

In the absence of worries, Lei Dongjun paved the land and integrated the strength of the abyss light field. The hands of throb have no elbow to adjust.

In the absence of worries, Lei Dongjun paved the land and integrated the strength of the abyss light field. The hands of throb have no elbow to adjust.

More than 20,000 yuan baby-level strong people spread out in a very elaborate way, and at the same time, they arranged a chaotic gathering array in a large area to collect chaotic aura scattered in heaven and earth.
Such efficiency is, of course, ten times the income of the first half of the year. Moreover, willy put a lot of chaotic crystals into the hands of qualified people to try to accumulate more strength.
In the dark night emperor throb, although he attaches importance to it, he doesn’t feel much. Regardless of his overall strength in his hand, he has been much stronger than that of the dark night emperor. Even if the personal strength of the dark night emperor is stronger, he will have his cards.
It’s better to go to its conflict now and accumulate more strength or add more chips to itself. For willy, the most important thing now is to cultivate the strong at the level of deity, because he has increasingly felt that the Yuanying level has become increasingly weak in the future war, and the main fighting capacity in the future must be placed at the level of deity.
In the battle against the glorious king, this kind of unease has actually been reflected. The battle of refining the virtual level with tens of millions of infants can indeed be suppressed by dint of numbers. However, once the virtual level is refined, it is really easy to cut melons and vegetables if the strong are crazy or desperate to kill the baby level.
Even a thousand-yuan baby-level strong person may be slaughtered by a single virtual-level strong person without the assistance of a high-order strong person. Therefore, willy now pays more attention to cultivating the excellent genus of Yuan baby-level qualification to the deification level.
If the deification level is more than one, it can be very good to control the elbow and refine the virtual level.
I’m afraid it’s not something that can be done in the short term if you want to achieve the goal of refining the virtual level. Even if you want to make a breakthrough in the short term and upgrade to the virtual level, it’s not that simple. Many things can’t be solved simply by chaotic crystallization. You must give them some time to accumulate and feel.
And willy is now able to refine the virtual level at hand. The only one who is strong is King Glory. He is still a guy who has been blackmailed by his own special means and has only three years of life. He has burned his soul, and even the wing protoss baby can’t save it.
Fortunately, willy didn’t expect that glorious king, who was deeply hostile to himself, to live too long and needed his help to solve some immediate problems. The only way to do this is to speed up the promotion of his own strength.
With the large army searching for pieces of unpolished chaotic crystals outside, the raw ore was continuously sent to Leidong, polished into pieces of precious and crystal-clear chaotic crystals, and then sent to Dongtianfudi to change the actual combat effectiveness of Leidong.
In the face of the threat of refining the virtual level of the strong in the future, willy is also starting to cultivate real high-end combat effectiveness. It is urgent to cultivate a group of strong people who can fight and resist the prestige in a short time.
After some consideration, willy listed the candidates for the first echelon. The first thing to consider is the most humble people, such as Monty’s gentle words, Xiao Youleiqinger, Mochow, Dongfang Fu, The Hunger Ghost, Lei Longyi, Qi Feifei.
Although some of these people are still at the Yuan infant level today, these people have experienced a lot of trust with willy, and none of them have poor qualifications. Even if there is a genius level, it can be regarded as equal qualifications.
If there is enough chaotic source, willy can definitely reach the super genius level for all of them. If the qualifications are insufficient, the strength is insufficient, and the resources can be smashed, there are only a few believers who can make willy absolutely believe. We must try our best to cultivate some people who are not in this chaotic plane and can send someone to pick them up before the gap is re-played.
In addition to thundering himself, he decided to tilt the vast majority of resources to the first echelon with the best quality, so that they can advance to deification as soon as possible and break through the virtual level of deification.
Before the change, willy wanted to cultivate polite words, and they were promoted to the refined virtual. That was something that I didn’t even think about, but it was not difficult to increase the strength of self-power by a big margin in the situation that chaos was about to be seized and there were a lot of chaotic crystallization resources.
Chaos reiki deserves to be able to trigger wars. Baby resources are absolutely related to monks’ cultivation and promotion. It is more difficult for the strong to break through a level than climbing to heaven. However, in the chaotic crystallization, it is necessary to grind them for hundreds of years. However, it is no wonder that in the ancient times, when the chaotic reiki of heaven and earth was still abundant, Yuan Ying was not as good as dogs, and some qualifications were absolutely strong. The lifelong pursuit goal was absolutely impossible, but there were many ambitious people who set the ultimate goal at the level of respect.
If there is not enough chaotic aura to support the all-powerful super powers in ancient times, I am afraid it will be a deification level.
In addition to the first echelon of throb, throb also lists the members of the second echelon. There is the official Hongqingniang Qianluo Black Tower and a group of hidden dragons with the strongest qualifications. They have made great contributions in this war, and the gods are very strong. I don’t mind cultivating some strong people in the evil spirits. Of course, the gang was loyal to myself before.
Willy will allocate 40% of his own resources to the members of the first echelon according to the quota of 4,321, while willy himself will take 32% to the second echelon and the last 10% will be distributed to the meritorious persons in the Hidden Dragon and Ghost Army.
For the vast majority of then-level fierce ghost soldiers, even Yuan Ying-level hidden dragon soldiers, the thunder will let them learn from the chaotic aura of heaven and earth and give Dan medicine quota practice.
In terms of total resource allocation, the ghost emperor and others agreed that whoever contributed more and who had stronger troops would be allocated in proportion, and no matter from which angle, the contribution or strength of the willy side was the best.
From this, it is finally agreed that the chaotic resources obtained by one party in this chaos will be divided into 70%, and the rest of the people will occupy 30%. It seems that it is exaggerated that Willy has taken the lead alone, but the actual contribution of Willy is really quite right for this 70% quota.
In fact, if it weren’t for thunder, neither the ghost emperor nor the purgatory demon king could get this chaos, so everyone is generally satisfied with this distribution, because according to the total amount of resources in this chaos, even if it is divided into half, it is an astronomical figure
Therefore, allies need help and worry about the promotion of science and practice. They naturally have their quotas in their own parts and practice. I believe that after digesting the resources slightly, the comprehensive strength of each force will double, and it will not be in vain that they have worked hard to follow the thunder to fight to the death.
Of course, these allocated resources are only found in the wilderness or collected from the chaotic gathering spirit array, and the chaotic crystals refined by the soul of willy refining are naturally 100% included in the benefits of willy.
This result is somewhat different from what willy had expected. It turns out that what willy gained from this chaotic vision was that the small-headed chaotic soul-eating tower was refined from the sacrifice, but the result was just the opposite. In several wars, the chaotic soul-eating tower was decomposed and refined into dozens of chaotic crystals, but what he gained from this chaotic vision was far more than this.
Naturally, from the long-term benefit, this chaotic aura will be adopted one day sooner or later, and if there is life in this world, there will be no shortage of materials in the chaotic soul-eating tower. In the long run, the chaotic soul-eating tower far exceeds this small chaotic difference.
Fortunately, willy’s planning and adventure have not been in vain, and now it has already enjoyed the fruits of victory. The strength of willy’s double willy-nilly has risen by leaps and bounds, and one by one, the strong then-level ones have been promoted to the Yuan infant period in the chaotic aura of heaven and earth
In the second echelon of throb training, there are also some breakthroughs in the hidden dragon soldiers. Yuan Ying has achieved the goal of turning into a god and has entered a state of closed penance. His strength is getting a little transformation and breakthrough.
(To be continued)
Chapter seven hundred and nineteen Impact refined virtual level plan
Just when willy felt that the comprehensive strength was advancing by leaps and bounds, it was almost possible to pick up the night emperor. The accident happened suddenly. First, some search chaotic crystallization teams were too bold and unrestrained, and some had clashed with the night emperor patrol several times. I am afraid that it has caused dissatisfaction with the night emperor. It is difficult to wait for a year.
The bigger surprise for willy came from another group of strange strong people, who were first discovered not by willy but by the night emperor patrol.
In the face of the enemy of the night emperor, even if we adopt the strategy of staying put for the time being, we will never slow down our spying and investigation of them. Some of them are good at stealth, and the fierce ghost soldiers have formed scouts corps, which is very active. We have investigated the night emperor corps exhibition.
With the gradual expansion of their own strength, throb has gradually played a role. It is not necessary to execute beheading tactics, but the night emperor is going to have a good head-on contest. From the comprehensive strength of both sides, throb has slightly surpassed the night emperor.
As we all know, the strong controlled by the mind-snatchers can show good power in the front battlefield, but the war in the front is far less than that of the conscious strong, and the speed of promotion by the chaotic aura is too fast, which requires some grindstones to polish it well