

"What’s the matter now?" Little listless way

"What’s the matter now?" Little listless way

"How long do you want to imprison us?" An old man said, "I see you look pale and weak. You are also a little magic pawn. I wonder which fiend your master is?"
I’m blue in the face. "I’m … I’m not a demon … Oh, it’s not true. I’m the hand of the lich king."
"the lich king!" The four old men shouted again, "It’s him!"
"Hey, you are not amnesia? How to still know him "little strange way
"Oh yeah, I have amnesia. What will I know about the lich king?" The four old men scratched their heads together and thought for a long time with a confused face. "I seem to have a little impression that we had a fight with him …"
Little quietly, he has learned about the scenery in his childhood. These four old men actually fought with Xiao in those years, so it seems that they are not ordinary people.
However, this word is really interesting. I don’t know if it is right or evil. The most terrible thing is that there seems to be a "amnesia-making" deputy who has lost all his memories.
"Stop it, I’m going to have a rest." The little boy was about to fall, but the four old men cried again, "Wait."
Chapter 55 Weird Mahjong ()
Chapter 55 Weird Mahjong ()
"What’s the matter again?" trail
"Alas, it’s sad to cultivate immortality day. We can still drink a glass to play chess before, but if we need sleep here, please bring us a chess set less." Perhaps the four old men who have just been repaired have talked a lot, although they have not bent.
"Where am I going to get you a game of Go?" Little depressed said, "How many Go games are there these days?" His eyes looked around and he saw a mahjong in the corner. "You can make do with this mahjong." He threw the mahjong in without saying anything.
One-night talk
The first thing I did when I got up the next morning was to get a fright every day. It turned out that the four old men were all half dead sitting in that Gerry, and more than 100 pieces of mahjong tiles were piled up in front of them, which looked like a mess.
"You … what’s the matter?" Small careful way "this is …"
The four old men suddenly looked up and their eyes were red. They didn’t sleep for three days. "How do children play this mahjong thing?"
The four old men were startled when they spoke quietly. The sound was really haggard, hoarse, deep and with some tearing characteristics, as if they had just been severely ravaged.
"You … won’t study this all night?" Hesitate and ask
"Oh, yes," an old man sighed. "We have conducted 957 different experiments in these five hours, but we can’t find this thing to make the method. Has the strength of the underworld developed to this extent over the years? Even a small magic pawn can understand this profound than mahjong. "
"How do you experiment?" Small swallowed hard to ask
"Well," an old man who looked a little more energetic took over. "We found that this pair of things called mahjong has a total of 144 pieces, whether it is 77, 99 or 55. It is not suitable, but the mahjong handwriting and picture are very meaningful, but it is unprecedented to know that the combination of Jiugong divination and this combination of seven kills and Jiugong is an war, and Jiugong is a complete trillion roots. There should be an old man who can’t understand the mystery."
"And this mahjong is far from being so simple." Another old man took over. "In addition to the number of seven kills and nine palaces, according to my understanding, the plum, orchid, bamboo, chrysanthemum, spring, summer, autumn and winter are a simple prototype of congenital divination, while the first four are the essence of vegetation, and the last four are the natural changes that contain the great wisdom of the universe."
Xiaoshi couldn’t say a word, but it happened that four old men didn’t finish their words, and another old man took the woman’s words. "The number of seven kills is even more strange and unusual, but it is different from what is recorded in ancient books, but the first four words in the southeast and northwest are still understandable, but the last three words are completely understandable, but it is hard to get anything if it is not to mislead our generation."
"This … this … do you think too much?" Trail "real it is to …"
"No, absolutely not!" The fourth old man who hasn’t said anything finally said, "Besides these hidden meanings, this mahjong body is also an absolute fairy!"
I have to say that this sentence has been the most powerful for so long. At that time, I jumped up and lost my way. "Fairy?"
"Nice fairy" The old man looked at the small eyes in surprise. "Is a mere fairy worth your surprise? Although this mahjong is a fairy, it is very strange. It seems that every mahjong card has no attack power. According to my estimation, it should be combined in some way to play its role. "
Small and stunned. Fairy wares are still precious. Although too many fairy wares were destroyed yesterday, according to the current record of the fix-up world, there are only ten fairy wares in the whole fix-up world. If any mahjong in this room is fairy wares, wouldn’t there be eleven fairy wares in the whole fix-up world? But since it is a fairy, why is it inexplicably put in the guest room?
"Young people look at you. You certainly don’t know that this mahjong is a fairy." The old man finally found a little confidence. "This mahjong contains fairy aura, which is very strange but also very indifferent. It is difficult for ordinary people to feel it if the capability level reaches our level."
"So" I feel a little heartbroken. "What’s wrong with it?"
The old man shook his head. "I don’t know."
Small froze.
"Every word of this pair of mahjong tiles contains a strange fairy aura. The distribution of fairy aura is very strange. If I estimate that it is good, when the 144 cards are arranged according to their positions, it will be a rather terrible array. The power of this array should be far more than ten times that of the five thunder heavenly heart sword array." The old man sighed. "It’s a pity that I have only learned a little, and I can’t find out its arrangement order."
Xiao doesn’t know anything about the common sense of the fix true boundary. Of course, he doesn’t know that the five thunder heavenly heart sword array is now the first of the four schools, and the Mount Emei law is almost the transcendence of the fix true boundary law. If he knows, he doesn’t know how he will be shocked.
However, when he heard the old man’s remarks, he was also moved in his heart. "I can try to put this array out."
"Oh, that’s great!" The old man’s voice could not conceal his surprise. "I wonder if Xiaoyou can let the old man see one."
"Of course," Xiao Xinran said, "You watch."
Mahjong is under the control of Xiao Ge’s whole small mind. He doesn’t need to start work. He needs to think about it in his heart and arrange it according to his meaning.
It’s not a small pendulum, and he hasn’t finished more than 100 mahjong cards. He just picked out a dozen cards and put on a standard mahjong Hu card.
The four old men held their breath and looked at the little one. First, they put three tens of thousands side by side, and then they put two, three, four, five, six, seven thousand in turn, and then they put three ninety thousand in succession.
As soon as these thirteen cards were put out, the four old men took a long breath and got up together and drank "wonderful!"
"What’s the matter?" Small by them a drink to pause.
"This array is really powerful!" The four old men said together, "Sure enough, it’s five thunder heavenly hearts sword array … why do you always feel that one piece is missing?"
"So where do you think this piece should be filled?" It’s already very white in my heart, and my expression is getting more and more confident.
"It should be here." The first old man pointed to a place