

"Go to you, you big * *!" The little witch stretched out her little hand and scolded elder brother Yi.

"Go to you, you big * *!" The little witch stretched out her little hand and scolded elder brother Yi.

Brother Gan can’t go like this at first sight, otherwise he will commit a crime tonight. Now his lower abdomen is hot and he feels that his little brother is hard in his crotch, so he quickly covers his crotch and says, "That little Xuan, I’m going to sleep, you’ll see …" He says, and he goes to the bedroom. Before he walks a few steps, he is hugged by the little witch. Two semicircular spheres are soft enough to touch his shoulders. From time to time, he rubs his eyes and asks, "Don’t go? I love you since the train saw you pick up that punk … "
Brother Gan was provoked by the little witch at this moment, and it was almost dark in his heart. His grandmother didn’t know that she was soft-hearted, so she turned to dry the little witch’s tears, held her and looked at her sexy lips and couldn’t help kissing. At this time, the little witch no longer pretended to be a lady, holding the head of brother Gan and kissing …
Dry elder brother kiss while holding the little witch petite body walked to the bedroom and went to the front of the bed, put the little witch on the bed and lay flat with a pair of big hands like the palm of your hand. The little witch’s plump body invaded her mouth and kept kissing there, panting and wheezing …
For a while, the little witch was naked except for the pink cotton pants in the last line of defense. In front of the dry brother, the dry brother stroked and kissed the attractive body, which was not simply an art. The dry brother gently took off the pink pants of the little witch and gently stroked …
See dry elder brother lay down the little witch seems to feel something jiao panting said, "Xiao dry is the first time you tap …"
Brother Gan smiled at her and kissed her. Then the tiger was shocked and heard a charming song. Chapter 17 A symphony of lasting joy came from the bedroom. Yesterday was a good day.
The next morning, Brother Gan didn’t get up so early for the first time. This night is really a lot of sex. Brother Gan didn’t have much to do, but he was bitter for the little witch. Brother Gan was still very fond of jade. He just couldn’t stand the temptation of this little fox and couldn’t help it. After Ke Mengxuan tasted the sweetness, he was called a insatiability. He lost his vitality. Otherwise, he would have to let this little bitch pay her off!
Brother Gan opened his eyes and saw that the little witch was lying in his arms like a kitten. Brother Gan stared at the little witch, but somehow after this night’s baptism, the little witch was getting better and better. To be exact, it should be feminine. Brother Gan carefully moved his body, then quietly got into bed, put on his clothes, gently pulled out the door, and took out his mobile phone. At first, he dialed a message to Hu Debiao and said that he had something to do later today.
Chen Hu next to listen walked over and said, "Hey, hey, tiger, don’t ask the dry elder brother. He must have worked too hard last night and was estimated to have been paid by his woman …"
"Ha ha roll calves for me! Hurry up and train your brothers! Don’t mess with those! " Hu Debiao laughed and scolded according to the evidence. He estimated that it was the same thing. It was all men who had been there before!
Brother Gan came to the building to buy breakfast, but the thought of last night’s little witch girl * * I’d better give her a nutritional supplement on the hour, so I took out the eggs from the refrigerator and peeled two onions from the kitchen to wash and cut the fried eggs, and went to sleep. The little witch was attracted by the fragrance, but she felt sore. When I saw that I was lying in bed, I was not my own bed. I was quickly lifted by a single beach of blood, and I woke up. I didn’t dream of dying last night. It was a real thing to think that I had treasured things for more than 20 years. It was difficult to be sad, but it was a little sad to think that my second sister-in-law told myself something. I smiled shyly again. Anyway, it was voluntary and not taken away by others. What’s the pity? So I got up and just wanted to get dressed in bed, and suddenly I felt a sharp pain. I almost fell to the ground when I heard the little witch "Ouch" …
Brother Gan heard the little witch scream and quickly caught fire. He ran from the kitchen to the bedroom and saw the little witch holding the edge of the bed. Brother Gan picked her up and put her on the bed and said, "Why don’t you go to work today if you are uncomfortable?"
Listen to the dry elder brother pity and a little overbearing words. The little witch was sweet but shy and scolded, "You said I was you! You were like a cow last night! "
I don’t know who shouted "I want me …" in my heart, but this woman is always weak. A big man can’t kiss and tell. Let’s put up with it, so he smiled and said, "Hehe, blame me. Now you have a rest and my breakfast horse will be ready …"
"You can’t let people lie here naked for a day. It’s just a little painful. It’ll be all right in a minute. You go and cook. I’ll go and wash first …" The little witch girl said with a charming look at the dry elder brother.
"Are you sure you can do it?" Dry elder brother still not trust asked.
"Oh you hurriedly busy you go! How to grind and haw is like an old lady! " The little witch was dissatisfied with pushing the elder brother to go out. She was so sticky and uncomfortable that she quickly sent the smelly man away so that she could take a bath in the bathroom.
Gan Kenai walked out of the bedroom and finally told her to be careful, while she went to the kitchen and was busy. The eggs were not fried yet! At this time, the little witch also wore pajamas to her bedroom, took a set of clothes and went into the bathroom to wash.
After about half an hour, Brother Gan made breakfast, and the little witch also finished washing. At this time, both of them were polite, especially before the little witch, they all scrambled to eat, but the lady there could no longer be a lady. Finally, the gentlemen had to go out and break the embarrassment. "That little Xuan was tired all night last night. Let’s eat quickly …"
Brother Gan, let’s not say that things were fine last night. Let’s say that the little witch’s face is red and ripe like an apple. She is ashamed to think that she was crazy last night. She really didn’t expect a big lady to seduce a man one day, but on second thought, she didn’t hook up with another man. She didn’t love him and gave it to him! So I picked up chopsticks and put a big piece of egg in my mouth, not to mention that I was really hungry.
Brother Gan looked at there and ate fried eggs. The little witch picked up chopsticks and ate while saying, "Don’t worry about that little Xuan, I will be responsible for you …" But after saying this, I felt a little fake and responsible for what. I remember saying this to Sun Mei a few weeks ago, but now it’s another woman. Brother Gan has nodded his head.
"Hmm …" The little witch asked me, "Do you love me, Xiao Gan?"
"Make love …" Brother Gan was a little guilty in his heart, but his mouth did not hesitate to answer.
"Hey hey, I love you too! Then hurry to eat! " The little witch replied with a smile, hey hey, but brother Gan is not in the mood to eat at this moment. You can’t let yourself marry two. This matter will be exposed sooner or later. Let’s take it one day at a time. In the end, things will work out!
It didn’t take long for Brother Gan to finish this love breakfast in vain, but the little witch looks in a big mood and tastes delicious. After eating, Brother Gan was just about to pick up the chopsticks when the little witch stopped him, and the sisters said, "Now that you are my man, how can you do what these women should do?" You have to do your career well outside, just leave it to me at home! "
After listening to the little witch’s words, Brother Gan felt cold in his heart all night, and the change was too fast. I can’t blame myself for being enslaved for years. I didn’t think of myself as one of my own. If I had known that I wouldn’t have eaten you long ago, I would have to suffer for such a long time. But at the thought of the little witch’s "excellent" cooking, I quickly begged for mercy. "Hey, hey, I shouldn’t take care of you. Besides, I like to cook for you .."
The little witch was attracted by the delicious food of Brother Gan, and said, "Well, it’s not a matter of a day or two. You should cook the food. I’ll take care of it after he washes the dishes and mops the floor …"
"Ha ha good! Why don’t you take a day off at home today, Xiaoxuan? I’m out of work … "Brother Gan said with a smile and walked to the door and suddenly remembered." Xiaoxuan, you weren’t pregnant last night, were you? "
By dry elder brother so ask little syren face brush a red Chen scold a way "to you! You, you are so good that you can get pregnant once! I calculated the safety date yesterday … "
"Mr. Hey, hey, that’s good, that’s good. I’m leaving. You take good care of your home …" Brother Gan, hey, hey, smiled and knocked on the door and went out, thinking that I think your little witch is almost the same as Sun Mei’s little bitch! Twice you say which time is always not passive, shame, shame and shame. Brother Gan thinks about shaking his head and going upstairs. Chapter 18 A city conscience ()
Brother Gan has just arrived at the building and hasn’t hit the BMW door yet when the cell phone bell rings in his pocket, Brother Gan takes out his cell phone and takes a look. Suddenly, his head is big. This is really afraid that someone will come. It’s not someone else. Brother Sun Mei is really a young woman. He is guilty and connected. "Hey, hey, what can I do for Sister Mei?"