, "in this way, maybe you will think that I took measures to let you take the initiative to hand over the medicine. I won’t do it!" Thank you! "

Said the lesser again turned around and walked towards the ward.
"Wait!" Duan Qingyun stopped Xiaoya. "Why are you so beautiful and so pedantic in your head?"
Xiaoya a listen to froze.
"I have understood that what they want is not my medicine, but my prescription. Even if they give them a pack of medicine, they will not make the same powder!" Duan Qingyun said, "It’s really not worth killing you and your parents because of this package of medicine. Take it quickly and give it to Erzhu. Just take it out while I’m not in the ward!"
Xiaoya’s eyes are full of Duan Qingyun’s face. Her face is full of gratitude. She gently nodded and said, "Thank you, Brother Duan!" There is limited affection in just six words.
Duan Qingyun smiled and held out his hand again to wipe away the tears that were about to overflow in Xiaoya’s eyes. "Go and give them to Erzhu and come back quickly. Don’t make me worry, okay?"
Xiaoya nodded and walked towards the outside of the ward. When she was about to pull the door, she turned her head again and glanced gratefully at Duan Qingyun … The second pillar in her ward was waiting for her.
Duan Qingyun returned to quiet in the intensive care unit.
Looking out the window at the bustling street, Duan Qingyun touched his waist with powder, feeling deeply. My old man handed a pack of fake medicine to Xiaoya Erzhu, a fool who knew nothing about medicine. But it could not be hidden from others, but Lin Yushan finally knew that he had almost healed old Mao. If Mr. Yorkshire was ill, he would be grateful to my old man. Wouldn’t it be a beautiful thing for him to ask him to take Xiaoya girl’s parents back to China? But we must get to Lin Yushan to cure Mr. Yorkshire’s "venereal disease" before he receives the fake medicine!
My mind is set. Duan Qingyun suddenly felt a sense of urgency. He quickly packed his clothes and went out of the ward. He walked quickly along the winding corridor towards Mr. Yorkshire’s ward.
As soon as I entered the ward, there was a thick, pungent smell that made Duan Qingyun almost quit.
However, Duan Qingyun just stepped back half a step and re-entered Mr. Yue’s ward. He knew that such a strong smell of Sao was coming from Mr. York’s body, and most foreigners have such a smell of Sao.
I saw Mr. Yoklin lying in the ward, losing a big bottle of blue nutrient solution. Mr. Yoklin was sleeping soundly with his mouth wide open and thundering.
Gently sat down in the front of Mr. Yue’s bed. Qingyun looked at Mr. Yue and looked slightly pale. Listening to his wheezing breath, Duan Qingyun said that this guy really had a strong body yang. Yesterday, he was barbecued by fire all night. His heartbeat was so calm and his breathing was so thick. Look at his hidden fluffy yellow beard and bright red lips. Duan Qingyun further concluded that this old hair’s sexual function can be restored!
Is judging the old Mao Kou suddenly.
“MYGOD! Ianfukyurhereveryday!”
Duan Qingyun had to slap him hard if he could understand what Lao Mao said about bird talk. However, he knew nothing about foreign languages, even everyone knew how to listen carefully, but he finally found that Lao Mao had just said that it was a series of talk in his sleep, remembering the scene of this guy Li Hu’s bird talk in the red building that day. Duan Qingyun couldn’t help laughing.
Then a nurse wearing a double mask entered the ward.
When I saw nurse Duan Qingyun, I was startled. It’s amazing that this guy came in without a mask in such a stinking ward! It seems that the foreigner lying in this small bed should have the same smell, otherwise he would never sit beside Lao Mao calmly!
Duan Qingyun asked, "Nurse, how is he now?" Although this nurse is as ugly as the nurse in Huang Liang hemp ward, Duan Qingyun still calls her miss nurse, which shows her demeanor.
The nurse said through the mask, "He, he swears every day. It’s rude!"
"I asked how his condition was?" Duan Qingyun asked
The nurse’s face turned red and said, "The situation is very bad. Every day, she just eats and drinks and sleeps."
Duan Qingyun stopped talking to the nurse and knew that she couldn’t say anything about the specific situation. "Go out and I’ll talk to him."
The nurse turned quickly and walked out of the ward.
Duan Qingyun said to Mr. York, "Mr. York is me. Don’t you recognize me?"
Lao Mao is still snoring with his eyes closed tightly and his mouth open. Where can he recognize Duan Qingyun’s call?
Duan Qingyun didn’t even respond when he called people.
So Duan Qingyun reached out his hand to the old hairy face, which was thickly dotted with golden yellow and fine whiskers, but Mao still didn’t respond.
Duan Qingyun gently revealed that Mr. Yoklin was put his hand into the crotch of Lao Mao. Mr. Yoklin, you must never be weak forever. Do you know that your penis is not only your personal penis, but also your future "sexual happiness"? More importantly, my nurse Xiaoya’s life and her family’s life have been pinned on your penis! There is also Huang Liang Ma’s life, Huang Liang Ma’s parents’ life must be full of vitality from your penis, so you must hold on!
Duan Qingyun had accurately touched Mr. Yorkshire’s magic when he thought so.
Because of the thick jeans, Qingyun can’t feel what’s wrong with Mr. York’s penis! So he gently untied Mr. Yoklin’s belt, zipped his pants and put his hand into Mr. Yoklin’s crotch. Mr. Yoklin had a "close contact" …
The fiftieth chapter old hair
Duan Qingyun gently stroked Mr. Yorkshire’s pride * * Don’t have a taste. Western men are different from eastern men! (In order to avoid unnecessary disputes, the brothers will not describe Mr. Yorkshire’s stuff in depth and detail. Anyway, everyone knows that there is a big difference between western men and eastern men.)
Touching the root without anything, Duan Qingyun secretly thought about the treatment method. Since I went to various hospitals for examination and found many so-called "famous doctors" to make a diagnosis and treat, I couldn’t help it. So is this method ok for me? Will it be effective to give him some "Duan’s aphrodisiac"?
Duan Qingyun took back his hand from Mr. York’s crotch and came to the water pipe. He carefully washed his hand and then pulled out the bag of aphrodisiac powder from his waist. He reluctantly looked at the pink powder. Duan Qingyun tunnel saved Xiaoya and her family’s life. It’s really cheap to bring such a precious medicine to your body. You’re small. Maybe you’ll rejuvenate men from now on, and then several good women will be tossed by you …
Duan Qingyun took out a glass from Mr. Yorklin’s bedside table, poured half of the powder into the cup, and then started a kettle to flush boiling water into the cup. Suddenly, the pink powder in the cup quickly dissolved into the water to form a light blue liquid.
At this time, Mr. York woke up.
At first sight, Mr. Duan Qingyun said hello and waved his big yellow-haired hand. "Hello, Mr. Duan, you are a hero!"