

"Empress, don’t say that. Who believes it? Green leaves, you come to you, your great aunt and your son are sisters. "The imperial concubine laughed.

"Empress, don’t say that. Who believes it? Green leaves, you come to you, your great aunt and your son are sisters. "The imperial concubine laughed.

It’s true that Su Mian keeps a good body and skin, and it’s really two sisters to be together.
However, it’s also that Qingye’s recent dress tends to be more mature.
"Really? Now that you mention it, I’m happy. Even the little guy in my stomach is happy. "Su Mian touched her belly with a smile.
"The more powerful the male and female servants are, the more fun they can make the little princess have." The imperial concubine smiled even more.
Everyone praised them for their harmonious atmosphere
After a while, I saw the bluebird come in and said, "The master is here and wants to come in."
"Then come in." Su Mian said.
This time, the Queen Mother’s affair, Yuyun, gave her a noble position when she was promoted to the harem. I have to say that this promotion speed is the first one.
Yu Guiqi came in and blessed himself with a smile. "Greet the sisters of the Empress and the Imperial concubine."
"Get up" Su Mian pointed to one side and "sit down"
"Thank you, Empress, for listening to the lively inquiries in the imperial garden, saying that the princess entertained her friends and the Empress also came." Actually, it was a chat …
"It would be nice to be a good man" Su Mian laughed.
"Green leaves, did you call the palace musicians? Don’t dance and listen to music today, or write and draw without delay. "Su Miandao
"Yes, I’ll ask them to come." Green leaves went to direct people cheerfully.
It seems that it is not difficult to host a banquet. Let’s have a laugh and then have a laugh.
Where did she know that she was a princess and Su Mian was in town? Who dared to make trouble? Where is it so simple for ordinary people to treat?
Soon the musicians came and sat outside the pavilion to play music after paying their respects.
Zhao Wanru was curious when she heard someone blowing a black thing for the first time.
Yan Zhenyue doesn’t know if it’s okay. She always sees her coming over like this and says, "Doesn’t sister know that?"
"County king temple … I haven’t seen" Zhao Wanru got up and said.
"Sit down," said Yanzhenyue. He also sat down 84. Chapter 84.
"It’s called" Yun ".It’s not bad for us to have this here before things in the North Desert, right?" Yanzhenyue avenue
"Well, listen, what is this made of?" Now that people have puzzled her, she will not be entangled.
"Auntie Huang, who baked clay, said that it would be better to play some sad songs in this fung," said Yan Zhenyue.
"It turned out to be clay, and there are good things in the North Desert. I used to have nothing there." Liangzhou is ridiculous. What else can there be further north?
"That’s not a big world. There are good things everywhere. It’s almost hopeless to go back to Su ‘an Gong’s serious injury. It’s a northern desert child who took out the medicine. The medicine has a particularly good hemostatic effect only in North Mobei. It’s the medicine that saved Su ‘an Gong. Now the child named Barry lives in Su ‘an Gong’s house. Call him back and take you out to meet him. He has been learning Chinese badly but he is a good person." Yan Zhenyue said.
"Kitahara … northern desert people?" She was a little surprised by the name of the people in the northern desert. That’s not too bad
"There are good people in Beimo. Don’t be afraid of Barry. He rides better than Surin and me." Yan Zhenyue said.
"That’s amazing. I’ll see you that time if I have the chance." Zhao Wanru smiled and narrowed her eyes like a crescent moon
"Sister looks really good-looking" Yanzhenyue blinked and stared.
"County Wang Dian …" Zhao Wanru was embarrassed again and said that her appearance is also a handsome one, right? Don’t say that there is an empress who is truly beautiful, that is, Qi Yueying … is actually more beautiful than her.
Su Mian looked at the two of them talking for a while and turned to the imperial concubine. "Why do I look at Yueer?"
The imperial concubine followed her to see it for a while. "You shouldn’t have said that Pingjun Wang was only eleven years old, but … male and female servants looked at it … like it."
"Is it like our county king Pingsu doesn’t like to talk?" Zhenzhaoyi trail
"I don’t know if Wan Ru’s child has this heart. It’s bigger than Yueer. It will take at least three years. Then the girl will be sixteen." Su Mian shook her head gently.
"That doesn’t matter. Sixteen years old is not too big when there is a change. Now there are not many seventeen monks?" The imperial concubine said, "At that time, our county king will be fourteen. It’s time to be sensible."
"I have to ask about going to this child’s marriage later. I’m really not at ease," Su Mian said.
"Empress doesn’t prevent Zhao from living in Beijing, even if they don’t have a good choice for the girl in a few years. Just don’t leave Zhang in these years," Wan Xiuyuan said.
When she opened her mouth, everyone couldn’t help being stunned for a whole day. Today, she came. It was purely Lu Yu.
She’s not a former Wan Jingyuan now. She’s low-key and can’t remember this person.
"The male and female servants are wrong?" Wan Jing Luca brasi see them see her uneasy way
"Yes, that’s settled." Su Mian smiled. Who said Wan Jingyuan wouldn’t change? Isn’t that changed?
At lunch time, the green leaves were placed outside directly to look at the dishes, but there was no problem. Even Su Mian was satisfied with her arrangement of dishes now.
After lunch, Su Mian and several concubines got up. "Go on, I can’t go back to bed."
"Great aunt Huang go slowly and send great aunt Huang" Green leaves just drank a few glasses of wine and were slightly tipsy.
After all busy ready and send Sue cotton with people out of the imperial garden and went back.
I learned that Su Mian had returned to Hele Hall and Yan Gui had also returned.