

He suddenly got up again and roared, "How dare you challenge me? You dare to challenge me, a black-faced king with a new warship? Do you want to die? "

He suddenly got up again and roared, "How dare you challenge me? You dare to challenge me, a black-faced king with a new warship? Do you want to die? "

As soon as he said this, he couldn’t help whispering. This black-faced king is really shameless. He just put out his own strength in these two sentences. If Zhuo Qiang continues to make a one-on-one fight, he will have to deal with his warships.
Zhuo Qiang laughed in his heart. The black-faced king still has some brains. His words are really artistic. The meaning in this word can’t be more white. If he has to fight one-on-one, he will have an enemy.
However, it is normal for him to think about it carefully. The record of the Long Yun is generally here. I really can’t easily fight with him. No one wants to easily put the reputation of a lifetime into a half-generation inheritance. If the boat capsizes in a small river ditch, there will be nothing.
He tapped his hand gently on the desktop in front of him and asked in a relaxed tone, "Do you mean you want your new warship to face mine one-on-one?"
The black-faced king was directly torn by him, but he couldn’t see any different colors in his face. He still said, "This strength respects the local strength and always has the most words, such as being a newcomer like you or going anywhere!"
"Didn’t you hear me clearly? I ask you, do you want your warship to deal with my one-on-one fight? " Zhuojiang ignored him, and he asked 1 again.
"Hum! One-on-one hit is that you came out. Do you want to throw eggs at stones but blame me for being too strong? " Although the words of the black-faced king are justified, the sound is much lower.
It’s enough to throw one at a time, but in the face of this unfathomable Zhuo Qiang, he dare not be fair one-on-one. This warship is his family’s fortune, and it’s also his name. A warship has been damaged, and he can’t accept the blow.
"So when do we really fight instead of grinding our mouths here?" Zhuo Qiang didn’t want to talk any more nonsense and got into the business directly.
"what! Do you really dare to challenge our company’s warships with one boat? !” The black-faced king didn’t believe his ears.
He also suddenly couldn’t help shouting. Yes, Zhuo Qiang knows arrogance and is indignant. Yes, he is excited to see a fierce and lively battle, and he is gloating. Anyway, no matter who loses or wins, they won’t have any losses.
"There is a lot to see! The black-faced king should make a splash this time. Let’s see how he plays with another warship! "
"I doubt that this is called Zhuo Qiang’s young age. There is something wrong with his brain. He can make such a decision and can’t be impulsive. This is suicide! I really don’t know if he really has a brain! "
"Look good! No matter who wins or loses, we are missing a penny. Isn’t that a good thing for us? " There is also a very selfish waking side.
When the crowd gets a little quieter, Zhuo Qiang still says indifferently, "So when are we going to do it? Anyway, I’m always available to you. I know you always have to prepare for a day or two. How about you decide? "
At this time, the black-faced king knew that it was impossible for him to quit. He still didn’t know why Zhuo Qiang dared to challenge his warships with a warship. Although he had a record of four enemies, how could those pirate groups composed of warships with different brands be compared with his fleet?
"Since you want to die, it’s no wonder that I! It’s up to you to choose where we will meet here in the afternoon! If you want to go back on your word now, don’t wait until Yao turns into a soft egg again, for fear that your face will look even worse! " The black-faced king seems to have kindly awakened Zhuo Qiang.
ZhuoJiang got up and said, "Yao noon Yao noon! I will appear on time then! "
After that, he waved and waited for a few people to enter, then followed him out of the conference hall and left by car.
The crowd in the meeting room didn’t leave immediately. The gang often met and became familiar with each other. Take this opportunity to contact a relationship and discuss the upcoming battle by the way.
"Black-faced king, you may have met a once-in-a-lifetime opponent this time!" I don’t know if it was out of kindness or out of confidence to attack the black-faced king, so I took him to Zhuo Qiang’s seat and showed him the palm print of the table.
The dark-faced king looked at the deep depression on the table for a while and it was not too white. "What’s going on? What? I haven’t found out that this table is actually a defective one? "
"What residual times! This table didn’t have such a piece before I died today! " That to longly say
"What are you trying to say? Is this the Zhuo Qiang who deliberately sabotaged it? Why would he do that? " The black-faced king still doesn’t know what this means.
Then put the palm of your hand into the depression and it matched the shape of a palm, and then stared at the face of the black-faced king without saying anything.
As soon as the black-faced king’s face became darker, he almost changed his tone and asked, "You mean this place was photographed by his palm?"
"yes! This is a few of us who saw with our own eyes that he slapped the table with the palm of his hand. Is this an ordinary entry? " The cold voice said
At this time, not only the black-faced king, but even Ma Jia was shocked by this fact. He looked at the depression from several angles and then involuntarily wiped his face with sweat. Today, things felt a little bit scared.
"It’s a good thing I’m careful not to get too stiff without him, or maybe he’ll find me today!" Ma Jia’s heart andao glanced at the corner of her eye at the same time, and the black-faced king felt glad.
An entrant has such strength that he can’t sleep every night, even if he doesn’t talk about his warship manipulation skills.
The black-faced king was silent for a long time and suddenly walked quickly to the outside. It seems that he didn’t hear the greeting sound around him.
As soon as he came out of the office building of the ruling administration, the black-faced king ordered him to enter the side, "You should buy a seven-light cannon and install it on our No.1 ship quickly!" It must be installed earlier. If it is not installed by then, you will wait for the most severe punishment! "
"But the Seven Light Cannons are sold in Lagu City. Are we going there to buy them?" A genus asked carefully.
"yes! Go buy it! Go now! Horse! Get out! " The black-faced king suddenly roared, and several genera hurriedly drove off to buy weapons without stopping.
"And you horses to install armor for all warships, the more the better!" The black-faced king once again said that he couldn’t even fart and drove away in a hurry.
After sending all his hands away, the black-faced king didn’t feel at ease. He patted his forehead with his hand and seemed to feel that he had forgotten something, and everything he thought was wrong.
"I forgot the battle video for his mother!" Black-faced king four, look around. There is no one around.