

Everyone at the scene held their breath. Will this beautiful goal be scored since Dominica passed? Everyone wants to know the answer, which has not kept them waiting too long. The suspense has been solved.

Everyone at the scene held their breath. Will this beautiful goal be scored since Dominica passed? Everyone wants to know the answer, which has not kept them waiting too long. The suspense has been solved.

"Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooal," Moreau growled for a minute to let people know the answer "Sexy! ! ! I think it’s time to have this word to explain the wonderful goal of Domonica. Think about how long it’s been since we saw such a sexy goal. This goal is "Sexy will make you cry"! I promise that maybe in 50 years, France will burst into tears again … We will no longer choose Serie A as the world’s best goal of the year, and it has been born. What can we do but worship? "The fans in Naples cheered hysterically and echoed Moro’s words, drowning him in the waves." Vesuvius "spewed hot magma again.
The beauty of this goal is that the ball never falls in the process from passing to shooting. The whole movement is extremely gorgeous and smooth in one go, giving people a feeling of naturalness and roundness. This is the result of Qi Nan’s painstaking thinking these days. He was ready to do this from the moment he caught the ball. In the Song Dynasty, his head, shoulders, back, chest, knees, legs, A complete set of kicking skills, such as feet, can make the ball not fall all day long, which is something that many cuju masters can do. From this, it can be seen that the ball control technology of Cuju in Song Dynasty is exquisite, and it is certainly handy for Qi Nan to seal the title of "the first person in Cuju" to do this. Just now, he actually blended in the "beating in vain" movement and turned Kun Yan back to his nest. These movements can be carried out in situ, but Qi Nan improved them to run at a high speed, and this goal can also be used, which indicates that Qi Nan finally blended the essence of Cuju to truly combine with
Volume II
Chapter 17 Inter Milan equalized again
Zinan’s goal dealt a great blow to Inter Milan’s momentum. It was so beautiful that even Munnio had to praise it in his heart. Munnio stared at Zinan and was celebrating with his teammates crazily. His face didn’t look like anger or resentment. If Rhea could read minds, he would immediately call Dellaurentis and ask him to refuse all requests from Inter Milan to buy Domenica. That’s right. At this time, Munnio thought about how to snatch this Domenica from Naples.
Vieira’s face is as black as it can be. His face is as black as a whistle. No matter how black it is, it can stain his teeth. Now he is thinking that if he had defended Dominica, maybe the goal would not have been scored.
Relying on Zinanmei twice, Naples finally surpassed the pressure again in the sixty-fifth minute of the game and returned to Inter Milan. Napoli fans shouted Zinanmei’s Italian name for ten minutes, and the sound of "Domo-Nica" was heard all over Sao Paulo. No one doubted the talent and skill of this strange player wearing protective gear for several times, which is inevitable.
Inter Milan’s offensive was silent for ten minutes because of Zinan’s goal, and then he looked up. Munnio was dancing there like a landlord urging his parents to work in the fields. He urged Inter Milan players to attack with his hands, and he hoped he could also go to strictly come dancing.
Lampard is Lampard’s long-range shot in front of the restricted area in Naples. This fellow looks like a blacksmith. The blacksmith knows how to swing a sledgehammer, but he knows how to swing his thigh. Lezo almost wants to scold his mother. If possible, he wants to tell Lampard, eldest brother, if you have a problem, just say it to me. Is it worthwhile to have a cold leg if you have something to do? It’s not easy for me to earn these two pennies as a goalkeeper, and I have to be tortured by people whose desire to shoot is stronger than your desire to have sex.
Fortunately, Lampard couldn’t hear Lezo’s heart, or he would turn around and show Lezo his "Lampard" omega supreme leg with two feet.
Quaresma still runs as joyfully as a horse. Although the physical strength of a "Quarez" horse is thousands of miles faster than that of a bloodless BMW, it is more than enough to run 10,000 meters in a race. Little Cannavaro and maldonado almost want to cut off a pair of "horse legs" of Quarez horse like Yue Jiajun did when dealing with the gold man. If quaresma knew what they thought, he would certainly buy tens of millions of insurance for his legs like Beckham before he dared to come.
It is well known that Mourinho likes to attack from the wing. When he was at Chelsea, he liked Ronaldinho and Wright-Phillips to break through the bottom of the wing or cut his own shot. His love for quaresma is understandable, but it is far from enough to have quaresma as a winger. Now Inter Milan is like a bird flying on the right, and there is nothing to change on the left side of Inter Milan.
Sure enough, in the 70 th minute, with a wave of his hand, Muninho replaced Mancini Jr. for Stankovic, letting him focus on the left, altruistic speed and technical impact. On the left of Naples, Mancini Jr. can play in the middle or on the left. He is also a very technical talent. He was also the key player to be introduced by Muninho after he moved into Inter Milan. He was asked to sit on the bench because he was in poor condition recently. Muninho had to put him on the bench.
Mancini caused a lot of trouble to Naples after the game. He and quaresma left and right, which overwhelmed the defense of Naples.
You have a good plan. I have had a wall. Tirea is not stupid. He waved the flag and changed Zalayeta to Montevino. savigny returned to the full-back position again. The Napoli formation changed back to 5-3-2 to strengthen the defense on the side.
In the last ten minutes of the game, the two coaches fought wits and fought bravely. Munnio changed people again in response to the change of Rhea. Suazo changed the so-called bench. Cruz came off the bench several times to save Inter Milan.
Inter Milan put forward the tactics of the center twin towers: 1.92 meters Ibrahimovic and 1.99 meters Cruz Muni? o held high in the Premier League style and played high on two flanks. In the restricted area of Naples, the two center Naples defenders can sigh that "high" is really "high"
Inter Milan attacked quaresma and once again broke through savigny’s defense. In a middle, Ibrahimovic grabbed a point sideways in a restricted area. A slight rub on the outside of his foot almost broke Lezzo’s ten fingers, "Captain Viking". The machete was inadvertently wielded, and Ibrahimovic was enchanting. Although he was 1.92 meters tall, he never went to grab the point. He preferred to break the opponent’s door in various difficult ways in the restricted area, just like his famous "scorpion wagging his tail"
Lezzo yelled at his teammates to make them pay attention. Domic knew that he had just lost his position, but he didn’t refute that he was closer to Ibrahimovic. If possible, he wanted to hang himself on Ibrahimovic.
The ball reached gargano’s foot, which was the same height as Diego Maradona’s. The Uruguayan was about to start the ball, but it was already defended in place. Vieira broke off and was old enough to be taller than the young Uruguayan. Vieira gave the ball to Lampard. Lampard didn’t take the ball to the middle this time. He gave it to Mancini Jr., and several dazzling cyclists broke through grava. Instead, he chose to cut to maldonado to make up for it. He was very experienced in pulling the little Mancini jersey. Trying to stop Mancini from slowing down like this is very common in Serie A, and the general referee will not punish Mancini for staggering out to meet him when maldonado pulled him. Cruz made a slight adjustment and chose to shoot hard.
"DuDu" referee Luo Saidi whistled, and Naples hissed four times because he awarded a penalty to Inter Milan because hand ball in the restricted area of Domic awarded a penalty to Inter Milan and Luo Saidi gave Domic a yellow card. Domic explained to Luo Saidi that the ball really hit him, but he didn’t mean Luo Saidi didn’t listen to him, insisting on his penalty. Mickey knew that it would be a waste of time to mix it up. If Mickey knew this sentence, he would stick it as a motto. He scored two penalties at the front of the bed and returned one at the home.
Ibrahimovic withstood a Napoli fan’s hush and steady penalty, and scored twice as well as Domonica. Ten minutes later, Inter finally equalized the score again with a penalty.
Volume II
Chapter 10 The curtain of Serie A falls
Five minutes after Ibrahimovic’s penalty equaliser, Luo Saidi blew the whistle for the end of the game. The Italian eye-catching game ended in a draw. Napoli got a valuable point and relegation was successful. Inter Milan was not so happy, because at the same time as this game, the result of Siromas’ game had come out. Rome won, which means that Inter Milan’s lead was reduced to one point by Rome, and the final ownership of the championship became more and more suspenseful. After the Inter Milan people almost heard their butts, the Roman gladiators gasped heavily.
Who is the champion of Serie A this season? These are not Neapolitans who need to pay attention. They now know that they have successfully avoided relegation. After the game ended, a grand celebration ceremony was held at Sao Paulo Stadium after Inter Milan left.
Although the success of relegation is not a very glorious thing, it is indeed a celebration event compared with relegation. Naples fans sang the Naples team song Ninodangele, and Naples players held hands and bowed to the 70,000 Naples fans.
Singers, waves, wild youth, passionate dreams and rational words meet in this noisy stadium. At this time, Sao Paulo Stadium is like a dream theater, playing the joys and sorrows of life. This scene reminds some old fans that Sao Paulo Stadium was always so lively in the Diego Maradona era. This scene makes people who don’t know the truth not celebrate relegation but celebrate winning the championship.
Qinan bowed to the fans among his teammates. Like everyone else, he felt excited and excited. At this moment, he thought he was a Neapolitan after all.
The next day, Italian media and newspapers introduced the game in a big chapter. The title of Naples Sports Daily was "Saint Dominique Appears Again". The article was three-fifths in length to praise Qinan’s two golden goals. Qinan himself felt that it was a bit exaggerated, but Naples people liked to watch the Naples Sports Daily printed twice that day to meet the needs of Naples people.
Rome Sports newspaper "Thanks to Domenica" sang praises for scoring two goals to help them draw with Inter Milan. Italian national television also released Domenica’s second goal again and again in the current Serie A brocade. The survey in the current program shows that 10% of Italian fans think that Domenica’s goal can be elected as the best goal of the year in Serie A.
Gazzetta dello Sport "Domenica" Snipers Inter Milan "They also have to admit that Domenica’s two goals, especially the second goal, are really beautiful. The article even broke the news that they learned from Muni? o that Inter Milan is going to show the acquisition of Domenica at the end of the season, which caused an uproar.
On the day when the Gazzetta dello Sport article was published, thousands of Naples fans staged a sit-in demonstration at the entrance of Naples Club against the club selling their Domenica. By noon, the number increased to 10,000. Finally, Delaurentis had to personally promise that he would never sell Domenica to disperse the sit-in crowd in the eyes of Naples people. Domenica was already the second Diego Maradona, who could lead Naples football to rise again. They had not been so happy for a long time as in the past month.
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Dellaurentis has two people in his office at this time, he and Rhea. Dellaurentis pushes a document in front of him to Rhea.
"Ai Du Yaduo, this is the document just sent by Inter Milan. As the Gazzetta dello Sport broke the news, they really want to buy Domenica at a price of 15 million euros. Do you think this business can be done?" Rhea didn’t answer him immediately. She looked at the boss deeply, hoping to see his real meaning in his eyes. He knew that the boss had called him to talk, which proved that he was definitely interested in the business. Rhea bowed his head and thought for a while about how to say that Delaudius didn’t sell Dominica.