

Followed by a large amount of blood from the nostrils of Master Yang Zhenkui.

Followed by a large amount of blood from the nostrils of Master Yang Zhenkui.

A steady stream gushed out, and suddenly Master Yang was covered with bed sheets and turned into a blood red. After the blood was soaked, the place was still slightly steaming.
Just when everyone was scared silly, Yang Zhenkui’s ears also sprayed a lot of blood in the left and right direction! Two blood columns, one left and one right, sprayed far away, splashing the faces of the personal doctors and the growing Yang Shan who landed on the left and right!
So Yang Zhen-kui shook his whole head like a high-pressure device, and the five orifices of his mouth, nose and ears kept spouting blood while looking at the hot blood bed. A private doctor was screamed "Ah" in the face of blood jet.
Everyone was scared and stared at the scene before them. A lot of blood was really like fireworks. Yang Zhenkui’s head was sprayed high and far from left to right, and then it splashed all over the bedroom as if it were red with blood. Everyone’s eyes were covered with scarlet, and they were all scared to death. It was like a horrible dream.
Gradually, the blood column weakened and finally stopped splashing. Everything seemed to be quiet. The whole bedroom was filled with a layer of blood fog, and the walls and the ground were all covered with blood. Everyone was frightened and stared at nothing, and their faces were splashed with blood to varying degrees.
And Yang Zhen-kui and Yang Ye, who is sitting by his bed, are all red blood from head to toe, just like Yang Ye’s hair is still dripping with a drop of blood.
Yang Ye let go of his hand and took a long breath. He wiped his face with blood and stared straight at the bed. His father’s eyes were full of fear and expectation.
Finally lying in bed, Yang Zhenkui coughed gently for two more times, slowly opened his eyes and glanced at Yang Ye. He was startled and sat up with his eyes wide open. Although he was still a little weak, he shouted, "You, who are you!"
Yang spent a night slowly trying to lift his head back and laugh.
After putting it away, Yang Shan rushed over and kneeled, shaking Yang Ye’s arm and tears flowed out. Two tears were washed out of her face in the blood, and she cried excitedly, "Eldest brother! You did it! You did it! "
Everyone hasn’t recovered from the shock. Yang Zhen-kui calmed down and looked at himself. Two people were surprised and asked, "Why? This is … Little late? How did this happen? Are you hurt? " When I was talking, I lost my mind. My eyes got bigger and I looked down. I suddenly looked up and looked around. My expression became more and more exaggerated. I looked around and I could see clearly. Manager Qiu and several private doctors shouted, "You … you … What the hell is going on?"
Everyone slowly showed an expression of surprise, which was particularly ferocious and horrible against the background of blood all over his face.
Yang Shan finally huanguo to god to cry a few times to hug his father crying and shouting "dad! Dad! You’re okay, right? You are ready! Dad! That’s very kind of you! "
Yang Zhenkui wait for a while looked at her arms and her little daughter was at a loss.
Several people around were excited and tearful. They came forward and asked with tears in their eyes. They were excited, "How are you, Sir?" "How are you, my Lord?" "All right, master!" "Master, please!" ……
"Eldest brother! I believe you now! You are really a god! " Growing still clutching Yang Ye’s arm and crying excitedly.
Yang night smiled and felt as if she had been ripped out, struggling to get up, but she almost fell down.
"Eldest brother, what’s the matter with you?" Growing quickly hold the Yang night at this time, Yang Shan also got up from his father’s arms and hugged Yang night’s arm and cried out, "Eldest brother! How did you do that? You are really amazing! "
Yang Zhenkui looked at all this with a blank look and asked curiously, "What’s this, what’s this all about?"
Lu went over and asked softly, "Uncle Yang, don’t you remember at all?"
"Remember what?" Yang Zhenkui is really a completely confused expression. Suddenly, he raised his arm and sniffed before putting his nose. He exclaimed in surprise, "This is really blood! Whose blood? What happened? "
Yang Yexu patted Yang Shanyou in his arms and turned to his father and said with a smile, "Dad, this is your blood!"
Just then, one of those private doctors screamed for no reason, and Yang Shan and Lu all looked back and saw the doctor touching his arm with a painful face, then raised his arm and looked at it carefully and exclaimed, "What is this?"
Chapter one hundred and forty-four "extremely baby blood"
The doctor screamed and attracted everyone’s attention. Yang Yehe looked at each other and walked around the bed and came to the doctor.
"What’s the matter?" Yang night asked
The doctor raised his arm and Yang Ye was a little alarmed and said, "Gentleman, look at this … this …"
Yang night didn’t find anything unusual in the past, but she looked at the horse carefully and exclaimed, "It’s a needle!"
Yang Ye turned around and asked, "What?"
I gently raised my hand and pointed a finger at the doctor’s arm. Yang Ye looked closer and was surprised to find that the doctor’s arm had a hair that was much longer than its hair. It was almost transparent and not soft to the skin, but stood upright.
"This is! Atavism? " Yang night after see more surprised.
Growing thick stretched out his hand to hold the hair and gently pulled it up. The doctor shivered with pain, and then growing thick held the hair and said in front of Yang Ye, "Brother, this is not a hair, but a needle. It’s a unique needle in witchcraft."
"needle?" Yang Ye looked at the needle that was thinner than hair, and it almost crossed his eyes. "What?"
Glancing at Yang Ye’s low voice, he said, "Maybe it’s this needle that injects baby blood into Yang Bobo’s body."
Yang Ye nodded, suddenly turned around, grabbed the doctor’s collar with both hands and shouted, "It was you!" "
The doctor was picked up by Yang Ye, and his feet were off the ground. He was so scared that he looked like crying. "Big, big, big, gentleman, I, I, I, I don’t know what you said!"