

Yue Buqun heard that his face changed slightly and looked at Sue’s only eye. "I didn’t expect it to be so dangerous in the real world?"

He came to return that the real world is a perfect world of disputes, but he doesn’t want to have vendettas there?
And Li Yuan saw Su Wei as if he had seen the second father’s wronged tears dripping like a bead curtain. "You said you had a way to save us … my mother and I are dying …"
Su Wei asked, "I know that according to you, the fire has spread, even if there is help, but everyone can’t get here at the same time, then one or two people may not save you, and then your mother and daughter will still be burned to death."
"Yes, but we can’t get out. The glass is closed from the outside and we are trapped."
Li Yuan’s expectation eyes rested on Su Wei’s face and eyes, and she was half-scared and half-expecting …
"Master, can you save her?"
Yue Buqun asked earnestly.
In his view, it is easy for Su Wei not to want to save people …
I don’t know if his position in reality is far from that cloud city. If it is far away, I’m afraid far water can’t put out a near fire.
Su Wei nods "is there a way"
"What way?"
"There is an achievement method called Ice Qi on my side. In terms of power, it is not" Zi Xia siddhi ".This achievement method can turn your cultivation qi into yin and cold. It is colder than now. There are flames everywhere outside you. If you turn your own Zi Xia Qi Department into ice Qi, it will cool the warehouse door from the inside, and the temperature difference will be great."
Su Wei said, "So your penance for many days may even be a waste … but there is not much loss. Although it is not as stable as Zi Xia’s magic, it may be even better in terms of power."
At Yue Buqun Li Yuan smell speech embarrassed.
Yue Buqun sighed, "It’s probably destiny takes a hand that you are destined to be" Zi Xia siddhi ".
Then he was surprised to see Sue’s only eye and heart secretly surprised that Su Wei could even send Huashan school to fight Wushu.
Still this kind of low-level Wushu, he can’t look at it?
I don’t know that Su Weiyou had already passed his martial arts knowledge in the middle of his mind when he was alive …
Say yes, say no, say yes.
And isn’t this practice the high magic of Zuo Lengchan of Songshan Sect?
And the key moment …
Life is the most important thing, and there is no idea of collecting money in his mind.
Tell Li Yuan the formula slowly and give her a rough explanation of one of the key points.
It was unexpected to Su Wei, perhaps because of the wide coverage of Yue Buqun’s pre-teachings, or because it was very valuable to know oneself.
Li Yuan will soon recite the achievement method roughly.
"I’m afraid forced conversion will have a big burden on the body, but saving lives is important and everything else can’t be considered. By the way, you give me the sword."
"ah? Oh … "
Li Yuan gave Su Wei the sword behind her back.
Pity asked, "Master, did you see that I was going to die and asked me to return my weapon to you before I died to prevent it from being refreshed?"
"What are you thinking? I just want to try. "
Su Weiyu glanced at her and said, "I won’t ignore your urgent need to save you from the game warehouse. Don’t worry, I’ll try to save you a little longer. I can’t let my brother contribute when something happens, can I?"
"Yes, thank you."
Li Yuan was relieved to hear Su Wei’s words.
Her figure instantly dissipates and chooses the original line … although it is almost equivalent to dying once.
But I can’t take care of it in times of crisis
And Su Wei looked at Li Yuan from the back and couldn’t help but sigh faintly and said to himself, "It’s hard to peel the truth from her body and then return it … Forget it, it’s important to save lives."
Yue Buqun worried that "the head …"
Su Wei smiled and said, "Brother Yue, are you interested in seeing the real world?"
"What? !”
Yue Buqun immediately consternation.
Chapter 3 is your composition a little complicated?
The real world opened its eyes again with Li Yuan.
Liu Xiaoli has been waiting for a long time, and his lips have already cracked. The temperature in the game cabin is high, and the water in the scalding body has evaporated badly.
She asked in a hoarse voice, "What happened? Xiaoyuan? "
"There’s a way. My friends have come to save me, but the distant water can’t save the near fire. The boss taught me to get out of trouble. Please wait for me."
Li Yuan silently recited the former Su Wei’s teaching him the method of ice and qi.
Although she is thick-backed, she already has a strong foundation of Zi Xia siddhi, especially Zi Xia siddhi, which is a door siddhi. Although it is not strong, it is superior to the package, and even if she changes to other methods, her life will not be in danger.
It’s the ice, the true qi, the biting cold, when it comes smoothly, the true qi is forced to turn a corner and run towards the road that has never been opened.
Li Yuan couldn’t help but scream in pain. I felt that the ribs seemed to have an ice barb constantly shuttling through the meridians. Zi Xia, who had been developing for several months, was really rude.
How can the tendons withstand such pain?
That is, "Zi Xia siddhi" is gentle enough, otherwise I’m afraid she would have been seriously injured and dying, but even so …

Chapter 269 Guo Yi Zhan Su E

One of the six masters of ancient Xuanyu is not a strange character, each of whom has a strange color. They have surpassed the Dharma Lord and reached another realm, which can easily cross a big world and even pick the stars.
Gui Mu is the strangest of the six masters. She once used nine deep and remote iron to refine the ghost gate into thousands of ghosts in the whole world of Gui Mu.
It is absolutely a great event to shock the cultivation of immortals that such a person is actually on the evil peak of heaven.
With something congenial rolling in like a thick lead cloud, the full moon will be covered tonight, and heaven and earth will be plunged into the darkness of opaque.
The evil wind of the earth roared, green ancient trees and flowers and plants were visible to the naked eye, and the speed withered. Everyone’s ears echoed with a number of piercing ghosts crying, which made people shudder.
All the bronze ancient platforms were shocked by the sudden change in front of them. No one would be quite Gui Mu, who would personally come to the place. Those who cultivate immortals all knelt down and dared not look up.
Of course, there are a few exceptions. Liu Er’s corpse, the ghost Wang Qingniu Xiaofeng, didn’t kneel. They were both fighting and fighting, and even Gui Mu himself was afraid of them.
Of course, there are two people who didn’t kneel at this time, that is, Guo Yi and Su E, two lovers who should have tied the knot today, but now they have become enemies. At this time, they are looking at each other as if they can’t see others around them.
No one can see what Gui Mu looks like, but they can feel that the rolling black clouds are suffocating. Although this power is invisible, it really makes Liu Er, Qing Niu and other people dare not make a move because Gui Mu is too strong, even if they join hands, it is not necessarily Gui Mu’s opponent.
"Sue, do you really want me to die?" Guo Yidao
"I will accompany you after I kill you." Su E’s sword trembled in her hand.
"No change of choice?" Guo Yidao
"If you stay with us to finish the wedding and fulfill your promise, then we will not die today." Sue looked at Guo Yi with a hint of expectation.
Guo Yi was silent because he knew that there was no choice today.
Many people may choose to marry Su E if they encounter this situation today. After all, getting Su E is equivalent to getting the biggest backer in the cultivation of immortals and not dying, but Guo Yi can’t.
Liu Er grunted coldly, "Master Guo and my young lady are a match made in heaven. Now that you have chosen our young lady, you will represent his lover. Your roots are not yours. You are so entangled that you will get it if you die with him." You are wrong. If he dies, his heart will still be my lady. "
"That’s enough. I said I don’t want you to talk." Guo Yi folded.
Su edong laughed. "She said yes, it was my wishful thinking."
Sue’s lips spilled a little blood and Liu Er’s words hurt her deeply. Her heart was almost broken, but soon her face regained confidence and she smiled all the time. "Guo Yi, do you remember our three appointments?"
"Nature remembers" Guo Yidao
"Remembering is the best." Su E took a deep look at Guo Yi and said, "I won’t cut your three swords today, but I will never let you go easily. Whether you can live or not depends on you."
"What are you going to do?" Guo Yidao
Su E said, "We all do our best. If you can take three moves from me, I’ll let you leave the evil peak today, and we’ll split it again from now on."
"No other choice?" Guo Yidao
"No" Sue said.
Green Niu Niu eyes quickly rushed to the front of Guo Yi low to Guo Yi way "small you don’t promise her that she has reached the dharma master sixth river repair five levels higher than you, if she is forced to make a move, she may kill your roots without three moves".
Liu Er’s eyes are like a cold hum. "You won’t promise her this reason. Even if she has Gui Mu’s backing, it may not be difficult for us to leave here."
Xiaofeng wore a pair of red cloth shoes embroidered with dolls and ran to Guo Yi with small steps to hold his hand and shake it vigorously. "Dad, don’t worry about this bad woman and Xiaofeng."
Guo Yi’s face smiled and picked up Xiao Fengfeng, then put it on the back of the green cow and touched her small nose and smiled. "Xiao Fengfeng is good to go to your mother, and if the girl is not good, it will not be beautiful."
Guo Yi punched the green cow on the back and said, "The old cow took her away from this matter and you didn’t have me to handle it."
"It’s the first time that mom has lived for most of her life to see the bride and groom get married. It’s a strange day."
The green cow looked at the evil woman who had regained her reason and looked at Guo Yi again. She knew that this was indeed Guo Yi and the evil woman, and no one else could insert her hand, so she flew to the bronze ancient platform with XiaoFengFeng on her back.
Now that Guo Yi has decided to pick up the evil woman’s three moves, it has become a foregone conclusion. Liu Er and the ghost king of the corpse river also retreated to Guo Yi and the evil woman to give up the fighting place.
Su E’s Fajian array has been opened, and the aura of the blade is like frost, which instantly condenses the moisture in the gas into ice particles.
Guo Yi will also run the nine-change Xuan fire tactic to the extreme. He must take Su E’s three moves because he still has to save his life to save Liu Yan ran from Xuanji Mountain. He can’t die yet, so naturally he has to work hard.
The orange mysterious fire rises into the sky and condenses Guo Yi’s body into nine, just like the arrangement of Kirin fire beasts. Guo Yi’s front emits a roar like thunder.
Su E’s fairy gate flew out of six fairy rivers and merged into the sword. She took the sword and flew up like a shadow and cut it at Guo Yi.
This sword is Su E’s combination of a sword and Xuan fire. The unicorn fire beast root didn’t stop her from breaking into nine wisps of smoke in an instant. When she heard "Teng", this sword broke through the Xuan fire and blocked Guo Yi’s head. But to everyone’s surprise, this sword didn’t cut Guo Yi in half, but fixed Guo Yi’s head three inches above.
It’s not that this sword stopped, but that Guo Yi’s body sank with this sword. Because the body sank too fast, it was artificially created that the sword was separated from his head by three inches.
Guo Yi’s body directly passed through Su E’s sword from the bronze ancient platform, and he beheaded the bronze ancient platform, cutting the sword as big as the football field in half.
"This is the first move."
Guo Yi knows that it is difficult for him to take Su E’s three moves now. Although the first move was blocked by him, the second move was not so easy.
Sue squeezed a finger out of the orchid’s eyebrows and rushed out of a blood spring and rolled into a blood pool. In this blood pool, the blood fog soared and turned into a huge bloody devil with a sickle on his head. At first glance, it looked like a shura who had just climbed out of hell.
Blood pool rushed up and directly suspended Guo Yi’s head, sending out plumes of harsh blood, which enveloped Guo Yi’s body in rolling blood gas.
At this moment, Guo Yi felt as if he had been suppressed by hundreds of mountains. The common root could not move, and he could watch Su E’s sword stab his heart rapidly. This is to repair the gap. Although Guo Yi’s talent is amazing, he can fight beyond the ranks, but Su E’s talent is not lost to what he has repaired, which becomes the key to success.
The difference between Guo Yixiu and Su E is five steps, and the root is that the boundary cannot be crossed. Now this gap is particularly obvious.
Is Guo Yi really going to die?
Guo Yi’s fingers rushed out of the edge of the golden awn and buried the heavenly sword. Huo Ran flew out of the body of the sword and slammed the door. This is a small world where the heavenly sword is buried. There is a marginal sea of blood in it. There are all kinds of creatures in the sea of blood, including the bones of mountains, dragons and corpses, dozens of miles long phoenix bones and even the bones of giants hundreds of meters high. Monk Jia Ye closed his eyes and sat in the sea of blood.
There is a kind of attraction in the blood pool, sucking the lotus flower in the blood pool, and Guo Yi’s bloody light suddenly disappears. Guo Yi’s body is like a fish out of trouble and narrowly escaped Su E’s last sword.
Guo Yi shook hands with the heavenly sword, and then showed the Buddha’s three movements, and the Buddhism quickly became a series of flashes, and Su E’s body appeared in all directions.
"This is the second move!" Guo Yi sounded in the light.
"The heavenly sword is still hidden." Su E took back the blood pool with a stroke of her sleeve. She found that the blood gas in the blood pool was half as short as it was.
Bodhisattva’s three moves are the first speed of Buddhism. Even Su E can hardly find Guo Yi’s exact position. The sword in her hand actually lost its goal for a while.
"Hey!" Su E’s eyes flashed a light because she found that although Guo Yi’s body trace had reached the point of melting into nature, there was a little bit of blood in the air.
It turns out that Guo Yi just didn’t finish avoiding Su E’s sword, but he was still stabbed by the sword. His roots didn’t deal with the wound, and the blood trickled out.
Sue smelled a faint scent of blood, and a soft color flashed in her eyes, but it was soon erased by her. Instead, she surprised Hong with a sword, which was the last sword and a sword that would be killed.
She has found the position of Guo Yi, and this sword will take Guo Yi’s life.

Zhang Qisi thinks that Ye Liang’s marriage is actually quite right, because no one can give him his dream marriage, and Ye Liangkai is not suitable for gay love.

When Ye Liangkai woke up, Liu Shiying’s gentle side face was half hidden in the dark and half exposed to the light.
Ye Liangkai hugged her waist and said, "Wife, don’t ignore me when I was wrong."
Liu Shiying turned her head to look at him with black and white eyes and said very seriously, "Tell me honestly whether you like other women."
Ye Liangkai shook her head and put her head on her knee and said, "I really don’t have a wife. I love you."
Liu Shiying smiled with sarcasm in her eyes. Unfortunately, Ye Liangkai didn’t see Liu Shiying. Today, she looked at the man in front of her very seriously. She once loved her very much and would never betray her, but it was only her in the end.
Liu Shiying closed her eyes and said softly to Ye Liangkai, "I trust you for the last time." If Ye Liangkai really cheated, she wouldn’t forgive him again.
Ye Liangkai held Liu Shiying’s waist and heard her words. She closed her eyes and gently tried to say, "Wife, what will happen to you if I cheat again?"
Liu Shiying gently caressed his hair and said with a smile, "I will give you back my pain ten times." Ye Liangkai believed that she had always loved and hated it.
Leaves cool open nodded and said he knew and leaned against her arms and stopped talking, but his fingers gradually clung to her clothes.
The three-day holiday passed very quickly, and the leaves were cool, and I had to take pictures again and separate my wife and daughter.
Life is sometimes just a repetition, and it plays again and again, even though you are tired of watching it, it still plays there.
Ye Liangkai lay in the hotel bed and watched the entertainment program. Xie Yun Van Gogh said to the screen, "I will surpass Zhang Chaojiu when I am a director."
Ye Liangkai shook his head after hearing it. I don’t know what medicine Xie Yun Brahman took wrong to fight for Zhang Chaojiu, and it’s really embarrassing to say that he overreached Ye Liangkai. Now it seems that he can think of Xie Yun Brahman’s fiasco and can’t bear to see his miserable situation, so he changed channels.
I didn’t expect Xie Yun Vatican shadow to be advanced before shooting. This incident came too suddenly. There was a fierce discussion in the circle that he would be shot for smuggling and money laundering.
Ye Liangkai heard the set and the tour guide and deputy director secretly talking about Xie Yun Brahman, who might be shot this time. He couldn’t help shaking his tea hand. They wouldn’t talk nonsense about it.
Xie Yun Brahman looked up at the sad face outside the iron window, and the cool leaves evoked an evil smile and said, "Why can’t you help but come over when you hear that I’m going to die?"
Ye Liangkai asked seriously, "Will you die?"
Xie Yun Van Gogh’s attitude is still very frivolous and he said with a smile: "Of course, I will be covered in a black cloth bag by our lovely police uncle and go to the tenth floor of hell with a bang. Are you glad not to be entangled by me?"
Ye Liangkai shook his head and said calmly, "I won’t be happy and sad for you."
Xie Yun Brahman’s smile faded away, staring at Ye Liangkai’s dark eyes and gently saying, "Don’t you want me to die in your heart? Save you from being with your dear wife. "
Ye Liang opened his eyes and said truthfully, "I don’t hate you, but I can’t accept some things you do. I still don’t want you to die."
Xie Yun Van Gogh looked at Ye Liangkai quietly without saying anything, lowered his eyes for a while and said, "Ye Liangkai, do you know that you make me want to fuck you?"
Ye Liangkai didn’t expect Xie Yun Brahman to say this when he was dying. He was quite angry and said, "Xie Yun Brahman, do you know that you are going to die? What do you think?"
Xie Yun Brahman lay lazily on his side of the bed, holding his head on his arm and looking at his face. Ye Liangkai said with a smile, "Do I have to cry and call the police uncle, don’t kill me, and I won’t do bad things?"
Xie Yun got up from bed and approached Ye Liangkai to discuss and said, "Ye Liangkai, you see I’m dying. Will you give me one?"
Ye Liangkai I didn’t expect someone in the world to die. I can’t understand such an initiative in my mind.
Ye Liangkai immediately refused to say, "No."Xie Yun Van Gogh took his hand and smiled and said, "Look, I’m going to die. Anyway, it’s not the first time you’ve been punished again."
Ye Liangkai said seriously for the first time: "Xie Yun Van Gogh actually hates women lying on men, so don’t say such things if you don’t want to make me angry." Xie Yun Van Gogh blinked his slender eyes and turned his hand to a strange ring and said: "What do you say to so many men?"
Ye Liang opened his eyes and said sarcastically, "Do you believe in accidents and intimidation?"
Xie Yun Brahman looked at Ye Liangkai’s self-mockery and gently said: "Letter" eyes slowly darkened and fingers gradually tightened.
Ye Liangkai looked up at Xie Yun, and his face was quite moist. He said, "You are going to die. What’s the point of knowing this?"
Xie Yun Van Gogh took the strange-shaped ring from his hand and pulled it over Ye Liangkai’s slender finger, saying, "I’m going to die anyway, so I’ll give it to you. Don’t lose it."
Ye Liangkai looked at the snake-like ring in the middle finger and nodded and promised: "Good" heart can’t help but feel sorry for the dying Xie Yun Brahman.
Xie Yun Vatican said sadly, "Ye Liangkai, if you think I’m going to die, just kiss me. Anyway, I won’t lose a piece of meat." Ye Liangkai looked at Xie Yun Vatican with a sigh and said educationally, "Now I know that I’m really defeated by you when I’m sad."
Xie Yun Brahman said with disgust, "It’s no use saying these things now."
Ye Liang said openly, "Close your eyes." Xie Yun closed his eyes and his long eyelashes trembled slightly, faintly expecting.
Ye Liangkai leaned away and gently pecked at his thin lips. Just as he wanted to leave his head, he was buckled by Xie Yun Brahman. He stuck out his tongue and leaned close to Ye Liangkai’s teeth to allow him to suck carefully.
Ye Liangkai tried to push him away, but when he remembered that he was going to die, he didn’t refuse to block the two of them from moving further. Ye Liangkai pushed him away and asked angrily, "What are you doing?"
Xie Yun Van Gogh spread out his hands and looked rather sad. "Nothing!" he said.
The leaves are cool and the teeth are itchy. Just now, I shouldn’t have been soft-hearted and promised this person. Now my pants have set up a tent zipper and I don’t know when it was pulled open.
Xie Yun Van Gogh smiled and said, "It’s not my fault that your wife didn’t satisfy you."
Ye Liangkai lost a sentence: "Enough" and ignored him and left angrily. How could this bastard guess that he was so sure that he came back to work this time without touching his wife to quench his thirst?
Chapter one hundred and ten Nai Shoupai
"Husband, can you just take a photo for my uncle?" Liu Shiying begged the leaves to cool off like a delicate Oriole bird.
"But he is shooting gay themes … you let me …" Ye Liang said with difficulty that it was not that he didn’t want to help, but that …
"You’re not gay and you don’t have an uncle. He’s looking for another actor who is his daughter’s boyfriend. They’ve already met their parents and will be engaged soon. He’s definitely not gay. Don’t worry." Liu Shiying released an important message to make her husband shoot well: "Husband, in fact, I also invested a lot of money in this part, so you should make money for ourselves."
Ye Liangkai really wants to scold Liu Shiying, who is usually sober-minded. Why did he listen to others’ greedy words and invest so much money in filming? There are many things that his wife did stupid things and she wanted his husband to solve.
Ye Liangkai just finished putting on makeup in the dressing room and changed into low-waisted tight leather pants and bare chest. V Black clothes looked at the mirror and painted smoky makeup. He smiled and teased Wang Meng behind him and said, "Wang Meng, do you think I’m selling meat in a nightclub?"
Wang Meng sat in the back chair and looked at Ye Liang, who was full of fatal attraction. He smiled and said, "It’s no problem to be the first card."
Suddenly the door was politely knocked on Wang Meng and said, "Come in." When Ye Liang turned around, he saw an eyebrow eye behind the door. He looked very good. He was dressed in a white T-shirt and light jeans, and his black eyes stared at him for a long time. Then he bowed his head shyly and said, "Hello, cousin."
Ye Liang smiled and looked at him and said, "You must be Lin Shen."
Lin Shengen didn’t dare to look up at the enchanting and charming cousin in front of him. He nodded and said softly, "Yes."
Ye Liangkai didn’t expect this cousin to be so shy. He didn’t know what to say. He thought about a topic and asked, "Have you fixed your makeup?"
Lin Shen shook his head. In his sight, Ye Liangkai’s slender legs were wrapped in tight leather pants and replied blankly, "Not yet." Ye Liangkai shook his head. How can he communicate without looking up?
At this moment, someone came to Lin Shen at the door and said, "Lin Shen is wearing makeup." When Lin Shen heard this, he raised his head a little louder and said goodbye to Ye Liangkai quickly, "Cousin, I’m leaving." Without waiting for Ye Liangkai to respond, he seemed to escape.
Ye Liangkai turned his head and pointed to Wang Meng and asked, "Am I so horrible?"
For the first time, Wang Meng saw Ye Liangkai so beaten and covered her mouth with a smile and said, "This lovely doll is not scared by you, but by your costume."
Ye Liangkai nodded and put one hand around his waist and the other hand against Bapo, agreeing to boast and saying, "I told you how such a kind person can make people dislike me!" This leaf is cooler and fresher than the wall. Wang Meng has been embarrassed to evaluate it.
Because today, two people are going to take a photo with their makeup fixed. Ye Liangkai saw the bangs in front of him and changed them into a flower shirt. Lin Shen felt that dressing up was really an arrogant thing.
In front of this person, one second, he was a soft, waxy little girl, and Liu Haima became a overbearing president, attacking the charm straight line, and after wearing a flower shirt, the horse changed from a good student to a romantic and unrestrained veteran in love.
Lin Shen saw Ye Liangkai look at his arrogance for a second and then turned back to the little boy and said, "Is my cousin ugly?"
Ye Liangkai cooed and said, "Xiao Shen’s change of clothes is like a change of personal charm, and I’m going to sink." The last sentence Ye Liangkai was joking to ease his self-confidence.
As soon as Lin Shen heard Ye Liangkai’s words, his face shone brightly. He glanced at Ye Liangkai and said shyly, "So did his cousin."
Ye Liangkai smiled and nodded, and was quite happy to hear him say that he was attractive to men. He said modestly, "Where is where?" But when I saw myself dressed up in a nightclub, I thought it was wrong.
At this time, the photographer prepared the camera equipment to guide the two men and said, "Lin Shen, you sit in the car and sit in his lap with the main driver cool."
After Lin Shen sat in the car, the leaves were cool and open, and he sat on his thigh, taking this as a job and having no other thoughts.

But you ignored a question. "

"What’s the problem?"
"You will Eldar forward base as a game BOSS blame to play! Have you considered if the Eldar has changed for some reason? " Cai Shaochu asked
"Eldar variables?"
Xu tui shook his head. "I don’t have any information channels, but the Eldar should not know my plans and actions, right?"
"It’s hard to say whether it’s a black hole or dawn redemption."
Together, this retreat is a bit of a mystery.
"By the way, the headmaster’s dawn redemption is so harmful that what can’t stop? Should Blue Star Power really be cruel to clean up such an organization? " Xu back curious way
"The theory is true, but the facts are really endless!
Dawning Salvation is very active outside Huaxia except that it is a little limited in Huaxia. Intelligence experts of the Secret Service analyzed that Dawning Salvation may have entered the top level in the Blue Star Department, "Cai Shaochu said.
Xu nodded his head back, which is indeed possible and very likely.
This reminds Xu of the myth of anti-thief Xia Milla, which is actually a high-level one in Blue Star Virginia.
Well, in that case, myth …
It’s okay not to think about it. It hurts my head to think about it.
Blue Star Department is too complicated.
Or is the asteroid belt simple?
"Principal, I have six asteroid coordinates here, especially Lingcang Spirit starfish. We must send someone to occupy the Huaxia area here!
These planets that can naturally colonize spirits are too important for future development! "Xu said.
Cai Shaochu received the coordinate information "What strength does it take to occupy these planets?"
"I have swept through these planets before, with at least two or three quasi-planets and at least one star accompanying me!
Have to set up a good delivery channel as soon as possible to keep it, "Xu said.
"I see. What about you? Do you have any requirements?" Cai Shaochu asked
Xu looked back at Cai Shaochu suddenly. "After the principal occupied these planets, they scored 20% to 30% of the profits."
Cai Shaochu stared at Xu tui. "Do you really think so?"
Xu back nodded his head.
"Good should be no problem!" Say that finish Cai Shaochu light with a sigh "you little finally grew up!
Although I still like you who didn’t grow up before, I’m glad you grew up! "
Sighing with regret, Cai Shaochu got up. "I will return tomorrow and then prepare for the secret capture of these planets. I will send some people in advance. You can let them start first before planning."
After the exchange, Cai Shaochu suddenly called the public channel of personal communication channel and shouted, "All right, students, now I’m going to check the industry one-on-one and call the name. Students take your industry and come to my room to find me. I’ll review it on the spot."
"Qu Qingshan, you are the first!"
Qu Qingshan, who is still struggling to revise his pen, took five minutes to throw away the pen when he heard this, and then strode to Cai Shaochu’s room.
"It seems very good to be a student after being a teacher for so many years …"
Sigh approved the industry. That was the first time I saw Sigh’s punishment in the approval of the industry.
For example, summing up the battle, Lao Qu grasped his own thoughts and summed up seven problems for himself.
Sigh pinched a dreamland with a pinch and threw Qu Qingshan into it. "There are seven people who break in!"
Qu Qingshan will come out an hour later, and the whole person will collapse to the ground like a big character.
"Take a break and continue to change it for an hour. I want to see the wrong question!"
It’s hard to climb away from Qu Qingshan’s career.
A few magic words on one side form a magic domain that operates at the same time.
Xu’s retreat is the last two to be thrown into the magic domain, perhaps because they are relatively strong.
In the magic domain, Xu tui was killed five times before falling out.
Because there is no danger to his life, he can be said to have shown all his abilities to Sigh five times.
"Although there is no breakthrough to the quasi-planet, you already have quasi-planet strength!
Mountain character tactic, thorn character tactic, purple flame, ice ridge cover frost giant multidimensional sword spirit hammer diamond sleeve, your ability to attack and defend has taken shape
But personally, I think your future direction should pay more attention to the quantity of entangled energy or strengthen this ability.
You are still disobedient!
In fact, I have these words, and your induction is very suitable. "Cai Shaochu sighed.

It’s really strange!

Thought of this, Yip Han couldn’t help but be curious about the way the oil boss cooked the cancer. His horse enlarged the news and photos, but he could see that the cancer was stuck with messy iron branches, although the clarity of the photos was not very high.
Yip hon was in distress situation. He knew and heard of the famous food roasted camel oil. The boss obviously roasted cancer as a camel.
The large-scale shrimp and crab system is indeed a big problem. It takes a little too long to steam and bake, but this is certainly not difficult to overcome the gluttony of the big food empire
Don’t pay much attention to how to eat. The easiest way is to eat the giant shrimp and cancer meat separately, and cook it as ordinary meat. It’s very raw and delicious, but there are always lazy eaters who can’t eat shrimp and crabs.
But the oil boss bought such a big crab to go back, obviously not only to satisfy his appetite, but also to show off his wealth in this way!
You can naturally eat the cancer in large pieces, but then you will lose the meaning of showing off. The IQ of the poor cooking knowledge of the oil boss is already very good.
Oil boss chefs may be as familiar with baking as their boss.
In this regard, Yip Han expressed great contempt for the broad masses of outsiders to eat this aspect, which can not be compared with the big food empire
Yip hon once heard that a chef at a state banquet can make crab meat into crab shapes. Although that is master chef’s superb craftsmanship, it should not be difficult for the oil boss to hire such a chef.
Keep watching the news. A piece of news about America caught Yip Han’s attention.
The main idea of the article is that Americans don’t like to eat freshwater fish, which leads to the flooding of Asian carp in major waters in China, and they have to spend a lot of time to control it every year. This is a very old news and has been spit out by many Chinese foodies for a long time.
However, this problem has been solved, and it is hoped that the United States has also discovered giant freshwater shrimps and crabs, which used to be the source of fish food. After the huge size, the situation reversed, and fish food was very powerful for a while.
Although Americans don’t like to eat fish, they don’t reject eating shrimp and crabs. Although many Americans eat crab claws and abandon eating food as a rare crab, it can really eat more cancer and destroy more cancer.
There is no specific way for Americans to eat shrimp in the article, but I think it is similar to eating lobster.
Foreign food is very happy, and there are many news in China. The most conspicuous and important news is that the country has decided to ban guns!
Yip hon was surprised that the ban on guns is nothing new. The country has already engaged in insect flooding several times, and it is estimated that this time it will also be inseparable from the giant worms.
Watch the news carefully as expected.
It seems that the appearance of giant shrimp seems to wake up the Chinese people. Giant worms can also be an important source of food. Recently, news of eating insects has been overwhelming, and even the top officials in Beidu have obtained a lot of news from various channels.
Eating insects is not news for a long time. When ants occupied the area early, Fuyun train factory engaged in batch processing of ant meat. There were also news of eating giant insects in other areas, but they were all individual phenomena. Fuyun relied on ant occupied areas to engage in large-scale production.
However, all insect-eating meat lines including Fuyun meat are spontaneous and unofficial.
But it’s different now. This time it’s a national trip!
Beidu believes that the food shortage and huge worms are rampant, and the livestock and poultry breeding is threatened by huge worms. The amount of meat in the market is rapidly slipping, and the high price of meat has seriously affected the lives of residents.
Since there are not enough livestock and poultry, why not eat giant worms?
Although the giant worms have the scale of the formation of the northern ant colony locust swarm, the number of giant worms in other areas is also quite large, and the psychologically edible giant worms account for 90% of the total number of giant worms. This is an unprofitable resource with great practical potential that has been neglected before.
Therefore, Beidu decided to release policies to encourage people to hunt giant worms.
If there is no criminal record, citizens of the country can apply to the county-level police department for holding a gun and accept a series of strict examinations such as mental, psychological, social contradictions and interpersonal political tendencies. After the examination, the applicant can buy a specified type of gun.
There are no pistols and long guns, and they are all specially designed to deal with giant worms. Large-caliber shotguns have the oldest double-tube models, mature pump-driven models and magazines that look cool.
These firearms are collectively referred to as the non-automatic caliber of the Civil Firearms Department, which is 127 mm, which is probably specially modified. The civilian firearms are powerful enough to deal with giant worms, but their range is far less than that of military weapons.
To put it simply, the so-called civil rifles are all kinds of manual large-caliber rifles.
At the same time, the prohibition of firing guns also imposes very strict norms on gun commanders, stipulating that gun certificates must be carried with them; It is forbidden to separate guns, certificates and people; Firearms shall not be borrowed; The gun involved in the accident is subject to the owner’s responsibility system; Gunless areas must be separated from bullets and be inspected by the police at any time.
There are always a lot of restrictive clauses to minimize the public security problems that firearms may bring.
In fact, the North knows very well that it is bound to bring many public security problems if guns are to be fired to stop a large number of guns from flowing into society.
However, the lesser of two evils allows people to carry guns, which can make people have the self-defense ability, kill a large number of giant worms and reduce the pressure on police and insect prevention in various places. Can governments at all levels reduce their pressure and do more than one thing?
Chapter 343 Expansion
There was a knock at the door behind him, and Yip Han shouted "Come in!"
Xiaoyuan that grinning into yip hon room "leaf brigade and watch the news? Recruits are coming. Team Bian is looking for you. "
"Got it." Yip Han lost his mind, shook his arm and shook his legs. "Let’s go!"
Xiaoyuan and several of his soldiers, Yip Han, were separated when the Island was not on the Island. I don’t know where they were arranged by the navy, but Yip Han followed the Thunder to carry out the war and never had a chance to see those soldiers again until the Thunder was about to withdraw from the naval base and several talents met again.
Ye Hanqi himself and Xiaoyuan Yuanyuan pianist heard that Xiaoyuan was going into the thunder without saying anything after his righteous performance.
The troops fighting in the thunder are dynamic armored violinists. Although the deputy head of the thunder is justified, there is no manpower to directly put people in the team. He originally meant to find a suitable position for Xiaoyuan in the base.
I didn’t expect to reach the expansion order in just two days after I returned to the base.

Mo Xuan looked at Xue Hua with a proud expression on his face.

Xue Hua’s face crossed with an embarrassed expression.
Then he stared at the worker and asked, "Now that you have confirmed that the painting is true, what are the customers making trouble?"
The worker bowed his head a step further and replied, "The guests are clamoring to buy this painting."
Said the completion personnel took a sympathetic look at Moxuan’s side with their eyes.
At this time, Mo Xuan’s face is not generally ugly.
Especially the eyes full of complaints have been shooting at Xue Hua’s side.
Xue Hua was his good brother this haunting eyes tightly staring at the heart pounding.
Looking at him with a flattering smile on his face, he said, "Brother, this is not my business. I don’t know. I was with you from beginning to end."
Xue Hua tried to explain to Moxuan.
Mo Xuan snorted. Although he knew that this matter was not too big with his brother, the thought that this guy used his paintings to attract customers here, otherwise how could this happen now?
Mo Xuan snorted again and looked at Xue Hua and said, "I don’t care about this matter. You must give me a satisfactory solution, otherwise I will be with you."
Xue Hua suo suo neck.
It’s not a big deal to come.
It happened that he, the brother, said this matter so seriously that he even returned the word "the ghost will never leave"
Seeing that these four words are spoken, Xue Hua hurriedly stopped Mo Xuan from speaking.
"Come on, brother, I’m afraid of you. Please don’t say such frightening things again. I promise you that I will get your painting back intact."
Otherwise, he’s really afraid that his fraternity will haunt him.
Ink Xuan got his swearing face to show satisfaction.
See oneself this brother mood finally good Xue Hua this just sighing turned and left the room to the auction house over there.
After Xue Hua’s hard work, Mo Xuan finally got the painting back from those people
Chapter 75 Lai Ding isn’t it?
I got my painting back. Moxuan held it tightly in her chest.
One painting per person is like a pair of brothers who have been separated for many years.
Xue Hua took a breath and went to Moxuan and patted him on the shoulder, saying, "Brother, I finally live up to your expectations and give you this painting back."
At this time, Moxuan was finally able to smile.
A face of happy before patted Xue Hua shoulder "not the kui is my ink hin good brothers don’t worry, you just do that heartless thing I ink hin is not in my heart".
Xue Hua, all smiles, gritted his teeth at his words and moved his hand from his shoulder.
"Moxuan, what happened just now was a small accident. Do you need to keep saying it in your mouth? I tell you, if you keep saying it, we don’t need to be brothers." Xue Hua glared at Moxuan angrily.
Mo Xuan Zheng looked at his good brother’s face and angrily changed to another one. "Don’t be angry, good brother. I said something wrong just now. Please don’t take it amiss."
Xue Huali snorted.
After staring at each other for a long time, the two brothers hammered me on the shoulder and I hammered you on the shoulder. Soon, the two brothers became brothers again.
Because of this matter, soon there was another saying in the capital, that a pure-hearted layman painted a new one.
At that time, those rich people in the capital wanted to find a pure-hearted layman one by one.
For what happened in the capital, I was in Zhang Ting, Hongwangfu, and it was not until several days later that I learned about it from others.
"Ha ha, those old guys show off their paintings in front of me one by one, and laugh at me for not having them. It’s ridiculous that they don’t know whether they are pure-hearted laymen or my daughter-in-law." Lord Hong sat in the hall with an angry and happy expression on his face.

Not only water bamboo, but also ordinary people can buy a single-family house with a little effort.

It’s a virtual real estate. Whether this thing has a head or not … Everyone really doesn’t know.
After all, although the owner can show Huashan School in reality, he almost made a mistake by buying a suite in Chaoyang Peak.
However, the problem is that the income can’t be copied. You know, even if the leader is a Huashan Sect, he is leaving this Sect alone overseas.
It is not difficult to understand where to find such a large piece of land in reality.
It is precisely because of this that a clan is still so difficult.
What’s worse, a city?
Therefore, buying a house in Chang ‘an is really a virtual property …
If the income is like this, it is debatable.
But after deliberation, people quickly made up their minds.
He has confidence in the boss, and in "Limit" OL, believing that "Limit" OL will explode.
To put it bluntly, everything they have now comes from the "limit". OL is brought to them by the head of the company. What if they lose everything in the worst case?
The strength is already in the body … This is something that no one can erase. The real generation is poor and they have earned hemp.
23K is not pure handsome. "Anyway, I’m selling iron in a saucepan, and I also want to buy it. It’s not just that I believe that the head of the store now means that players want to fill the whole Chang ‘an to form a virtual city composed of real people. We are all the heads of the store and we can’t support it."
Sterilization master "Yes, yes, I joined the" Limit "OL when I was a student. Let’s put it this way, if I study in reality, I can’t achieve my strength. Especially Gu Wu can’t do without a medicated bath … but I can practice martial arts without a medicated bath, except for the initial purchase and the follow-up."
He insisted, "After saving so much money, I have decided to discuss with my parents to buy a house in Chang ‘an, and then let my parents live in the game, which will just bring some nightlife to their parents and make a living by doing some small business in Chang ‘an, so that they can have a leisurely rest during the day. Anyway, I am the only one in our family, and I have the strength and ability to make them live a good life after their parents."
Put that "I have to buy it". Since I joined the Limited OL, I don’t pick up girls now, and then I realized that I actually spent so much money on girls … Mama, women burn more money than the Limited OL.
Li Jijun "Top Floor"
My sister is nineteen years old this year.
Huashan Dongliang Group
The first player group of "Limited" OL is also the earliest group to follow "Limited" OL.
Now, after such a discussion, everyone in the group is planning to buy a house in Chang’ an, not investing just to help their head.
Return the favor. Since they got great benefits from "Limit" OL …
So now that Chang ‘an is in its infancy, if they have the ability, they will naturally help them.
Investment is secondary.
Everyone is united, but it’s the only relief for Sue to peek at the screen silently …
In fact, he doesn’t really need these people’s help. It is inevitable that Wushu is true.
The prosperity of Chang ‘an is only a matter of time.
Especially after the price reduction of "Limited" OL, this speed will definitely be significantly higher.
Everyone is lucky and thinks he can do it …
Then you will get a refund by entering the game and planning to learn Wushu.
Naturally, the criteria for the selection of patriarchal clan will not be too strict.
Even if the worst result is that the qualifications are really poor, it is difficult to achieve anything in Zongmen.
However, if there is a slight delay, the more than 10 thousand yuan will not be returned, and they will not be able to leave the game. Even if they spend more than 10 thousand yuan, they will stay in Chang ‘an.
It’s not that easy to leave when you sink.
Anyway, sleeping is also sleeping. Why not experience the local customs of other cities in another world when you can have a few extra hours?
After all, this game is not just a martial arts game. With the increase of players, there will be more and more life players, leisure players and professional players.

"in addition to this, I didn’t find anything else.

"Shi Yi’s consumption is a little smaller than usual because he takes time off and his income at home is reduced, which is reasonable.
"Chat software and online records didn’t leave any suspicious traces. At most, someone will scold back or scold Liao Yin for saying that Liao Yin is hypocritical. This is also normal.
"But I still think he has a problem, but there is no evidence to support it, which is more like an intuition.
"After all, I’ve been through so many people. It’s too normal to be normal, but it seems abnormal."
Thank you for sending me a soup bag for breakfast. Don’t say that snacks in A city are absolutely delicious.
He gave Jiang Zhichu another one, then put chopsticks and picked up Shi Yi’s photo and flipped through it.
Thank you for sending "You mean you didn’t find Shi Yi and Fu Xiao connected, but you suspect that Fu Xiao’s frequent contact number was Shi Yi more than half a month ago."
Yin Lin "linked the two numbers very frequently more than half a month ago, and then gradually decreased. After these days, I tried to locate the mantissa number 78, but I couldn’t locate it. Maybe it was not turned on or the mobile phone card was broken."
Thank you for sending the eyebrows slightly wrinkled.
Regardless of whether Shi Yi is the murderer or not, the owner of the mobile phone card with the tail number 78 is suspected in a major case
But before that, Xie sent a message that the murderer had seen Fu Xiao build a secret room to buy sex in a hurry.//He thought it was an insult to his idol and killed Fu Xiao in anger.
However, what if the murderer has been associated with Fu Xiao?
The sudden establishment of the joint lasted for more than half a month and then it was slowly broken, which was more like the completion of a merger and dilution.
In this case, the death of Fu Xiao is more like …
Thank you for sending a sudden change when you realize the problem.
Jiang Yunchu "What’s the matter?"
Xie Ji: "We are going in the wrong direction. The murderer may not be an idol but a murderer!"
He didn’t want Yin Lin to show his superb computer skills and get through to Liao Yin directly.
At the other end of the sentence, Liao’s audio and video just woke up and the sound seemed a little confused. "Hello, Mr. Xie?"
Xie Ji came straight to the point. "How many people are the beneficiaries of the afterimage organ donation?"
Liao Yin "? One is Xiao Qin, who accepted the afterimage heart, and the other is Shu Liang, who accepted the afterimage cornea. "
Xie Ji: "Have you been looking for Shu Liang recently?"
Liao Yin wry smile, "Mr. Xie, I just miss the afterimage so much two days ago that I can’t help but take a look at Xiao Qin. I don’t bother people’s lives at ordinary times."
Thank you. "Do you have a way to relax?"
At this moment, Liao Yin finally felt the seriousness in Xie’s message, and the whole person was awake. "What’s wrong? Is something wrong?"
Thank you. "It’s urgent, Mr. Liao. Could you please tell me the way to connect with Shu Liang or call her yourself to confirm her condition?"
Liao Yin: "Wait for me, I’ll hang up. I still have a mobile phone."
Mobile phone microphone rustled, followed by Liao Yin’s dialing system.
[The number you dialed has been dialed …]
Everyone is aware of the seriousness of the problem.
Xie Ji "Is there any way to contact his parents?"
Liao Yin "No relief is an orphan. Yu Ying tried to leave resources to these girls who didn’t rely much."
The lingering shadow, with good intentions, has become the sharpest knife at the moment.
Liao Yin: "What happened to Mr. Xie?"
Thank you for telling the truth
"According to our speculation, the murderer killed Fu Xiao, not because the other party insulted the ghosting, but because he wanted to kill them.
"The murderer and Fu Xiao are the same kind of people who are crazy about the afterimage, but if they can’t get the afterimage, they will receive her organs and’ replace’ her."
Liao Yin "that is to say, the murderer and Fu Xiao are accomplices? But why did he want to kill Fu Xiao? "
Xie Ji "It’s not clear yet, but I guess it’s because Fu Xiao has no profit value and is out of control. The investigation, kidnapping and imprisonment of the murderer’s poor family//ban require certain financial support. He found Fu Xiao, and the murderer got the resources he wanted after they merged, while Fu Xiao went to Xiao Qin and touched the murderer’s bottom line. The murderer killed him."
Liao Yin "that … that comfortable quantity now …"
Thank you. "It’s dangerous to relax now. Mr. Liao hopes that you can relax as much information as possible, so that we can help find someone together."
Liao Yin "ok, I’ll send you the information by email. By the way, this matter has to be reported to JJ. This is a kidnapping case! A 20-year-old girl was kidnapped. I don’t know how long! "
Xie Ji is a law-abiding modern good citizen, and his first reaction is to call the police when he meets this kind of thing.
Shu Liang is not connected now. Although it may be because the mobile phone is not available or for other reasons, Xie Jiji has confirmed that the bad travel situation in Shi Yi is very dangerous
Life is the biggest in the world.
They can’t break into JJ and rummage through paper files. The best way is to report it to JJ and let professionals handle the problem.
Xie Ji "What about Xiao Qin Xiao Qin?"
Liao Yin: "I don’t trust my assistant to protect her after you beat Fu Xiao. A few days later, I was taken away by JJ and guessed that a reporter would harass her. She Ann asked her assistant to send her to a reliable friend and never went out."
Thank you for sending me a little peace. Xiao Qin is every cloud has a silver lining.
Chapter 156 Chapter 156
Although Xie Ji was once a victim of kidnapping, JJ, a professional organization, has more experience in kidnapping.
The real murderer was speculated, but Xie Ji always felt uneasy as if something was going to happen.
Yin Lin was tired of the hard conditions of having to brave the cold wind to open a package in an Internet cafe every time he checked things. Anyway, money is role money, and they couldn’t take a penny away from the card. Last night, they assembled a computer with existing conditions overnight to facilitate everyone to obtain information, so they simply removed a network cable and temporarily moved into Xie’s room.
It’s not spacious and crowded with five adults. Yin Lin’s brain and three display rooms are even more cramped.
They are all thinking about Shu Liang, and they don’t usually chat. The atmosphere is as serious as the major crimes office.
A little girl with parents was better than ordinary people when she was alive, and then she suffered from eye diseases. She was lucky once and got the nightmare of organ donation and found her again.
As time goes by, the situation of relaxation becomes more dangerous.
After lunch
Xie Ji asked Yin Lin, "What happened to JJ?"
Yin Lin’s fingers are moving quickly around each raised square on the keyboard, and his expression is very ugly. "I am listening to all JJ’s phone calls, and now Ji has confirmed that Shu Shu is missing."
Xie Quan "Are you sure?"
Yin Lin took off her headphones
According to Shu Shu’s friends, she is a very strong girl, but she won the second place in the mid-term exam, and even the scholarship has to go backwards, so she is in a bad mood these days
"Shu Liang said he would go out for a walk as soon as he had a holiday five days ago, but his friend Shu Liang hasn’t adjusted yet, so he didn’t report it to JJ even if he didn’t pick up the phone.
"JJ people found out that the last place where Shu Liang’s mobile phone stayed was a remote and cheap hotel, but the innkeeper said that Shu Liang came alone, paid the money, went out and never came back. He still didn’t want to stay and didn’t care about the small money."
The worst has happened.
Five days A twenty-year-old girl has been missing for five days.
The killer is also a pervert who has killed people.
Thank you for sending "What about Shi Yi? Liao Yin should have given JJ all the clues."

"What will be the film I am strange?"

"What is the difficulty of sixteen people? The Beihai team will be wiped out here in such a short time?"
"And what destroyed them?"
Qin Jing asked three questions in a row and then quietly waited for Jason to answer.
"The difficulty of horror movies doesn’t mean the danger. The Beihai team is actually more deadly than many terrorist elements because of the same cycle. This is the first question." Jason lit a cigarette and took a bite of scarlet burning tobacco. The light is not obvious during the day.
"What about the second and third questions?" Qin Jing asked
"I’m sorry, I don’t know," Jason replied. "The guide is not omnipotent. In fact, it’s more like the puppet of the Lord God. I have a little more ability to trace the source with the thread, but my contact is only a small piece of thread."
"It’s you," Jason suddenly laughed. "You surprised me again and again, whether it was in Resident Evil that you left the team alone or later in the alien. Every time I think you can’t be lucky, you suddenly appeared in front of me …"
"So this time, too? Do you think we are also lucky … "
Although in the face of Qin Jing’s sudden attack like stealing the concept, Jason was unexpectedly silent
Can we be lucky? Even Jason, such a Qin Jing card, didn’t know that the Lord God’s will was a group battle. It was difficult for sixteen people, but it didn’t even last three days to enter the team first …
Just thinking about Qin Jing feels heavy and uncomfortable.
Both of them suddenly lost their voices.
"Don’t be so unlucky." Qin Jing realized that he seemed too pessimistic. He waved his hand. "You know, I’ve known about this God for a long time, so I’ve thought a lot about your identity …"
Qin Jing’s words haven’t finished yet, and his arm has been tightly grasped. He looked up in amazement only to see that Jason stared at him motionless, and his eyes turned out to be never radiant.
"Do you have an idea?" Zhang Jieyin unconsciously began to tremble.
"Well, I thought about the way to get rid of your guide identity …"
At this time, Qin Jingyin stopped because he and Jason both heard the roar of the huge engine. They looked up at the sound source and a red mustang sports car appeared in their eyes.
(Fill in the last thousand words. It’s disgusting to read these two days. This is the consequence of not listening to the lecture in class. It may be a bit hasty to write it. You will have a look.)
The fourth chapter begins
Robert came out of the car, still holding a gun in his hand, and his loyal old buddy barked at the two people in front of him.
It’s been three years since that damn virus mutated to air broadcast. It’s not that he hasn’t thought about meeting others. He talks to the dummies in the dvd shop every day. He sits quietly at this bridge every day, sometimes all day. He finds a few radios and plays the sentence "yuarena1ne" back and forth.
But now that I’m in Chili, Robert is alone. He hasn’t dealt with anyone for three years, although he says the first few times every day …
So he saw coming up with his hands up to show no malice. Qin Jing and Jason didn’t know what to say at the moment.
"Hello, we mean no harm …" Qin Jing looked at Robert with a serious expression and tried to explain one.
"Do you like Shrek?" Robert jack way
Two people suddenly froze Qin Jing embarrassed to look back at the same face of embarrassment sample Jason and then nodded his head.
Before he could speak, Robert interrupted again, "Then tell me what Shrek said in 35 minutes?"
The two people present were completely petrified. Although Qin Jing seems to remember what Robert said to Shrek when he met two lucky people, isn’t this the first meeting a bit too much …
You think I’m Chu Xuan … How can you remember such a thing!
Three people stare at each other with small eyes and stand still for a long time. Sam is very conscientious. His master is pretending to be angry, but his animal intuition seems to faintly feel that the two people are not easy to provoke, so he is consciously verbally cheering.
"I’m sorry, I’m so excited." Finally, Robert realized that he was the same human being in front of him. He put away his gun and comforted him a little too much. Sam.
He just now Sam just excited more inclined to upset? He looked back doubtfully, revealing that Qin Jing and Jason were slightly cold.
Sam is afraid of them?
Jason is really depressed. If Qin Jing hadn’t repeatedly told him to keep good relations with the protagonist of the plot, he wouldn’t have raised his hand so humbled that he would have been half a man, but he was still like an ordinary person.
In fact, Qin Jing considers himself that Robert is a top biological scientist in the film. If they can get Robert’s help to study this virus well, it is not impossible. If possible, he still hopes to get more plot rewards, and his research direction of the Queen of Flame is not biological pathology. The research on this virus depends on Chu Xuan and Robert.
"Hello, my name is Robert, and I am the only lucky person in this city." After comforting Sam, Robert got up and shook hands with Qin Jing.
"My name is Qin Jing" Qin Jing smiled.
Robert looked up at the sun. "Although I still have a lot of questions to ask you, it’s a little late now. If you don’t mind, you can come with me to my place. It’s very safe and we can talk slowly." He laughed as if he remembered something. "I also found several bottles of Louis XIII there if you are interested."
He patted Sam on the head and motioned for him to start with his shiny mustang sports car. He would spend a lot of time cleaning the sports car every day and then ask Qin Jing and them to move.
"Wait a minute" Qin Jing stopped Robert. "I still have some friends. I wonder if we can go to your place for a few days together."
"friends?" Robert froze.
He watched the teenager pull out a walkie-talkie with a strange shape and then turned it on.
"What happened to the intercom just now?" ChuXuanYin quietly out.
"It’s nothing. We have found the owner of the line wave." Robert Qin Jing didn’t say much before looking at him.
"Well, we’ll be there in a minute." The voice in the intercom went silent.
"Let’s wait a little" Qin Jing looked up and put his hand on his forehead and looked at the sun "It’s not too late now",
Robert nodded, and he seemed to be looking forward to seeing more compatriots like him.
Today is destined to be the most unexpected day for Robert in three years. He will feel this way when he leans against the wild horse and looks at the people coming from a distance.
"What about power cars and buses?" Qin Jing walked away. He stepped on a can and made a tearing sound.
"I put it away. For the time being, we still don’t want the protagonist to show us all the details." At this moment, Chuxuan No.3 is walking with him to the front and the back is a face of alert and overlord.
"Why are there so many people left?" Qin Jing was startled to count the number of people present, together with Qin Jing Jason, and there were thirteen people left.
"Not everyone can calmly accept life in the face of strangeness and fear. Many people tend to comfort themselves to prevent madness according to their own understanding, and no matter what the specific situation is, such as we have no threat from the North Sea team, what accidents they have will not affect our overall situation." Chu Xuan adjusted her glasses. "You must remember what I said."
Give up new people as much as possible and lower the evaluation of the Lord God?
Qin Jing no longer said anything about introducing everyone to Robert, who shook hands with everyone and said, "It seems that we need a bigger cart."
He turned and opened the car door. "You wait for me for a while and my horse will get a bigger car."

Listen to Wang Lei, Zhang Su, arguing that Liu Yan is utterly confused, and Bai Jialong is more jealous of Jia Long in the army. Those who have made great achievements have long wanted to get rid of Jia Long, who is more popular in Yizhou than himself. It was this Dong Zhuo invasion that made Liu Yan reluctant to lose the throne of Yizhou local tyrant. Now all kinds of information show that Jia Long’s new coming out of the mountain is not as simple as just resisting Dong Zhuo’s invasion, but he has greater ambitions. At this moment, in Liu Yan’s mind, Jia Long has been cut into thousands of pieces. If Jia Long is replaced, who can be qualified and capable?

Suddenly, Liu Xun’s heroic figure came into Liu Yan’s mind. When he was in Yizhou, Liu Xun was the first military commander in Yizhou. He was familiar with the art of war. He often talked about the battle of war. The veterans in Yizhou were speechless. After going to Jiange this time, they were even weaker. If Jia Long was not afraid of taking Dong Zhuo’s fat head, if Liu Xun succeeded Jia Long, he might be able to completely defeat Dong Zhuo’s main force and return to Chengdu.
Liu Yan figured that he must have sent two letters to the messenger and the trotters. One was Liu Xun. Liu Xie and Zhang Song jointly won the victory. Only one day after Liu Xun actually controlled Jiange soldiers, he broke Dong Zhuojun’s body count of more than 30,000 people, with less than 2,000 casualties, and broke through Dong Zhuojun’s main business again, forcing Dong Zhuojun to withdraw another 40 miles. The other letter was that Jia Long and Jia Longxian reported to Liu Yan that Yizhou people would not take the army without his command, resulting in a loss of more than 1,000 troops and less than 1,500 enemies. He also expressed his concern that recognizing Dong Zhuo’s so-called retreat was just a deception to induce Dong Zhuojun to fight a decisive battle, and Dong The 40-mile land where the army retreated is narrow and narrow, which is unfavorable to the attack of the army. It is easy to be intercepted by Dong Zhuojun. Jia Long wants to ask Liu Yan for a death order, so that Jia Long can restrain himself and all the soldiers in Jiange can no longer take the initiative to play.
"The world was ashamed of this? Someone in the world is sinister and vicious? " After reading the two letters, Liu Yan howled at the sky and expressed great indignation at Jia Long’s shame and cunning.
When Yizhou people were still puzzling, Liu Yan got up and said, "The public ordered Jiange army to order Liu Xun to officially pick up Liu Xun, the commander of the three armed forces, and Zhang Songsheng, the deputy commander of the three armed forces, to March as a staff officer and military adviser, and immediately returned to Chengdu after Dong thief fought a decisive battle to break the enemy."
Wang Lei was so frightened that he tried to stop it, but Liu Yan went on to say, "Jia Long should be beheaded to show the public that he deserves credit for his death!"
Four days later, Liu Yan’s order was urgently sent to Liu Xun and others. Liu Xun was pleasantly surprised and called to Zhang Song. Recently, he has eased many things. After reading the letter, Liu Xunmen saw the mountain road. "Now the situation is very critical. An enemy suddenly appeared from out of nowhere in our rear. Chengdu is in danger. We must immediately fight the thief’s main battle. Only by eliminating the thief’s main battle can we free our hands to rescue Chengdu. What do you think?"
Liu Xie and Zhang Song furtively glances at Zhang Songxian to kiss up. "The thief Dong has lost several battles in a row and needs to win a battle to boost morale. If the Lord asks him to fight a decisive battle, he will definitely agree."
Liu Xie’s mood is complicated. Bai Dong Zhuo has made so much effort in his heart. All kinds of arrangements are to induce the main force of Yizhou Army to fight a decisive battle, and Liu Xun’s decision will cost many Yizhou soldiers their lives. At this moment, Liu Xie suddenly has such an idea in his heart. Is my personal interests and prosperity worth killing so many Koo soldiers?
Liu Xuan is hesitating. Liu Xun is already unhappy. "Uncle, don’t you think the handsome decision is wrong?"
Looking at Liu Xun’s overbearing face, Liu Xie is determined to destroy himself if everyone else takes the hindmost. Now even if Liu Xun wakes up, he may not necessarily listen to what’s worse. Even if Yizhou keeps himself alive, he will humiliate the timid generation in this arrogant nephew. It’s better to gamble! Thought of here, Liu Xunyi gritted his teeth and smiled. "My good nephew misunderstood my uncle and was thinking about it, so he lost his mind."
Liu Xun laughed heartily, and Zhang Song changed his arrogant face to a humble smiling face at ordinary times. Liu Xun was also silly and quick. After the three men decided on the date of the decisive battle, Liu Xun immediately personally ordered people to repair the war and send it to Dong Zhuojun’s camp, and then changed the topic to the method of killing Jia Long.
"Little master villain has a plan to make Jia Long and his henchmen succumb to the law." On hearing this, the Malay spirit of Zhang Song, who hates Jia Long the most, said, "Please let the little master set up a banquet tonight to ambush the swordsmen and invite them to wait until everyone is seated. When the little master reads the master’s command line in class, the swordsmen will rush together to cut Jia Long Li into pieces. When Jia Long dies, the leader of the flying army will fall apart."
Liu Xun heard the news and immediately sent someone to arrange for Liu Xun to hold a banquet in Jiange lobby that night, inviting all the generals to have a drink. Jia Long was not suspicious of cheating, and Li, a confidant general, went to the wine with him. After three rounds, Liu Xun secretly winked at Liu Xie, and Liu Xie nodded and agreed to get up and arrange the knife and axe. Unexpectedly, he was discovered by Jia Long’s disciple Zhang, and Zhang also secretly followed him on the pretext of going to the toilet and leaving the table.
Zhang followed Liu Xie to the gallery on the side of the hall and found that there were dozens of knives and axes lurking in the gallery. Zhang scrambled to climb the gallery and borrowed trees to eavesdrop on Liu Xie’s words. He said in a low voice, "You will listen to Liu Xie for a long time, and when you finish reading the imperial edict, you will rush to cut that Jia Long Li and that one together."
Hearing these words, Zhang Ru was struck by lightning for a long time before he woke up. When he didn’t hesitate, he immediately sneaked out of Jiange Hall and called a team of teachers, Jia Long Qinbing. When Zhang returned to the lobby with a gun, he saw that he would have fallen to the ground and Liu Xunzheng was shaking his head with a document and read, "Jia Long’s collaboration with the seller was unforgivable and he was given death! Jia Long’s accomplices are also executed. "
Liu Xun’s voice did not fall, Jia Long had shouted that he had wronged Li, but his eyes were so angry that he had pulled out his sword. At this time, the knife and axe hand had rushed out of the ambush near the flower gallery. Seeing that the situation was critical, he suddenly sent a shout to take the lead and rushed into the hall. Liu Xun’s hands were not caught by Zhang Yi, and then Zhang Jian was placed on his neck. When the flying army rushed in together, the knife and axe hand were scattered and rescued Jia Long and Li.
"What?" Zhang Hongxue eyes shouted at Liu Xun "What? We are loyal to our master. Why should we do this to us? "
At this moment, Liu Xunzao has lost the battlefield and trembled like a small woman in a group of perverts. "I don’t care about my grandfather."
Zhang grabbed the official document and looked at it and laughed wildly. "Ha ha ha … my master colluded with Na Nan? Want to dedicate Yizhou to Dong Zhuo? Without the support of my master’s coolies, Dong Zhuo would have drunk horses in Chengdu. Are you all pig heads? "
"It’s none of my business," Liu Xun pleaded. "General Zhang, please let me go quickly. I will definitely recommend your promotion to my grandfather."
"Bah!" Zhang Yi said, "If we want to be promoted and get rich, we will surrender to Dong Zhuo early." Zhang turned to Jia Long, who had already shed tears. "Master Master was blinded by villains and tried to kill you and me. We can’t do nothing. We’ll put them in prison and hold on to Jiange before trying to explain to the master."
Jia Long shook his head in tears. "Not as early as the day when the master entered Yizhou, I guessed that I would have this field. I didn’t expect that the master would have to hand before he retired."
"Master!" Zhang chop feet cried "the profit in addition to you who can stop dong thief army? If he commanded Liu Xun’s army, he would just send hundreds of thousands of Yizhou loafers to Dong Thief’s butcher’s knife. You can’t think for yourself, but also for Yizhou people! "
"The old general general Zhang makes sense." Li also advised Jia Longdao, but Jia Long was weeping and shaking his head, but he didn’t say anything. Suddenly there was a stalemate outside the hall. Many soldiers surrounded Jia Long and others as flying legions. It turned out that it was a profitable general who saw the chaos and quietly slipped out of the hall and called in an army to surround the hall. It was just a situation.
Jia Longbai himself, if you don’t make a decision, Yizhou charger will kill each other, so it will be cheap in vain. Dong Zhuo Jia Long thought for a moment and collected his tears. He said, "Little Master Jia Long will never turn his back on the world, but since Master Xiao misunderstood Jia Long and Yan will stay in the army again, Jia Long can’t die unjustly." Jia Long thinks of himself this way. If he insists on staying in Jiange, not only his life will be in danger, but also the enemy will take charge and receive it. It is very difficult to see the situation.
Said Jia Long and commanded Zhang Dao, "Don’t hurt him if you want the young master to let us get out safely." Zhang nodded and promised Liu Xun that he was even more happy. "Well, since the old general recognizes himself as a koo, please come to my grandfather to defend you. Listen, don’t hurt the old general and others." Liu Xun added in his mind that they had to hurt me first.
When Zhang Ju-jian stood Liu Xun Jia Long and others slowly withdrew from the lobby while the Yizhou army was waiting for him, he also called all the flying troops to withdraw from Jiange to the south. When all the flying troops withdrew from Jiange, Jia Long and Li Zhangsan finally withdrew from the door. Jia Long sighed, "Let’s leave."
"No," Zhang shook his head. "Master, I can’t leave. First, I have to stall them or they will definitely chase you. Secondly, if I go again, we can never be cleaned unless we are wronged. I want to stay and come to Chengdu to defend myself before the master. "
"Nonsense!" Jia long denounced, "if you leave them, can you let you go?" Can give you a chance to go to Chengdu? Let’s go with the teacher. We’ll talk about grievances later. "
"No," Zhang said with tears, "Master, I have been listening to you since childhood. Please listen to the disciples once today. You should go first. I will stall them before you can evacuate. If we can still meet each other alive, the disciples will kowtow to you to apologize."
The cold wind is like a sword, and the goose feather flutters in the night. The snow dyes Jia Long, Zhang and his disciples into two snowmen. When Zhang repeatedly urges Jia Longcai and Li to shed tears and leave, Jia Longjian refers to Liu Xundao, "Little Master Jia Long will call you a little master again. If you hurt my disciple’s life, Jia Long will take your head even if it ends!"
People have to bow their heads in the eaves. Liu Xun’s puffed-up expression has disappeared at ordinary times, and his mouth is full of sweet words. "The old general can rest assured that I will send General Zhang to Chengdu to wash his innocence in front of my grandfather."
After Jia Long and others left, it was nearly two hours before Zhang saw that Yizhou Army had no chance to chase after flying troops who were good at mountain marching. Then he threw his sword and said, "Little Master has sinned."
That Liu Xunli’s clothes changed back to the graceful and domineering appearance before, and suddenly he punched Zhang in the lower abdomen and immediately squatted Zhang. "How dare you take a young master and escort him to fight!"
When Zhang was tortured in Jiange, the Jiange mutiny figurine was a big fellow named Dong Laoda-that is, Kang Peng was in high spirits in Wen Lu’s account. Today, Wen Lu accidentally ate the soup from Kang Peng and got hot and was succeeded by Kang Peng. Wen Lu was unwilling, but the bad doctor personally prepared it. Who can resist it? Have to bite the bullet and endure being exhausted by Kang Peng.
Very not easy to wait for Kang Peng to vent enough Kang Pengcai to hug Wen Lu in his arms and be affectionate and proud. "Beauty tells you a good news. Jiange has come to fight and agreed to fight the day after tomorrow. This time, you won’t retain your strength. Take out the martial arts to kill the enemy. When you arrive in Chengdu, you will meet the bride and formally marry your wife."
Bah! Wen Luli spat on Kang Peng and gnashed his teeth. You dog thief won’t let me marry you. I swore I would kill you myself.
Kang Peng doesn’t care about Wen Lu’s stubborn threat. Fuyu is stubborn enough, isn’t it? Finally, it’s not a darling minister in his own body. Kang Peng’s fat hand gropes for her smile in Wen Lu’s body. "It’s not impossible for a beauty to want to kill each other. You can kill each other in your belly as well."
After that, Kang Peng asked for a gun again. Ma Wenlu’s efficacy has passed at the moment. Many people struggled to push Kang Peng’s breath. "Wait, I have one thing to ask you. You promised that I would do whatever you want tonight, otherwise you won’t even think about it."
"What is it?" Kang Peng a stare blankly strange way "the sun rises in the west today? I cann’t believe you begged me, too Go ahead, I promise you anything. "
Wen Lu faintly whispered, "Today, I heard from the military that the body of Jingzhou general Wen Pin was hung by you at the gate of Xianyang. Now it is a mummy. You haven’t let him go to the grave. He is kind to me. I beg you to let him go to the grave."
"Good," Kang Peng replied casually, "I will have him buried in a beautiful scenery. Who told him to be kind to my wife?" The only thing that Wen Pin’s body did to Kang Peng was to deter the princes who tried to steal high-yield and improved varieties. Now, the purpose has reached Kang Pengle’s goal. I have to do something to please them. I don’t know the name yet. The mysterious beauty didn’t think of other aspects
Wen Lu closed her beautiful eyes and Kang Peng quietly separated tears from the corners of her eyes. Wen Lu said, "Father, you can finally be buried. It’s a wish for your daughter, and your daughter can rest assured of revenge."
Chapter 31 Jiange decisive battle ()
"Zhao Yun, Ma Chao listened to orders" Jia Long was forced to quit Jiange on the third day, that is, Dong Zhuojun, the profit army, agreed on the day of decisive battle. Kang Peng in Dong Zhuojun’s camp picked up the first allocation of charger and ordered, "Make you two take forty thousand chosen men and ambush on both sides of the narrow channel behind the battlefield until the enemy’s main force passes and immediately block the narrow channel to prevent the enemy from fleeing."
"Yes!" Zhaoyun Ma Chaoqi promised to meet Kang Peng together and added, "Long Mengqi, you are the most important, you must be careful not only to stop the crazy fleeing enemy but also to resist Jiange reinforcements." Zhaoyun and Ma Chao nodded solemnly and promised.
Kang Peng picked up the second direction, "Wei Yan, Gan Ning and Zhang Xiu listen to the order", and the three will leave the ranks together. Kang Peng ordered, "You and the three of you will each get 10,000 horses and ambush one at every ten miles on both sides of the narrow channel. When the enemy army enters the narrow channel and hears the gunfire, they will rush together to break the enemy and divide it into pieces!"
"Yes!" Three generals lang promised.
Kang Peng took out the third direction. "Lu Bu and Pound told you to lead hundreds of troops to Liu Xun for a decisive battle. Remember to cheat and defeat the enemy first, and then you won’t keep it after the enemy lies in ambush. Take out your strength and show Yizhou Army who is the first army in the day!"
"Yes!" Lu Bu added, "The adoptive father asked the child that Liu Xun’s child was flying wildly. Please let the child kill him himself this time."
"But" Kang Peng promised without hesitation that "if you can find Liu Xun before the dragons in the disorderly army, Liu Xun’s life will be yours"
Finally, Kang Peng concluded, "You have painstakingly arranged for many days and finally pushed the main force of Yizhou Army to the point of decisive battle of our army, and most of the total force of Yizhou Army is here. In the future, fighting will be easier, so that the soldiers will shed less blood and sacrifice less. Today, we will not only win this battle, but also win it! Have the confidence to do it? "
"Have confidence! Destroy the enemy army! " Dong Zhuojun crashing promised while Dong Zhuojun’s counselors looked at Kang Peng approvingly. Today, Kang Peng didn’t consult anyone about this tactic. It was because he carefully studied the nearby terrain that his arbitrariness was very bad. At ordinary times, those Xiaocong departments used it to learn military affairs. It can’t be said that it didn’t work. Old foxes in Jia Xu, Chen Gong and other three countries all thought this tactical plan was good.
When Dong Zhuojun arranged according to Kang Peng’s order, the Jiange was also stepping up the dispatch of troops and soldiers. Liu Xun held his head high in the lobby, saying, "Lei Tong, zhang yi, Lengbao, Liu Hui, you and other young masters led a 150,000-strong army to the decisive battle site. Today, the young master must personally take Dong thief, fat head, Liu Wei and Zhang Song, and you two will stay at Jiange to arrange a banquet to celebrate the young master’s victory."
After Liu Xun arranged the military, Zhang Song and Liu Xun bowed down and promised the rest of the generals, but they hesitated. Lei Tong remonstrated, "Young master, our army just changed its morale the night before Jia Longbing, which is bound to affect whether this decisive battle will be felt at the end of today’s decisive battle or whether it will be delayed. If the war is unfavorable or the enemy takes advantage of it to steal and resist?"
Thunder copper these self-serious words let Yizhou people nodding and saying good, but Liu Xun flew into a rage and shouted, "Thunder copper, how dare you shake the morale?" Chengdu is in danger, and it will be dangerous if the thieves don’t fight our rear! Jia Long can’t change into a furuncle. Now that his true face of seeking honor for the seller has been exposed, fleeing has not only no impact on morale, but also made our army worry about attacking the army. Don’t you forget that you learned a lesson from Serenade’s repeated failures? What else do you need to cope with? "