

Category 桑拿品茶嫩茶wx

"that’s all."

Jade motioned for several people in the temple with the wave.
"After you know each other, you are all one of our own. Don’t let me be honest in my hands."
A few people in the temple should be greeted by a tall, hairy barbarian after Yu left.
"Zhou Yi is so small!"
He smiled and patted Zhou Yi shoulder way
"I can’t believe that it didn’t take long for you to become a day!"
"Brother Shuo De" Zhou Yi surrendered.
"Thanks to my brother’s care, otherwise, Zhou has rarely been quiet this year, let alone achieved today."
"Ha ha ….." De Lang Shuo laughed.
"Let me introduce you to Bo Hu Tian Man!"
"Brother Bo Hu!"
"This is Yu Yin Tian Man!"
"Sister Yu Yin"
The practice of recognizing virtue is the five poisons and fierce tigers, while the practice of protecting the scorpion is the practice of lingering sound, while the practice of snakes is different.
These three are Yumen’s most promising people, Tian Man.
Add other people and jade alone to bless Tianman, and there are more than 20 congenital martial arts masters.
It doesn’t sound like much
But you must know that there are less than ten people in Liang Guo’s face!
The black wind tunnel is not three true species, only seventeen door refiners, and every door has so many days.
And this
It’s a black wind tunnel in a hundred thousand mountains!
No wonder the countries outside the mountain are so wary of 100 thousand mountains, and many spiritual forces have joined forces to stop barbarians from invading abroad
"Brother Zhou"
Shuode took Zhou Yi’s hand with enthusiasm.
"You don’t have to take it with you by the river after you have become a man of heaven. You might as well choose someone nearby to live in a cave for convenience."
"Just ask me if I’m pretty and don’t understand the place at the beginning."
He didn’t like Zhou Yi before, for one thing, he didn’t like outsiders, and for another, he was disgusted by jade appreciation.
However, although I liked it, I didn’t deliberately feel sad.
Nowadays, Zhou Yi has become a savage, and there is a high probability that he will not become a gas refiner. He also threatens him with his own heart.
"Teacher younger brother’s cultivation is a fierce ape change, right?"
"Have you ever practiced the ape-demon stick technique?"
"It’s a pity that I’m trying to practice, but my qualifications are stupid and I haven’t started yet."
Clap your hands, one person immediately came to the crowd and waved to Shuo De.
"Go and get the stick from my abode of fairies and immortals and give it to Teacher Zhou as a celebration of his all-day gift."
People should bow down and retreat.
"This ….." Zhou Yi hesitated a primly hand.
"Thank you, brother!"

"Huh?" Each other one leng and then quickly stretched out his hand.

"This way!"
That is to say, the prison door has been punched, and the prisoners who are in chains have been taken out one by one, and some suspects who are pregnant have signed and signed.
At this time, the situation is urgent and I can’t consider so much. It is not bad to be able to resist the dark race, even the murderer.
So do sinners who have made meritorious deeds.
Bai Lingxiao mixed in it, and his expression moved a muscle. He held out his hand to signal the other party to suppress him and repair his shackles.
"Wait a minute!"
Just then a sound suddenly sounded.
Zhou Jia stepped to hold a photo stone.
"This person can’t let him be a believer in the dark mother emperor. I have proof!"
"Do it!"
"Going …"
The crowd suddenly became restless, and even several followers of the dark mother emperor hid in it and rushed towards the nearby crowd.
Zhou Jia’s figure flashed in front of Bai Lingxiao with a chuckle.
"Brother Bai meets again."
"Last name is Zhou!"
Bai Lingxiao’s face is twisted
"I have something to let me go. Let’s be fair and square …"
Zhou Jia’s palm is in full bloom, and the thunder directly blows Bai Lingxiao’s head into pieces.
"Sorry, I’m not interested."
At the same time, the long-sleeved wind and thunder stirred fiercely, and the thunder force surged in the field to instantly drown several believers who were raging in the dark.
Looking back at the sky battleship, his eyes shrank.
It won’t last long!
Chapter 44 Flower picking
At most, there is no reason in the dark ethnic group, which also leads to various appearances.
A body full of mucus, branches like tentacles, and a tongue wrapped by eyes …
Strange looks are full of chaos, and mortals will get dizzy at a glance, let alone fight.

When you leave your hand for half an hour, the strongest swordsmanship in Songshan Mountain is Wan Yue Chaozong, who goes straight for the party.

Since the ice was changed, he felt that Songshan swordsmanship turned out to be more convenient than this short time and three moments, and his strength was faster than the crisis. He still moved Songshan swordsmanship.
Because this trick is too suitable for him.
And isn’t that Su Wei who holds the golden snake sword?
Seeing the burning wind and Songshan swordsmanship cut to his sword, the potential of the sword was greatly combined like a surging wave, and the attack was flooded continuously. Before the sword was pressed, people had a sense of shortness of breath.
This man’s strength is at least equal to Zuo Lengchan’s.
And this person is not the strongest in the organization … It seems that there are many homo habilis in the real world.
Sue idealism head secretly alert yourself.
However, in the face of burning wind, he didn’t panic at all. When the blade turned around, he stabbed the golden snake sword and went against the current against the blade of the giant sword.
The ice qi can freeze the weapon, but Su Wei’s body is also the same as the ice qi, and it is not affected at all
The skill gap between the two is not small.
However, Su Wei made a direct attack on the opponent’s swordsmanship, which was harmful. When the wind first touched Songshan swordsmanship, I felt that this swordsmanship was greatly powerful, but I didn’t expect that the flaw had already been anticipated by people.
I can’t stop thinking about whether the reaction has come or not.
Accompanied by a piercing scream
The golden snake sword blade has been chopped down along the other side’s blade, which has directly cut off the burning wind arm …
And Su Wei’s rise and tide wait for no man knows that if the other party is not stupid enough to be enemies in Songshan Jianfa, and he is familiar with all the swordsmanship in Songshan Cave … It should be noted that when Yue Lingshan cuisine was forced, it was still possible to make a great surprise and let him lose.
This burning wind power is definitely far better than great, but Su Wei is not at the same level as Yue Lingshan now.
It’s quite certain to kill him with mental arithmetic.
Now that there is an opportunity.
But don’t give him any chance to react.
The shrill scream suddenly came to an abrupt end
Poor ten brothers of the Old World Army, when the wind blows, their heads tilt and there is no rest.
Big BOSS fell to the ground.
At the same time,
Appear before Su Wei’s eyes
【 You forcibly plundered the Salvation Army brother’s life and gained 5 points of truth! 】
At the same time, Su Wei’s experience has risen again.
Sure enough, killing the story directly by the protagonist has a high degree of truth, or the degree of truth may be quite large with strength and identity.
It’s a coincidence this time.
The other party just learned Songshan swordsmanship and was restrained by him. Otherwise, if you want to kill him, I’m afraid you really have to let Feng Qingyang go out.
And see Su Wei.
Water bamboo has been pleasantly surprised and cried, "Are you the boss?"
She can feel the face of the person in front of her is different, but she seems to be the leader and her eyes are like …
Su Wei primly said, "No, I’m Daniel Wu!"
Then he threw the sword back to Xu Xi seriously. "Thank you for helping me to destroy the top ten fiends of the Sun and Moon Shintoism. Otherwise, I’m afraid the Wuyue Sword Sect will not be the opponent of the Sun and Moon Shintoism again."
Sure enough, the plot is gone.
Others are still working hard to slay those red BOSS.
But Xu Xi and others have been idle.
"This is thirty years ago, and the owner was not born thirty years ago."
He spit out a sentence and asked Su Wei, "So these people are actually trying to steal our kung fu?"
"In fact, they have succeeded."
Su Muwei said, "They want to secretly plunder my Wuyue Kung Fu and then give it to all the younger brothers of the Sun and Moon Shintoism, so that all the younger brothers of the Sun and Moon Shintoism will know that my Wuyue Kung Fu is strong and the Wuyue Sword Sect is doomed to be an opponent. Fortunately, with the help of your younger brothers, many people still practice my Songshan Martial Arts, and please ask your younger brothers and sisters to do good deeds to the end. I will put out those sources and help you with more important things to do."
"In vain!"
Xu Xi and water bamboo nodded immediately.
They are all white …
This is a plot.
Isn’t it the NPC who comes to collect the last knife when he meets the BOSS?
Chapter 12 Wrong Billion

Her face is pale and thin. It’s probably because a few days have been too rough that the whole person has lost a lot.

She knelt down to Bai Jin. "I’m sorry, mother-in-law. I was wrong. You misunderstood Miss Zhang. She is not poisonous!"
Bai Jin sighed and she wanted to explain to herself that she was not pregnant or poisoned. Nai frowned.
Fengyun is light but low. "I don’t want to compare piano and chess with Miss Zhang. I’m afraid I’ll lose to her. I took medicine to make Wen Xiang mislead you and make you think Miss Zhang is poisoned …"
Bai Jin looked at her in surprise. She frowned and said, "It’s my fault that I planted it on Miss Zhang. Will you let Miss Zhang punish me?"
Bai Jin frowned at her unexpectedly. "You silly child!"
Fengyun smiled lightly and her face was as pale as ice. "Thank you, grandma!"
Two people can understand what they say.
Fengyun lightly charged Bai Jin with falsely accusing Zhang Qianqian. After all, this kind of thing is easy to do, and Bai Jin is the queen of the palace.
Bai Jin definitely looked at Fengyun with a sigh and shook his head. "Get up. This time, I will punish you for thinking behind closed doors for seven days and not leaving the Chu Palace for half a step!"
Fengyun nodded lightly, smiled and stood up to help Bai Jin. "Mother-in-law, is it true that you will live in Chu Wangfu these days?"
Bai Jin smiled at her. "Don’t like it?"
"Of course, I’d like to live with you these days. Someone is going to bully me again, okay?" Fengyun gently shook Bai Jin’s arm.
Bai Jin nodded "good live with mother-in-law mother-in-law see who will dare to bully you …"
She took a white look at her own son, Xiao Linchu, and her cold eyes were always in Fengyun, but she followed Bai Jin to Yangxin Garden as if she didn’t see it.
Zhang Qianqian was badly injured. Xiao Linchu sent her back to Zhang’s adult and then informed the family of Ji that she was going to leave.
Zhang Qianqian held his hand tightly and turned pale and refused to let go.
Xiao Linchu looked at her calmly. She cried and asked, "You also believe that the imperial concubine is my poison, right?"
Xiao Linchu looked impatient. "No!"
Zhang Qianqian bit her lip intensely. "But you don’t believe that Feng Yun set me up lightly …"
Xiao Linchu suddenly got up and frowned tightly. "How can she have a miscarriage if she is not pregnant?"
Zhang Qianqian unbelievable watching Xiao Linchu Xiao Linchu upset turned and walked towards the outside.
Zhang’s adult just invited the doctor to twist his eyebrows as soon as he saw Xiao Linchu leaving. "What’s wrong with Xiao Chuqian?" What will get hurt all over … "
Xiao Linchu bowed his head. "I’m sorry, it’s my fault that my mother-in-law was angry with Sandy because of the discomfort of the cloud!"
Zhang adult sigh "small chu Sandy mind you know that if you are difficult, then make it clear to Sandy as soon as possible! Or give her a birthright. She wronged herself so much that she let herself get engaged to Ji Jiagong. The purpose is you … Chapter 163 You will die if you don’t argue with me.
Chapter 163 You will die if you don’t argue with me.
Zhang adult sigh "small chu Sandy mind you know that if you are difficult, then make it clear to Sandy as soon as possible! Or give her a birthright. She wronged herself so much that she got engaged to Ji Gugong. It’s you … "
Xiao Linchu pursed his lips and looked at him gently. "I know that you are actually an affectionate child, but like Sandy, she insists that if you don’t like her, don’t be too nice to her, otherwise she won’t give up!"
Xiao Linchu nodded. "I know uncle!"
Left the zhangs’ Xiao Linchu didn’t immediately go back to the palace of Chu, and there was a noble princess in the town of Chu, but nothing happened for a while.
Fengyun’s slight abdominal pain and Bai Jin’s own goal shocked him, which was actually quite big.
It never occurred to him that children were so important to a woman.
He always thinks that she is too young to have another child.
Besides, she doesn’t even know who she likes and who she wants to stay with for a generation. How can he get her pregnant and have children?
Besides, his future is full of too many variables, and he doesn’t have much confidence against Xue Luan Palace.
He had planned that the day she ascended the throne would be the time to let her go, but now …
He’s not willing to let her go.
Counting her in your own plan is already a change. Where can more children come out?
Maybe he defeated the subversion of the red moon country, and from now on, he will stand on a cone. He can still take a chance with her, but he really has no confidence in taking a child.
Walking quietly, Xiao Linchu looked cold.
Suddenly, a playful child ran into him, and his intuition put his arm around the child to avoid falling.
The child stuck to his leg and looked up with a smile. "Thank you, uncle-"
Xiao Linchu smiled "lovely-"
He stroked the child’s head and ran away with a smile.
He lifted his eyes and saw MuHan standing in a white suit not far away, not stained with any dust.
The folding fan in his knife-shaped eyebrows and star eyes gently shook the attendants next to him, coldly separating him from the bustling crowd.
Xiao Linchu gathered up a smile and looked at MuHan without talking.
MuHan smiled towards Xiao Linchu and then walked in the direction of Lingzhou Inn.
Xiao Linchu looked at his back and the knife-shaped eyebrows frowned.
Xueluan Palace is more and more active in Red Moon Country …
Xiao Linchu returned to Wangfu at dinner, and Feng Yunqing was having dinner with Bai Jin. As soon as I saw his expression, I knew he was still hungry.
Fengyun light as if she didn’t see him sitting there picking her favorite crispy meat and stuffing it into her mouth.
Bai Jin gave him a hubris "yo it won’t be the wrong door? It’s still early … "
Xiao Linchu ignored and told the servant girl to add bowls and chopsticks and sit beside Feng Yunqing.
When he saw that Fengyun was light, he ignored himself and put a piece of crispy meat in her bowl to please him.
She picked up the crisp meat on her face and threw it back into his bowl.
Xiao Linchu eyebrows a wrinkly want to send, but looking at her pale face suddenly could not bear it.
Angry, putting bowls and chopsticks suddenly lost my appetite.
Bai Jin glanced at Xiao Linchu coldly. "Are you full?"
Xiao Linchu doesn’t talk, Feng Yunqing also puts bowls and chopsticks. "Mother-in-law, can I go to Shen Taifu later? He hasn’t given me the music today …"
Bai Jin helped Fengyun gently wipe her lips with silk and raised her eyebrows and said, "Let the maid go. Why do you want to go there? You are Princess Chu now. What can’t you tell the maid to do?"
Fengyun puffed up her mouth and stopped talking. She stayed at home after a boring day to get some air.
Besides, when Xiao Linchu came back, she felt that she couldn’t stay for a moment. She was very annoyed and wanted to complain to Lan Lin or Shen Ya.

"oh? Excuse me! "

A rather old sound came out of the room.
Zhou Yan slightly one leng couldn’t think of this dean’s grade is quite big.
The worker has finished, and she nodded a little and left.
"Ji boss friends come in and come in!" The sound press a way
Zhou Yan pushed open the exquisite wooden door and was shocked by the sight.
It is said that the office is not as suitable as the library, and the dazzling array of things is neatly arranged over four meters high, and even the second floor cabinet is set up. The house is oval-shaped and facing the door is a huge transparent glass window, and the outside is the constant waterfall water.
This dean’s office is actually located in a waterfall.
There is a delicate table in the middle. An old man with white hair is reading a thick book with reading glasses.
The table is full of all kinds of books, even Zhou Yan’s feet are full of books, and some of them even tripped him up. Zhou Yan couldn’t help squatting to help him sort out one
The old man with white hair looked at Yan with reading glasses for a week and said, "Hey, are you Zhou Yan?"
Zhou Yan was a little surprised that he could actually shout out his name, so he nodded and replied, "Yes, I am Zhou Yan. I don’t know what the old gentleman’s name is?"
The white-haired old man waved his hand and said, "My name is Li Gusen. You can just call me Lao Li."
Zhou Yan still politely shouted "Dean Li"
Dean Li rubbed his hands and came to Zhou Yan’s side. He narrowed his eyes and looked at two small animals in his birdcage. He said, "Is it a bat that has not yet advanced evolution and a dragon that is about to take shape?"
Zhou Yan was praised by him and blushed modestly. "It’s all a coincidence."
Dean Li’s whole face should be stuck in the birdcage at the moment until Xiaohei sprayed a flame on it. He only stepped back a little and said, "Since it’s a friend of Boss Ji’s, it must be because of something else?"
Boss Ji?
Zhou Yan was a little surprised to hear this rather secular name. I didn’t expect Ji Fangwei to have a secular life.
Perhaps Zhou Yan’s expression is too obvious, and Dean Li also laughed. "To detect energy fluctuations, we need to integrate some resources. We need a lot of money. Mr. Ji has also invested in many industries, but all of them are taken care of by others."
Zhou Yan nodded, and then some corrections should be made to tell him whether the current situation of Ji Fangwei is too outrageous after all because of the change of the timeline.
Dean Li seems to see Zhou Yan’s concern. He reveals a mysterious smile and suddenly reaches out and digs into his eyes.
You have something to say.
A sub-page will not be very long, mainly for thousands of miles (not;
Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work hard!
Chapter 88 Chapter 88
Reality 1

Robot housekeeper
The gray-haired old man stabbed his finger into his eye very quickly, and Zhou Yan didn’t stop him from seeing a sci-fi scene.
After the finger pierced his eyeball, there was no blood spattering. Instead, the eyeball retracted into its eye socket like an open one.
Dean Li’s skin wrinkles have been ironed, which generally reveals a smooth flesh-colored surface, and his facial features have gradually subsided, and the flesh-colored skin has gradually faded, revealing a silvery metallic skin. Suddenly, the eye position has opened two glowing blue eyeballs, and a mechanical voice from his mouth says, "Hello, introduce myself again. I am the master housekeeper."
No matter how slow Zhou Yan is, you can see that this is a robot!
Vivian was scared to scurry around in the birdcage by this change, but Xiaohe couldn’t help it. When she melted Zhou Yan’s birdcage, she ejected out, but was caught by the robot arm. Two metal fingers grabbed Xiaohe’s seven-inch position and said, "New species have been detected, and the source is similar, and the target is hostile and dangerous."
Zhou Yan quickly stopped Blackie’s attack and said, "Blackie, Blackie, come back!"
Xiaohei is twisting himself into a twist at this time. He stopped moving when he heard Zhou Yan’s call. He stared at the robot with a pair of blue eyes.
Since I came into contact with the evolution-limited deputy Zhou Yan, I feel that my psychological endurance is already very strong, but I am still curious and afraid to see such a high-tech robot in reality.
Finally, the occupational disease overcame the fear. He couldn’t help but observe the robot. It didn’t even have a seam trace. The surface was like mercury. The metallic luster texture made Zhou Yan think of a word-tianyi sewing, which is definitely not what he knows at present.
God knows how hard Zhou Yan endured to stop his desire to touch.
Which special effects makeup artist can resist the temptation of robots!
The robot doesn’t care about Zhou Yan’s eyes. After releasing Xiaohe, he said to Zhou Yan, "I am the master. Mr. Zhou, the housekeeper of the robot, can trust me. If this picture of me makes you feel uncomfortable, I can change my appearance, such as my master."
Zhou Yan quickly waved his hand and said, "I wish it were like this now!"
This is a super robot in liquid metal form that has never been seen before! I really can’t see it at ordinary times!
However, what the robot just said made Zhou Yanbai understand something. He asked, "Will you become Ji Fangwei at ordinary times?"
The robot said, "I usually attend various activities that need to be attended on behalf of my master. At the same time, I will also play the role of Dean of Tianhai Sanatorium, General Manager of Tianhai Group and Tianhai Technology Co., Ltd."
The robot reported a lot of names, and Zhou Yan’s eyes gradually became sympathetic. It turned out to be a hard-working robot.
Zhou Yan took out the business card. It seems that this is actually a clue for Ji Fangwei. If there is anything unusual, he will naturally come here.
He told the robot what happened recently in detail, and then he speculated about himself.
When the robot heard the blue light in his eyes flashing all the time, it seemed to be processing Zhou Yan’s information, and then the mechanical voice said emotionally, "The owner should still be in Hanya."
At this time, there was finally a person who could answer the questions. Zhou Yan said, "But he gave me a piece of jade brought from Hanya mine."
The robot’s simple face showed a very puzzled expression, and its blue eyes flashed faster. Even Zhou Yan felt that he had been waiting for a long time. Then the robot said, "The special mind prevents the frequency band from causing singularity in other parallel worlds in reality. The owner may be dealing with this matter."
Zhou Yan’s facial expression "speaks human words"
The robot blinked his big blue eyes and said, "It is said that the real world is intertwined with the world of Hanya or an unpredictable crisis may be found. The owner should still stay in the original assistant to solve the problem."
This made Zhou Yan suddenly fidgety and said, "How did this happen?"
The robot narrowed its eyes, and its two round eyes suddenly turned into blue strips, and it could be seen that it was trying to express its anger and said "obelisk"
Zhou Yan: "I met Mr. J, the president of Crescent, and he said that he had adjusted his communication goal."
It’s rare for a robot to give a humanized cold hum and say, "He is the obelisk agent."
Zhou Yan remembered the inexplicable disappearance signal. He found a blue star instrument on the front table and found the signal disappearance area of the man. He said to the robot, "My mobile phone tracked Mr. J’s whereabouts. He disappeared in this place. Will the obelisk be here?"
The robot’s eyes flashed and said, "This area was deliberately hidden."
His metal finger was pointed at Zhou Yan, wrapped in a spherical picture with a blue star instrument, and a little bit of tiny debris flew to the middle. Under the command of the robot, these originally spherical drawings gradually unfolded in the middle.
A complete map of the world was displayed in front of Zhou Yan, and the robot clicked on one point of the map again and began to show the complete latitude and longitude. The small print appeared in the map, but the calculation of latitude and longitude stopped when Zhou Yan pointed out that area.
The robot has made a few more virtual points, and the center of the special area in the map has gradually revealed white dots, and the latitude and longitude calculation program has also started again. This time, it has progressed very smoothly.
"Here, the obelisk is here, and its position is hidden near the desert of Ghana." The robot’s eyes emit blue light and scan the specific area, and then its eyes turn into a smiling shape and say, "Mr. Zhou, you are very clever."
"But knowing that this place is not as special as there is, it seems that the former owner was seriously injured after he went to explore it."
Zhou Yan thought and asked, "Is it a heart injury?"
The robot’s eyes flashed blue and said, "Sorry, I can’t answer."
Zhou Yan picked his eyebrows, which must be because he was injured there. He tried to ask his most heartfelt question, "Mr. Robot, I want to say that your master has any enemies who look like me."
The robot’s eyes suddenly stopped flashing, and the soft blue light scanned Zhou Yan from beginning to end. Then the blue light suddenly turned into a strange pink and said, "Mr. Zhou, your face value is much higher than the average, and the owner will not regard you as an enemy."
"Poof, hahaha!" Vivian finally couldn’t help laughing with her paws pulling the cage.

I don’t know what Shi Bozu meant? "

"Hum!" Yuan Buddha cold hum a said, "you this boy is so bold?
Now that the number of days has been set, are you going to change it at random? "
Ling Qing worshiped, "It’s not because of my brother’s chaos that many people died another day."
If you grandmasters don’t want to impose more restrictions, wouldn’t it be a disaster to make all the immortals hate each other?
It’s better to wait for his brother’s resentment to accumulate than to gamble with him face to face.
Those with deep roots eliminate the disaster and cultivate the fairy road; The list of root-inferior people is sealed; Those with shallow roots are destined to be immortal and immortal, and they are reincarnated.
At that time, the truth will be clear at a glance. "
Yuan Buddha frowned slightly. If you want to finish sealing the gods, it is essential to kill the immortals and the immortals.
Look at today’s meaning borne has been reluctant to cooperate with the young players.
If you don’t promise, then Tongtian will close the abode of fairies and immortals and seal the Biyou Palace, and it’s not good for you to kill the door to destroy his brother.
Is it because I can’t wait for this child’s meaning to be clear according to the spirit, even if it’s not because the celestial sword array is set up to teach everyone and someone can stop it?
At that time, if you insist on making a move, you will not only break your word, but also end up with a big bullying charge.
After thinking for a while, the late Yuan Buddha said, "I still have my brother in my face, and I still need to ask my brother for instructions before I can decide."
Lingqing said, "Explaining teaching is the palm of Shi Bozu’s hand. It is always necessary to consult Shi Bozu first before going to Jing Palace to ask’m."
If Shi Bozu is interested in that brother, he will ask. "
Yuan Buddha nodded and said, "You go."
"Yes, brother, leave now."
Ling Qing left Yuxiu Palace, left Kunlun Mountain Path and came to Xuandu Dongjing Palace. Xuandu exorcist was waiting for him outside the palace.
Ling Qing bowed and said, "I’ve seen my uncle and I’d like to see him."
"You come in" Xuan exorcist ha ha a smile led him into the palace to see the old gentleman.
Lingqing bowed down and bowed down, and then detailed the things in the Jade Palace and asked Tailaojun for advice.
Too old gentleman naturally knows the difficulties of studying and knowing Yuan Tianzun.
It’s better if Ling Qing gives a reason to rob the mortal as soon as possible. This doom will hurt the people.
Every word is in line with the number of days, and the most important thing is that Tongtian has already approved this law. How can he refute it?
It has been said before that saints can anchor the number, but if one disagrees, there is doubt that they can not anchor.
Too old gentleman, Yuan Tianzun, leading sage, quasi-sage, even if they want to be good, they can put it on hold and can’t decide if they don’t agree.
At this time, the Tongtian leader speaks through Lingqingkou, which means compromise.
If you refuse directly, it will be a delay in exchange.
Being promoted to Luo Xianxian after deification may not be able to keep his own realm, let alone go further.
After all, if you are robbed by the gods, how can you be complete?
See a squire aside Xuandu exorcist Tailaojun said, "You have both this heart and this idea, so it depends on you."
You go to prepare and wait for them to deal with it. "
"It’s a guy! Brother, I’m going to prepare. "
Lingqing thank humbly left Xuandu Dongjing Palace and then went to Yuxiu Palace in Kunlun Mountain to tell the story.
Then I returned to Penglai Island Biyou Palace to report back to the leader of Tongtian.
So the three masters have reached an agreement on this policy.

The shadow in front of the manor is actually real, and every battle is recorded.

So will I appear in the film one day?
Enter the cinema and sit in the middle of the front row. When the screen lights up, I see a war dog passing by the screen. When the four knives emerge, I can’t help feeling that an ordinary person like myself is finally going to participate in the greatest cause in the world.
We will attack a new manor in four days. I wonder what the owner is going to do?
Will this battle be as smooth as before?
And what changes will the other 1000 places bring to the manor after entering the "game"?
These people are unreliable in the exam. What if they don’t play games well and we lose?
Suddenly Four Knives felt that Xiao Xuan was leaning on his shoulder when his shoulder was heavy.
But it’s not his future wife who is on his shoulder.
And the world.
At this moment, I really felt what responsibility is in the dark.
Chapter 131 Robbery Squad
The light in the cinema changes.
No matter what ideas the audience came to the cinema with, they were almost attracted by the plot at this time.
Because it is hard to get a movie ticket for Robbery Squad, Neng Manor has also increased the difficulty of "brushing tickets" in technology. Almost everyone in the venue actually saw Robbery Squad for the first time.
All these stories originated from the invasion of Emperor Indigo.
This mysterious invader’s understanding technology of the earth method has induced submarine volcanoes and almost wiped the whole half of Fusang coastal States from the earth.
The various influence it has brought have not yet dispersed.
Food price fluctuation, famine disaster caused by volcanic ash, and follow-up construction continues at this time.
But unlike the drama style of Brewer, which is such a heavy topic, Robbery Squad is actually a comedy.
The picture goes from three pounds and four ounces to two stupid faces.
These two ugly faces have appeared in Brewer, but it is not an important role, it is a face.
And the first picture is three pounds, and a big face occupies more than half of the lens.
"Did you take it? Did you shoot it? " The focal length of the lens blurred and finally aimed at the ugly face of three pounds.
"Hello everyone, I’m Sanjin, and now I’m going to give you a show."
"this program is called’ mouth and nose fire’"

"What will be the film I am strange?"

"What is the difficulty of sixteen people? The Beihai team will be wiped out here in such a short time?"
"And what destroyed them?"
Qin Jing asked three questions in a row and then quietly waited for Jason to answer.
"The difficulty of horror movies doesn’t mean the danger. The Beihai team is actually more deadly than many terrorist elements because of the same cycle. This is the first question." Jason lit a cigarette and took a bite of scarlet burning tobacco. The light is not obvious during the day.
"What about the second and third questions?" Qin Jing asked
"I’m sorry, I don’t know," Jason replied. "The guide is not omnipotent. In fact, it’s more like the puppet of the Lord God. I have a little more ability to trace the source with the thread, but my contact is only a small piece of thread."
"It’s you," Jason suddenly laughed. "You surprised me again and again, whether it was in Resident Evil that you left the team alone or later in the alien. Every time I think you can’t be lucky, you suddenly appeared in front of me …"
"So this time, too? Do you think we are also lucky … "
Although in the face of Qin Jing’s sudden attack like stealing the concept, Jason was unexpectedly silent
Can we be lucky? Even Jason, such a Qin Jing card, didn’t know that the Lord God’s will was a group battle. It was difficult for sixteen people, but it didn’t even last three days to enter the team first …
Just thinking about Qin Jing feels heavy and uncomfortable.
Both of them suddenly lost their voices.
"Don’t be so unlucky." Qin Jing realized that he seemed too pessimistic. He waved his hand. "You know, I’ve known about this God for a long time, so I’ve thought a lot about your identity …"
Qin Jing’s words haven’t finished yet, and his arm has been tightly grasped. He looked up in amazement only to see that Jason stared at him motionless, and his eyes turned out to be never radiant.
"Do you have an idea?" Zhang Jieyin unconsciously began to tremble.
"Well, I thought about the way to get rid of your guide identity …"
At this time, Qin Jingyin stopped because he and Jason both heard the roar of the huge engine. They looked up at the sound source and a red mustang sports car appeared in their eyes.
(Fill in the last thousand words. It’s disgusting to read these two days. This is the consequence of not listening to the lecture in class. It may be a bit hasty to write it. You will have a look.)
The fourth chapter begins
Robert came out of the car, still holding a gun in his hand, and his loyal old buddy barked at the two people in front of him.
It’s been three years since that damn virus mutated to air broadcast. It’s not that he hasn’t thought about meeting others. He talks to the dummies in the dvd shop every day. He sits quietly at this bridge every day, sometimes all day. He finds a few radios and plays the sentence "yuarena1ne" back and forth.
But now that I’m in Chili, Robert is alone. He hasn’t dealt with anyone for three years, although he says the first few times every day …
So he saw coming up with his hands up to show no malice. Qin Jing and Jason didn’t know what to say at the moment.
"Hello, we mean no harm …" Qin Jing looked at Robert with a serious expression and tried to explain one.
"Do you like Shrek?" Robert jack way
Two people suddenly froze Qin Jing embarrassed to look back at the same face of embarrassment sample Jason and then nodded his head.
Before he could speak, Robert interrupted again, "Then tell me what Shrek said in 35 minutes?"
The two people present were completely petrified. Although Qin Jing seems to remember what Robert said to Shrek when he met two lucky people, isn’t this the first meeting a bit too much …
You think I’m Chu Xuan … How can you remember such a thing!
Three people stare at each other with small eyes and stand still for a long time. Sam is very conscientious. His master is pretending to be angry, but his animal intuition seems to faintly feel that the two people are not easy to provoke, so he is consciously verbally cheering.
"I’m sorry, I’m so excited." Finally, Robert realized that he was the same human being in front of him. He put away his gun and comforted him a little too much. Sam.
He just now Sam just excited more inclined to upset? He looked back doubtfully, revealing that Qin Jing and Jason were slightly cold.
Sam is afraid of them?
Jason is really depressed. If Qin Jing hadn’t repeatedly told him to keep good relations with the protagonist of the plot, he wouldn’t have raised his hand so humbled that he would have been half a man, but he was still like an ordinary person.
In fact, Qin Jing considers himself that Robert is a top biological scientist in the film. If they can get Robert’s help to study this virus well, it is not impossible. If possible, he still hopes to get more plot rewards, and his research direction of the Queen of Flame is not biological pathology. The research on this virus depends on Chu Xuan and Robert.
"Hello, my name is Robert, and I am the only lucky person in this city." After comforting Sam, Robert got up and shook hands with Qin Jing.
"My name is Qin Jing" Qin Jing smiled.
Robert looked up at the sun. "Although I still have a lot of questions to ask you, it’s a little late now. If you don’t mind, you can come with me to my place. It’s very safe and we can talk slowly." He laughed as if he remembered something. "I also found several bottles of Louis XIII there if you are interested."
He patted Sam on the head and motioned for him to start with his shiny mustang sports car. He would spend a lot of time cleaning the sports car every day and then ask Qin Jing and them to move.
"Wait a minute" Qin Jing stopped Robert. "I still have some friends. I wonder if we can go to your place for a few days together."
"friends?" Robert froze.
He watched the teenager pull out a walkie-talkie with a strange shape and then turned it on.
"What happened to the intercom just now?" ChuXuanYin quietly out.
"It’s nothing. We have found the owner of the line wave." Robert Qin Jing didn’t say much before looking at him.
"Well, we’ll be there in a minute." The voice in the intercom went silent.
"Let’s wait a little" Qin Jing looked up and put his hand on his forehead and looked at the sun "It’s not too late now",
Robert nodded, and he seemed to be looking forward to seeing more compatriots like him.
Today is destined to be the most unexpected day for Robert in three years. He will feel this way when he leans against the wild horse and looks at the people coming from a distance.
"What about power cars and buses?" Qin Jing walked away. He stepped on a can and made a tearing sound.
"I put it away. For the time being, we still don’t want the protagonist to show us all the details." At this moment, Chuxuan No.3 is walking with him to the front and the back is a face of alert and overlord.
"Why are there so many people left?" Qin Jing was startled to count the number of people present, together with Qin Jing Jason, and there were thirteen people left.
"Not everyone can calmly accept life in the face of strangeness and fear. Many people tend to comfort themselves to prevent madness according to their own understanding, and no matter what the specific situation is, such as we have no threat from the North Sea team, what accidents they have will not affect our overall situation." Chu Xuan adjusted her glasses. "You must remember what I said."
Give up new people as much as possible and lower the evaluation of the Lord God?
Qin Jing no longer said anything about introducing everyone to Robert, who shook hands with everyone and said, "It seems that we need a bigger cart."
He turned and opened the car door. "You wait for me for a while and my horse will get a bigger car."

And the staple food, no matter how dull it looks, is that it can make you never tire of eating it, no matter whether it’s a hundred years or 10 thousand years, it can be seen how important the staple food is to our taste, as if it were an anchor, so our stomach told itself.

Everyone will be proud to take care of his staple food "rice".
Southerners insist that "rice is rice and pasta is food". Eating noodles is no matter how full you are. If you don’t eat for a day, it seems that you haven’t eaten anything. North Renye Fang is so proud to claim that pasta is king, and it is so unreasonable.
In fact, the taste of grains is monotonous and full of wisdom. China people can always create different patterns.
At this moment, watching this program, what is the difference between North and South rice and wheat flour, which makes you love your hometown and others’ hometown at the same time?
Xinjiang baked golden naan is very hard, but the more you chew it, the more fragrant it is. Just when you come out of the cage, you will feel the steaming steamed bread.
Section reading 37
The mouth is full of maltose. Stir-fry the beef river quickly, which makes people drool. When you hear the sound of "zilazila" when you cut a Chinese hamburger, all the pores of the audience tighten their tongues, and every taste bud is shouting "Is it so real or so big?" However, eating bamboo noodles without listening to his wordy face sound is simply a kind of suffering. When you pour a little chopped green onion on the noodles, you can scream.
"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah."
"God, instant noodles don’t matter at all."
"Don’t mention instant noodles. I don’t care if I eat hot pot. Now all I can think about is yellow steamed buns. Haha"
"I want to eat Qishan Sao noodles, but I don’t want to eat noodles. I want to drink spicy soup with red oil. How can I break it? Hahahaha feels refreshing."
"I can’t stop the potato chips in my hand if I want to eat dry fried beef river."
"I don’t want to stir-fry Niuhe soy sauce mixed with river powder, and then a bowl of steaming rice congee."
"Wonton catches the enemy. If it’s shrimp wonton, it’s even more enemy."
"I’m going to press out the bamboo noodles like this, and I’ll feel very q-bomb when I look at them. I want a hundred bowls."
Chapter six hundred and seventy-seven "Tongue tip" became popular
After the second end of China with the tip of the tongue, it was a carnival for qualified fans, and the midnight snack stalls were packed. In a food stall, the fried cattle and rivers were absolutely exploded, and the chef fried his wrist.
At the same time, another carnival is going on, and Shaanxi provincial government officials are already thinking about it.
The yellow steamed bun signboard should be put out, and Qishan noodles and hamburger with Chinese hamburger can make China people accept Chinese hamburger. Why can’t foreigners accept it and go abroad to carry forward our food system?
In a cave in Kangjiagou, Lao Huang’s mobile phone has been ringing, and the keen businessman has come to the door.
"Mr. Huang, we are a northwest specialty restaurant. Well, we’d like to invite you to be the spokesman of our restaurant, Huang Momo. How about 300 thousand?"
"300,000 to 300,000 generations of endorsements"
"If you think it’s less, we’ll discuss it later. You see, let’s come out and talk about it sometime. We are very sincere."
"Mo Miao"
Old Huang is a little stupid, so it’s 300 thousand. You can listen to the tone and add it here. In less than 30 seconds, it rang again, or a catering group came to seek cooperation.
There have been dishes in China with the tip of the tongue. Restaurants and specialty stores have shown their tips. China recommended them.
Without touching it, I can wait eagerly and hope that my signature dishes will appear in the program.
The editor-in-chief of an official media has stayed up late to write.
"China on the tip of the tongue evokes not only the coveted food, but also the human memory of China behind the food and the feelings of transcending food and home country, which has aroused the emotional resonance of the whole Chinese nation.
The philosopher Elbaha famously said that man is what he eats.
Nowadays, the appearance of every city in China is very close, and only the eating habits can be distinguished from other places. The smell of food in buildings, forests, cooking and air gives China people in different regions different personalities and different human feelings. These tastes are truly Chinese.
From the tip of the tongue, China is not a documentary about eating. Starting from the back of food, it talks about ingredients, wisdom, hard work, warmth of human feelings, pride of a nation and unity of a country.
When we watched the bamboo shoots dig out, the ham was hung up in the fishing net, the glistening steamed buns were uncovered, and the steamed buns were steamed, and the Chinese hamburger was crispy, so we were so excited that we couldn’t help crying. How lovely China is!
Only the tip of the tongue is in my heart. "
"China is full of affection and alcohol, and China is full of flavor. The style of a big country is heavy and delicate, and it is full of emotions. In recent years, China has the most infectious documentary."

"All right, all right, let’s stop talking nonsense." Trail, "Will you tell me first how this counts to beat you?"

"No, I refuse to talk to you about trials!" The pig’s head has a big temper. "I must correct your idea first. I am not that stupid pig. There is a great race in this world called Elmora race, and I am the only heir of Elmora royal blood. I inherited the great surname of Elmora royal family. My name should be translated into your language as Charlie Driss? Elmora? What are you talking about? Big pig head "
"poof!" Ning Qing couldn’t help laughing again. "Isn’t it still a big pig?"
"You don’t fart without seeing female creatures!" The pig-headed man was angry. "This is the last syllable of our name translated according to your language, which is hieroglyphics. What can I do except translate it into a big pig?" Although my image is very similar to that of pigs in your world, I have no doubt that I am of noble Elmora royal blood. You should call me respect Mr. Ji Li Gu Yang, which is at least respect for me! "
"Well, then, dear Mr. Ji Li Gollum, I ask you now, should we pass the second place?" Xiaokenai avenue
"That’s more like it." The pig-headed man nodded with satisfaction. "Of course, the great Elmora royal family won’t arrange boring exams to give you a trial trip. Each of the three cards has its own characteristics. First, since you have demonstrated your strength, second, you have to show your wisdom."
I don’t know where to touch the pig’s hoof, but I pulled out a stick to make it empty, as if it were a point of water. There was a ripple in the air, and a screen appeared. The screen of the pig’s hoof was written with the words "the first question" and "I’ll ask now"
"Oh, dear Mr. Ji Li Gollum Yang, can you tell me how to calculate first?" trail
The pig-headed man nodded with satisfaction. "Young man, you are very educated, so I will tell you that I will keep asking until you need to answer a correct question."
"So simple?" Xiao Zhang has a big mouth.
"Hey hey, is it simple?" The pig-headed man laughed. "Elmora, the only heir of the royal lineage, has a question that can’t be answered so well. I think how many inferior creatures benefited from me in those years, and they wanted to answer my question correctly, but they never answered my question correctly in their whole lives."
"Then try it." Little curiosity was fully aroused by him. "I want to see how great your question is!"
Pig’s head is humanitarian. "What is one plus one?"
A little stunned. "Is this what you call a question that people can’t answer all their lives?"
The pig-headed man nodded of course. "Don’t you know?"
Trail "equals two"
"Wrong answer" pig’s head humanitarian "One plus one equals three"
"What?" trail
"Don’t ask me why I’m the examiner." The pig-headed man stared his one eye. "But I can tell you the answer. Do you think if a male glutton and a female glutton will give birth to a small glutton? One plus is not equal to two but equal to three. "
"Oh, that’s good, come back." I’m too lazy to argue. After all, it’s ok to be right once. How much is one plus one? There are many answers to this question. It’s ok to be equal to two or three according to my own knowledge. It’s also equal to the king. This is a question that is somewhat dependent and somewhat sophistry.
"Listen to the second question." The pig-headed man wrote the words "the second question" on the screen again. "There are three greedy animals in the forest. I killed them with one punch. How many are left?"
After thinking for a long time, I carefully said, "None of them are gone because they are scared away."
"You’re so stupid," the pig snorted contemptuously. "Of course, there are two left."
"But …" Little sighed. "Well, keep coming."
"Once upon a time, a clean man went out to travel with a slovenly man to find a hotel to stay in, and then a man took a shower. Is it a clean man or a slovenly man?"
"Of course it’s a slob. He’s dirty."
"The wrong answer is that a clean man washes because he loves cleanliness."
"Er … again"
"Excuse me, which is heavier, one kilogram of wood or one kilogram of grass?"
"the same weight"
"The wrong answer should be that the wood is heavier," said the pig-headed man proudly. "Look at me and tell me that my question is very difficult."
"I’m not angry with this," protested Xiao. "It’s all one kilogram."