

Fu Cha, the prince of Wu, was 100% like a damn fool, shaking with fear. He couldn’t help shouting "Mama!"

Fu Cha, the prince of Wu, was 100% like a damn fool, shaking with fear. He couldn’t help shouting "Mama!"

This Dong Shi woke up from his sleep, yawned and rubbed his eyes. When he saw the king of Wu staring at him in horror, Ma Mabi winked at Fu Cha, the king of Wu, and said, "Did your majesty feel comfortable last night?"
This sentence is like three hundred catties of "dying in one day" and two hundred catties of "smiling and jumping half a step". It has penetrated into the prince’s ear instantly and torn his insides. The prince was stimulated to turn red, and the veins stood out on his forehead suddenly and violently. Finally, "Wow" a mouthful of thick blood spewed out from the prince’s mouth, and the prince also died with this mouth full of confusion, regret and anger.
Dong Shi saw that the prince vomited blood around him or his beauty caused him to continue to charm and call for a long time, but the prince remained motionless. Dong Shi stretched out his hand and felt a breath and found that the prince was pale and had already died.
Dong Shi was frightened. The first reaction was that she was dressed in a hurry, rolling and crawling along the Yang night last night, kicking her in and climbing out of the window. She ran out in a panic and was caught by the palace guards not far away.
Yang night went to the prince’s bedroom and walked halfway. I heard the guards and maids talking about the prince’s death! It is said that the murderer is the beautiful woman who paid tribute from Yue State and has been arrested!
Yang night heart beat faster on the spot and went back without saying anything. He knew that this time it was trouble. How did the prince Fu Cha die like this! Dong Shi was arrested as a murderer? After thinking about it for a whole night, I suddenly realized and beat my chest! It’s strange that I thought about exchanging Xi Shi last night, but I didn’t expect to exchange Xi Shi back in the morning the next day. But I am with Xi Shi … There is no doubt that history says that the prince of Wu was angry with himself because of defeat. It is almost certain that Fu Cha, the prince of Wu, was scared to death by Dong Shi!
But it’s over. Yang Ye knows there’s no way out. Now that the prince of Wu is dead, Dong Shi has been arrested. Wu is sure that this is the trajectory of Gou Jian, the king of Yue, and Yang Ye and others will naturally be identified as the culprit who was sent by the king of Yue to complete the assassination of the king of Wu. Now there’s no other way. Yang Ye thinks this is no joke! When the people in the palace of the Kingdom of Wu react, we, the tribute givers from the State of Yue, will certainly not be able to do well. I have this ability now, and others will be able to … I am sorry. I took Xi Shi to fight the kingdom of Wu!
It’s not too late to come back and update. Something happened today, which led to a very bad mood … I met a sunny boy who was a little more handsome than me in the street … depressed.
◎ Dong Shi for Xi Shi.
◎ Yang Ye broke the window paper of Xi Shi.
◎ King Wu’s lumbar muscle strain.
The next morning, when the sun shone on the flowers, the bird smiled at me and said that it was early, early and last night, and I was exhausted …
One night, Yang was still immersed in his sleep, but he was gradually awakened by the flurry of messy footsteps outside, and Xi Shi rubbed his eyes and asked jiao, "What’s wrong with brother?"
Yang Ye shook his head and smiled at Xi Shi. He sat up with his arm propped up from the bed and pulled his hair down. Xi Shi also owed his body. He smiled and looked at Yang Ye and just sat up a little and "sou" into the quilt, but the pair of beautiful breasts like jade eggs were still glanced at by Yang Ye Fei.
Xi Shi Teng blushes, retracts himself into the quilt, leaving his eyes wet outside, looking at Yang Ye, while Yang Ye looks at Xi Shi as if he remembered what happened last night, but he still has an incredible expression, carefully lifts himself up, looks inside, then looks up at Xi Shi and giggles.
"oh! Brother, you laugh at me! " Xi Shi was so ashamed that his hands were pulled over his head.
Yang night stretched out his hand and slowly pulled him to look at Xi Shi. His eyes sighed and said gently, "I’m not laughing at you. I’m laughing. Who would believe that I’m lying next to four beautiful women, Xi Shi?"
"Four beauties? Me? What did the elder brother say? " Xi Shi slowly revealed his face and looked at Yang Ye in amazement.
"Nothing, nothing." Yang Ye smiled and rolled up and dressed. It was very troublesome to wear the clothes with three layers inside and three layers outside. Xi Shi was considerate and put on a thin coat. He knelt on the bed and gently helped Yang Ye to wear clothes.
Yang night stopped to enjoy himself and looked back at Xi Shi. Seeing the beautiful figure, exquisite facial features, spring eyes, sultry smile, sweet dimples and Xi Shi’s clothes made him as thin as a shawl. Everything was looming inside. What a person!
Yang night couldn’t hold back, suddenly turned around and hugged Xi Shi and kissed Xi Shi jiao madly, and then she softened Yang night’s arms again.
The footsteps outside are still messy, and the knocking at the door finally rang.
Yang Ye let go and looked at Xi Shi with a sigh. Xi Shi smiled mischievously and fell into the bed. Yang Ye sank his breath, cut his clothes, went over and knocked on the door.
Outside, an attendant who followed Yang night to send tribute to Yue fell to his knees in dismay and shouted, "Doctor Fan! It’s not good! Wu Wang has an accident! "
Yang Ye was also taken aback, and his brain went white. The attendants of Yue went back to the bedroom and said to Xi Shi on the bed, "Sister, you stay here and don’t go anywhere. I’ll be back when I go and see."
Xi Shi nodded obediently, and Yang Ye turned and walked out of his bedroom, and went straight to the prince’s bedroom with the panic of the guards coming and going.