

At this time, Wang Haidong thought that he was really naive at that time. How about three relatives and six friends in his hometown? He was surnamed Wang. If he could help him, he would help him. Think that there is nothing wrong with his father’s decision at that time.

At this time, Wang Haidong thought that he was really naive at that time. How about three relatives and six friends in his hometown? He was surnamed Wang. If he could help him, he would help him. Think that there is nothing wrong with his father’s decision at that time.

At that time, there was no money in Wang Haidong to collect those Wang Tianhe so-called rags. Since they can sell a few dollars, they can also help their own people tide over the difficulties.
Therefore, at this time, Wang Haidong Gen didn’t trust to sell these two antiques, that is, she sold them, but her cousin and cousin remembered this thing. They also came to the city to visit Wang Tianhe with things, and at that time, they also paid back some money from time to time, but after being taught several times by Wang Tianhe, they didn’t mean to pay back the accounts.
Wang Tianhe seems to be an elder, niece and niece. What can he expect in return?
After one hundred years, I am afraid that I will be poked in the spine. Therefore, Wang Tianhe did not intend to ask for the money. Now that Wang Haidong has so much money in his hand, he does not expect his nieces and nephews to pay it back.
Besides, it seems that Wang Tianhe’s small collection in Wang Haidong is junk. It’s no big deal. Since there are prodigal families who like to buy these things, it’s better to sell them to solve the urgent needs of their hometown. No matter what, Wang Tianhe is the kind of attitude that can help his family.
Chapter seventy-seven Vision
Chu River said meaningfully, "Don’t forget that wealth is the right way. There are also some relatives in my hometown who will come to me for help. Generally speaking, I will try my best to help them if I am not hungry and violate the principle."
Your father did the right thing. If you didn’t have the ability at that time, forget it. But since you are capable, you should help yourself.
It’s the same for an official. It’s best not to offend people if you can’t offend them. But if you offend people, don’t be soft-hearted. It’s best not to let Zhang Wenshan go if you can get rid of your opponent. This is a good embodiment.
If it’s not that you can just catch Chengnan this time, then you’ll be in real trouble. Even if Mayor Gu and I want to keep you, we can’t say much if we can’t find Chengnan one day. "
Wang Haidong, although the Chu River didn’t ask much, it is actually very caring, and it is also possible to see how powerful Chu River is as a leader’s leap-forward thinking when it comes to being an official.
Fortunately, Wang Haidong’s level of fooling people in antique business was quite high before, so his thinking speed was still keeping up at this time.
Chu Jiang’s words are all from experience. He has been an official for decades. These words can make Wang Haidong take a lot of detours. Therefore, Wang Haidong is also very grateful to Chu Jiang for telling himself these words at this time.
He said very sincerely, "Thank you, Uncle Chu. I will pay attention to it. Once I have the opportunity to clean up Zhang Wenshan’s words, I will definitely not let him go. But I don’t think I will clean up him. If Feng Bonian’s things are exposed, then I will naturally not let him go."
Chu River pointedly pointed out Wang Haidong’s shortcomings and said, "You have such a bad temper, not to mention whether Feng Bonian’s things are really like this. Even if it is the truth, you can’t make public everywhere."
If what you say is true, Feng Bonian should be a foreign Chinese. If he is a Chinese, he definitely doesn’t have the courage. I have heard Tianqi analyze this matter, and you’d better keep this matter neutral.
Because you haven’t reached the point of taking part in this matter, and there is no movement in the mayor’s side, you can’t move at this time, otherwise Feng Ji will certainly hate you if you show off in an ostentatious manner, so it’s still very easy to remember what you want to tidy up now, so you’d better not say this outside at this time. "
Wang Haidong is not bad enough, it’s too far away, and this thing is still a little involved with people in the province.
Therefore, if Wang Haidong is involved in it at this time, things may change unexpectedly at this time. At this time, it is better for Wang Haidong Zhe to protect himself, and the mayor also means so.
Wang Haidong himself was in high spirits, hoping to stop this thing, and when he came back from Gaotang Town, he was pregnant with such an ideal, so he said this thing again and again.
However, the two leaders gave the same answer to this matter, telling him to leave it alone. However, what happened to his parents in the past life really made Wang Haidong feel a little saddened. All this is not without Feng Bonian.
Therefore, although Wang Haidong’s psychology is very mature at this time, he still seems a little excited about this matter.
So at this time, Wang Haidong said, "The problem is Feng Bonian, this guy is really problematic to me. If I hold back my words, I feel a little sorry. This is not for me alone. Otherwise, what’s the point for me to be an official? Mayor Gu and I have also said such a thing, but Mayor Gu’s answer is similar to yours."
It seems that young people in Chu River can have such an impulse, which is very good. When they get old, they become sophisticated and smooth, and when they do things, they will have no edges and corners. This is similar to Wang Haidong and his own son.
Therefore, at this time, Chu River criticized him meaningfully, saying, "If you want to be an official, you must first learn to save yourself before you can help the people. If it is your Gaotang town, there is no problem for you to do so. Anyway, apart from remembering, you are the biggest."
If you take care of the mayor’s position now, there is no problem in doing so. Even if I reveal this matter, there will be some trouble in the end, and it is best to take care of the mayor to uncover it.
You’d better learn to save yourself first, and don’t always be so impulsive. If you can’t even save your official position, how can the people take the people?
Gu mayor said to you, you must reflect on yourself. Gu mayor didn’t do anything in a row. What do you worry about so much? If this Feng Bonian is really a lie, then Gu mayor must be prepared at this time. "
This remark made Wang Haidong come from Gaotang Town. After that, Wang Haidong was going to expose this matter. He didn’t want to be the mayor, but now he thinks that his idea is also very naive.