

"Uh …" Gegen quickly followed the pursuers and disagreed, but he couldn’t say it at the moment.

"Uh …" Gegen quickly followed the pursuers and disagreed, but he couldn’t say it at the moment.

A line of people went to the first floor GeGen pointing to the direction of the cell. "People are over there …"
Wang Yibing listened to a wave of his hand and said, "Lead the way ahead!" Talking, he turned to a player and said, "Cao Xin, you stay here and the others come in with me …"
Gegen looked strangely at the man who stayed there, but he still took more than four people to the cell.
The jailer is an old jǐng who is also familiar with Ge Gen. When I saw him, I smiled, "Xiao Ge, are you here to see my old Li?"
Gegen see old jǐng member also relaxed to say with smile "with the mainland special operations team officials to see …"
"Oh?" The old member jǐng heard that Wang Yibing and others were officials of the mainland special operations group, and his face became ugly. He has been guarding the cell here these days, but he has no less conflicts with those ga7 members.
"Who told you to bring them?" Old member jǐng looks like business is business.
"Is. jǐng department …" GeGen don’t know how he changed face some uneasy tunnel.
".? What qualifications does he have to let people come to the cell … "This old jǐng is determined that it is difficult for a Wang Yibing and others." Didn’t you say that you have to have an order from jǐng to enter this cell? "
Wang Yibing and Xie Cunguan couldn’t help looking at each other, but they fell short here but were stopped.
Chapter seventy-four Save lives
Wang Yibing’s eyes couldn’t help but see that Xie Cunguan’s plan was formulated by Xie Cunguan at his side, so he didn’t make a good claim.
Looking at Wang Yibing turned to look at Xie Cunguan, some angry and funny, and looked at that face of serious old jǐng.
Plans are all conceived in advance, and conceptual things can never catch up with realistic changes. Plans can’t be too detailed and detailed, and plans can’t be realized. Most plans are direction plans.
Xie Cunguan’s plan is just to transfer jǐng Inspector of Kowloon jǐng Bureau from jǐng Bureau as far as possible and then try to get Cai Fengfan out as little as possible.
The old janitor, jǐng Cha, was not considered in his plan.
Looking at this old jǐng’s body, he went to the table and said to him, "sir Li?"
"Not bad!" Old jǐng looked at him with a reserved look on his face.
"I said, what are you doing in these two fairy fights?" Xie Cunguan asked with a smile
"What?" Old jǐng was just about to grasp the meaning of his words. Xie Cunguan had swung the palm edge with his right hand and hit his left ear door with a bang. At the same time, he put his left hand on his right neck and put his crooked body gently on the table.
"You-"Gegen couldn’t help but be surprised. Wang Yibing put his left hand into the cup as early as possible, and his right hand caught his throat and called him to hold it.
Two jǐng inspectors in the video surveillance room of the building just saw that something was wrong. They told Wang Yanghan to stun one with one punch, and the other was caught by his pistol, and then they immediately started to stun the surveillance video, and then deleted some of the parts that had just been recorded.
At this time, Xie Cunguan has quickly picked up the key plate from the old jǐng clerk’s desk and threw it to a fierce knife mercenary by the door. The Han took the key and looked at it and immediately found a stab into the FRP door lock hole.
The door was pushed as soon as it rang.
Wang Yibing’s fingers were strong at this time, and Gegen felt that his head was dizzy and he was unconscious
This is a secret service! Wang Yibing put unconscious GeGen gently on the table, and Xie Cunguan looked at the two jǐng members who fainted at the table behind him.
The fierce knife mercenary nodded and looked at two people at the table quickly.
Wang Yibing and Xie Cunguan glances followed the Han in front into the cell door.
There is a long passage in the gate, obviously the cell is in the innermost part, and there is a steel fence door in the passage. The mercenary with the key disc went over and closed the door again.
Three people quickly move down to the front of the channel head office.
This time, when the key was just inserted into the lock hole, two people suddenly appeared at the door, one of whom pointed a gun at the three people. "Who are you?" Ask them and look at the direction of the gate.
Wang Yibing stretched out his hand and took out his certificate from his pocket. When he whisked away, he threw it into the gap in the fence door and said, "One of our own! I was ordered to take Cai Fengfan away! "
"Don’t move yet!" A man said that he was shot in the right hand and didn’t move, pointing to them. As soon as he stretched out his left hand, he caught Wang Yibing, threw it over and took a look at it. It was something he was familiar with. It was indeed a ga7 certificate. He couldn’t help but tilt his head toward it and shouted, "Come and see, Han Tou!"
Smell it and a few more people will come out from inside.
Just then, Wang Yibing’s body suddenly flashed to the side, showing that Xie Cunguan came to his hands behind him. Two Type 67 geological pistols instantly spewed out two salamanders. The right hand shot the ga7 member with a gun in both hands. The man’s body was hit by a huge momentum and he was thrown to the side wall.
The left hand shot hit the right shoulder of the gunman, who was directly thrown back to the ground with great momentum.
At this time, Wang Yibing has also drawn a pistol from his arms, and an American usp equipped with a silencer is also instantly spewing out flames, hitting a Han who is reaching into his arms, right shoulder and head, and also knocking down another Han when he falls.
At this time, this fence gate has been opened by Xie Cunguan and Wang Yibing, and two people have quickly entered the door. Three guns point to the other three people. At this time, the mercenary with a fierce knife also comes in. The same 67 pistol points to the three injured people and the unlucky one who was knocked down by an injured person.
This is the difference between special forces and ordinary people. Apart from their excellent individual ability, they are more important to cooperate with J and jīng gods, and this kind of association has certain rules.
When he was outside the door, Wang Yibing answered the other two gunmen and threw the papers to the other side, which was to help himself to attract the attention of the other side.
While the fierce knife mercenaries, this time to twist the lock core.