

This time, when he got the big Cannavaro ball, Qinan didn’t control the ball on his feet and then looked for the ball. When he directly looked for Lavezzi with an iconic big foot, he had already observed that Lavezzi was running away from Turin right-back Pisano had not come back to his place because of the assists. Now the defense where Lavezzi is is is simply in the "real" zone.

This time, when he got the big Cannavaro ball, Qinan didn’t control the ball on his feet and then looked for the ball. When he directly looked for Lavezzi with an iconic big foot, he had already observed that Lavezzi was running away from Turin right-back Pisano had not come back to his place because of the assists. Now the defense where Lavezzi is is is simply in the "real" zone.

Qinan Chang landed at Lavezzi’s feet as accurately as with an automatic positioning system. When the ball was still in the middle, Lavezzi had already exerted his speed of 100 meters and 10.2 seconds to the extreme. When he received the ball, he had successfully scored in the heart of Turin. He made a breakthrough with a clever and pure speed, and turned around a little slowly. Torino central defender Natalie caught the goalkeeper fontana’s attack. A light and clever volley ball drew a brilliant arc and fell into the net, trying to hook the ball out of the goal line. Another central defender, Diloreto, could fall into the goal with the ball and into the pair of defenders.
"Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ! ! ! We Ravizi scored! ! ! ! ! This is a perfect "Blitzkrieg" goal. It’s even more beautiful than Hitler’s Blitzkrieg against Poland in World War II. Look at de biasi’s unbelievable expression. Naples is his best way to break the goal of Turin. Now he must regret not choosing to attack this road. At the same time, he has already set foot on the road to hell. "Moreau growled in the live studio, regardless of the fact that he was suspected of being a Nazi. He needed to vent his feelings for more than 60 minutes, and there were hundreds of thousands of fans in Naples who shared his feelings.
At this time, the cameraman was well-advised to switch the camera between the two coaches’ faces. As Moro said, now de biasi has a face and he can’t believe that Napoli was just defending awkwardly. In a blink of an eye, he broke the Turin goal through a quick counterattack. It was a real quick counterattack. It took just six seconds to get the ball to Lavezzi’s goal. ! ! When you turn around! ! ! By the time he turned around, things had changed! ! ! ! In de biasi’s eyes, Turin’s "steel defense line" was neglected for only a few seconds, and the Neapolitans played a flash war and left a bunch of Torino annoyed faces after the bright light.
Turin’s magnificent attack didn’t score a goal, and the Neapolitan easily succeeded in a disgraceful "sneak attack". How can you let de biasi balance his mood? In his eyes, Napoli’s goal was a sneak attack, but he forgot that this is how he sneaked on others before. There is a classic line in Tao that always comes out and must be paid back. Now de biasi is in debt before paying back.
Unlike de biasi’s blank expression, Rhea has a look of uncontrollable joy. He hugs the coaching staff like a child with excitement, then runs to the sidelines and hugs the nearest Domenica. He plans a whole "conspiracy" which is finally perfectly realized by the joint efforts of Domenica and Lavezzi.
After winning a goal lead, Napoli is even more comfortable to fight back defensively. Now de biasi and his Turin team have no way out. He can’t help but attack at home, even if he loses, so few fans will forgive your mistakes. It is the only thing that de biasi can do now.
After the team took the lead, Rhea didn’t sit quietly in the coach’s seat and play the role of "Bodhisattva" as before. He kept walking on the sidelines and yelling at Naples players to pay attention to their position. Although Turin’s offensive ability is not very good in Serie A, it is still amazing to really lay down the bag and plan to have a bloody battle with Naples.
In the 70 th minute of the game, de biasi took the lead in making adjustments. He came from Japanese striker Masashi Oguro and changed the defensive midfielder grella to 433. It seems that the Turin coach really wants to give it a go.
Masashi Oguro was changed because de biasi saw the Chinese and Japanese strikers’ keen sense of smell and flexible running position in front of the door. He hoped that Masashi Oguro could help others with these characteristics and Turin team would bring some changes.
"Asian derby! ! ! ! The Asian Derby is playing again! ! ! This is the second time that Qinan met a Japanese player in Serie A, or in the match against Catania last season, when he met a Japanese player, Sen Guixing won the "Asian Derby". Will it happen again this time? Look at what our Qinan will do to Masashi Oguro! !” The game was broadcast live by CCTV 5, and the passion of CCTV football commentator Duan Xuan and special guest Zhang Lu to comment on the game.
If Duan Xuan shouts out that almost every game will be broadcast live on CCTV 5, although Qi Na has not been selected for the national team, he is still the most popular football player in China. If there is a game without live broadcast on CCTV 5, then the hotline of CCTV 5 will be blown up the next day, and the official website will be full of crazy China fans expressing doubts. If you call the hotline, the fans will ask what not to broadcast the program, so you will be embarrassed to say hello directly. This happened two months ago to all the women’s immediate relatives in the platoon. Finally, CCTV 5′ s program scheduling department had to broadcast all the matches of Naples team obediently.
Watching the live broadcast in front of the TV, China fans were aroused by Duan Xuan’s explanation, because there was never a lack of watching when Japanese and Japanese appeared in the game at the same time, but Qinan, who was far away from Wan Li, was not so excited, because he didn’t know Masashi Oguro at all, and he was a little curious about this Turin player who had just changed the field and had the same skin color as himself. Regardless of his skin color, this person was no different from the Turin team players because they were all enemies! ! ! !
As soon as Masashi Oguro arrived, he got a good chance. In the 75th minute, after Rosine broke through savigny, he made a long-range shot from the right side of the penalty area. This shot was of great quality, strength and sharp angle, which led to Lezzo’s unexpected release when he caught the ball. Smart Masashi Oguro grabbed the first landing point, but his supplementary shot was rejected by the doorframe and Naples escaped.
Rhea was surprised by the Japanese striker’s supplementary shot on the sidelines and broke out in a cold sweat. He shouted that he had not paid attention to Masashi Oguro Cannavaro’s attention just now. For such a striker who is good at grasping opportunities, every negligence may lead to bitter results.
In the tenth minute, Rhea also made adjustments to the field staff to better defend. Brasi was almost exhausted. It seems that Marjo is ready to build a stronger defense. For the steel structure era, the "concrete" defense is obviously not enough. He hopes that the Naples defense line can be made of alloy.
But a goal lead is obviously not the safest "alloy" to build a defense line, and it may be shot through by a "laser gun". Although Turin may not have people with "laser guns", there is no guarantee that they will suddenly get lucky.
Sure enough, while Rhea was still thinking this way, the Naples "alloy" defense line was tested again by the Turin people.
In the 13th minute, Turin, they nest, made a comeback. Corini launched an attack from the right. Ravizi failed to stop him. After Corini broke through, he directly hit the big foot. This foot has a very high quality, which is the kind of radian and strong rotating force. The impact point of the ball also makes Lezzo very uncomfortable. He is afraid that if he can’t catch the ball and doesn’t attack, it will be easy for the opposing player to grab it. Because the distance is too close, the goalkeeper is the biggest headache for this ball. Now Lezzo can pray his teammates to grab it.
Of course, Masashi Oguro didn’t want to miss such a good opportunity. He suddenly started to turn back and run for the tactical cover of his teammates, quickly threw his eyes at him, and then quickly ran to the landing point. But when he ran to that point, he found that there was a person already waiting there. It was the Italian player named Domenica Naples from China.
He had heard about Domenica, who became famous in Italy this year, but when he thought that Domenica was from China, he completely recovered his confidence. In his impression, China players have always been slaughtered by their Japanese. Masashi Oguro has played several games between Japan and China, and he has never failed. After so many years of playing against China, the accumulated self-confidence made him forget that this game is not a match between China and Japan, but a match between Naples and Turin in Serie A, and Qinan is not the soft-hearted people of China who can’t "rise".
Masashi Oguro jumped up with all his might, hoping to squeeze Domenica around him to grab this point, but he soon found sadly that he couldn’t squeeze this China man who didn’t look very strong. When Masashi Oguro jumped up, he could watch Qinan jump higher than him. He jumped high in a condescending posture and pushed the ball out of the Naples penalty area. At the same time, Domenica knocked him to the ground, but it was reasonable for Masashi Oguro to fall to the ground without getting a penalty.
Seeing that Domenica didn’t even lose a pity eye, he ran straight to the back of the second landing point. Masashi Oguro realized that China people were not the players in China in front of him, and what happened next overturned his former impression of China players.
Domenica successfully pushed the ball before the penalty area, and Hamsik got Hamsik. As soon as he stopped the ball, he saw that Domenica quickly ran to the front to see how it looked. Domenica wanted to fight back, and he grasped the ball to the front of Domenica and followed it quickly himself.
This is indeed a good opportunity to fight back. The Turin team attacked too hard, and most of the players didn’t come back at half-time in Naples, leaving a large open space to bring Domenica to sprint. Qinan certainly won’t miss such a good opportunity. He brought his 11-second 100-meter speed to the extreme, just like a gust of wind blowing across the stadium, leaving a white fluttering back for Turin players behind him to sigh.
Volume III
Chapter one hundred and seventy-six
In just a few seconds, Domenica came to the goal in Turin, and there was no way for Turin to drag back the central defender Natali. But before he came to pose, he saw a white figure that was about to "fly" from his side. It was indeed "flying". To exaggerate, Domenica was so fast that he could almost leave a shadow.
Domenica will be able to face the goalkeeper one-on-one in the future. Natali didn’t hesitate much. He immediately tried to hook the ball from Domenica’s foot with a shovel from behind, but in a second he regretted it because he clearly felt that he hooked it not with the ball but with Domenica’s foot. When he saw Domenica flying in the middle because of too much inertia, Natali knew that he would probably take the card.
Sure enough, he didn’t get up on the ground. He had heard the referee blow the whistle to stop the game.
"Red card! ! ! ! ! The referee gave Turin centre-back Natalie a red card! ! ! ! Intentional foul Natalie was directly punished by a red card! ! ! Domonica! ! ! The great Dominica has done meritorious service again! ! ! At the last moment, the Turin people were once again broken by Domenica at the wind speed. The "red bull" was stabbed by Domenica, a "matador", in the Olympic "bullring". At this moment, Moro’s excitement felt a little schadenfreude.
Natali was unwilling to ask the referee for an explanation, but it was obvious that his explanation was futile. The referee still insisted on the original judgment. The referee looked at Natali with a serious expression and pointed to the sidelines to indicate Natali’s field.
Natali bowed his head when he saw the explanation efficiency. Of course, he still had to mutter a few words to vent his dissatisfaction.
De biasi jumped on his feet and cursed the referee, which seems to be a common problem for all coaches. Whenever a player of his own is sent off, they always think that it is the referee’s arbitrary punishment, but the incident that let him jump is not over yet, and it makes him crazy for a minute.
Natali deliberately fouled Napoli and gave them an Italian ball 30 meters away. This time, Zinan didn’t wait until everything was in order. He chose the quick serve tactic. While Turin was still in the queue, Zinan quickly kicked the ball to the edge of the restricted area. After receiving the ball, the Slovaks in Hamsik shot it directly. The whole process was completed in the blink of an eye.
It’s a goal! ! ! ! ! The referee whistled to indicate that the goal was valid! ! !
Fontana, the goalkeeper of Turin, didn’t react. He was still directing his teammates to line up the wall. After the Turin players were stunned for at least ten seconds, a group of Turin players in fontana quickly surrounded the referee and asked the referee to give Turin a statement.
Like Natali’s red card, the Turin people "sued" and were again rejected by the Supreme Court of the stadium ",that is, our referee.
In fact, Qinan’s quick serve ball completely conforms to the football rules. The rule of "quick serve ball" is that the attacker requires the defender to step back by 1 yard, and the defender requires a good serve; The referee shall not interfere with the quick serve unless there are three kinds of situations. First, the attacker insists that the defender step back one yard; 2. Defensive players make free throws; Third, the referee ordered that after the heavy penalty, the attacker didn’t follow the rules of the horse’s heavy penalty to keep up with the fast service in the South. At that time, the Turin players didn’t stop him, and the referee didn’t show that the Turin players said that they must wait for him to blow the whistle before they can play the ball.
We can’t help but explain the meaning of "quick serve" here. (quik= is a technical term in the rules of Italian ball, and its corresponding term is "official Italian ball". We usually see the defender lining up on the wall 1 away from the goal near the penalty area, and the referee signals the attacker to listen to the whistle. The way to punish the Italian ball is "official Italian ball" and "quick Italian ball". We usually see the attacker serve quickly after the referee blows the whistle in the backcourt of the attacker. <+. The amount is absolutely reasonable, and now FIFA rules encourage "quick serve" because the pace of the game will be more coherent and compact. Qi Nan saw it today when he watched the ball game.
However, Hamsik’s goal planned by Domenica was definitely suspected of "opportunism" in Turin’s eyes, but the referee insisted that the goal was effective, which made the Turin people lose their minds. After the siege referee failed, they tried to strike and threatened to sit in the VIP box at the end of the stands to watch the ball. Cairo, the president of Turin Club, had to calm down the storm, but he knew that once the Italian Football Association went on strike, he would not let Turin Club go easily.
After the game was interrupted for more than ten minutes, it finally resumed, but the Turin players obviously didn’t focus on playing football anymore. They tried to vent their anger on the Napoli players.
Fifteen minutes into the game, gargano got the ball on the flank. He calmly pulled the ball to avoid Turin midfielder Somel’s block, but was deflected by Somel. Obviously, he didn’t intend to let him go so easily. He rushed from behind gargano and had a fierce collision. Poor "Ulla the One they called Bean" suddenly flew off the sideline like being hit by a runaway truck and almost flew behind the billboard on the sidelines.
For such a malicious foul, Qi Nandu has always had a good temper. Although the other side didn’t foul him, the foul on his teammate made him even more angry. His good temper doesn’t mean that he won’t be angry
Qinan, the nearest to gargano, rushed to push Somel for the first time, and other Neapolitan players quickly came to follow him and questioned Somel, while Turin players were afraid that Somel would suffer. After they woke up, they immediately came to support Somel’s two teams.
However, one member of Napoli team didn’t come, that is, captain Cannavaro, who was almost growling in front of the referee.
Mel’s bad behavior tried to influence others to make him make a decision in favor of Naples. Don’t doubt that Cannavaro, the most prestigious and influential player in Italian football, has such ability. Sometimes even the referee can’t help but respect his opinion for a player like him. Once Gazzetta dello Sport published an article saying that there are some players in Italian football who can affect the referee’s decision to report to Milan Sports, including Totti Pirlo Piero and so on. There are also the names of Cannavaro. Some local superstars can’t help but respect them.
Sure enough, after hearing the complaints from the Grand Cannavaro, the referee went to the linesman nearest to the incident and asked a few words. After that, he decisively divided the players on both sides and took out a red card at the center of the crowd, Somel.
From this shot just now, we can see that this is indeed the place where the captain of the Italian national team and now the captain of the Napoli team have experience. If he is the same as Domonica, he will get rid of the foul and get nothing but a fight, and Somel will probably get a yellow card. In this case, Naples will really lose more than the gain. You will feel that it is not worthwhile to change a yellow card to an important player field.
In the end, the conflict between the two teams caused by Somel ended in Somel field. Of course, the referee fairly gave the first yellow card to push Somel Dommonica to calm the anger of Turin, so Qinan also got the second yellow card in his career in this game.
However, Somel didn’t make Rhea feel too happy because he knocked over gargano, and it seemed that he had hurt his hip after being examined by the team doctor, so the Urals had to go back to Naples for further examination. At this time, a few minutes before the end of the game, Rhea Montevino changed to gargano.
In the 19th minute, Qinan was violently knocked down by Turin players in a middle dribble, and then changed to coach by Real Rinaludo. I don’t want Domenica to fall into the feet of this group of Turin people who have killed red eyes.
In the end, Naples won the game away from home, and the score of two to one made the lovers feel that it was easy to win. Only those who paid attention to this game knew how hard it was for the Rhea team to win. The score was simple, but the process of two to one was tortuous like a winding mountain road.
"I think we have been treated unfairly. Naples can take a point from here at the Olympic Stadium. I will complain to the Football Association about the referee’s wrong decision in this game. Yes, we will! ! ! !” Handsome de biasi looked a little angry. He almost growled and protested to the reporters present. His reaction after the game also made the reporters at the press conference quickly excited because it was another big news! ! !
Rhea made no excuses for de biasi’s protest. He repeatedly said that Napoli played well. In his opinion, Napoli’s performance deserved this victory, and Lavezzi scored a beautiful goal in Hamsik. There is nothing to dispute. de biasi can’t stop it if he thinks so.