

Lin Yu did notice something, but he always thought it was the result of the merger of parallel and Cangyu mainland. I didn’t expect it to be that the artifact became extraordinarily abundant without vitality

Lin Yu did notice something, but he always thought it was the result of the merger of parallel and Cangyu mainland. I didn’t expect it to be that the artifact became extraordinarily abundant without vitality

"I’m old-fashioned," Lin Yu said very calmly. "I want to ask if even if I protect this continent, will our continent be destroyed if the Cangyu God War fails?"
Cang Tianlong said bitterly, "We little people should just do our own little people’s things, and God should leave the things to God himself to solve. If we want to live for one day, we must struggle with our relatives and friends until the end of the world, Lin Yu. I believe you can understand what I said."
"I understand," Lin Yu nodded. "Thank you for your help. I’ll do my own thing."
Looking at Lin Yu back into his "battle", Sky Dragon is very gratified. "God Cangyu has to say that you have a good eye …"
At the same time, Yoda respectfully knelt down in front of the Yuan Emperor in the Palace of the Yuan Emperor and said, "The pursuit can be confirmed that the ghost azure is either dead or seriously injured. When the man was killed in Yun He City, the ghost azure did not appear, but the hateful dragon appeared and blew the old thing away."
"Is the old guy Cang Tianlong still alive?" Yuan emperor face flashed a ferocious color "very well! Find me this guy’s hiding place, and I’ll make him stunned! "
"Yes, Emperor Yuan’s position" Yoda got up and bowed respectfully toward the Emperor Yuan before turning away.
"Yuan Fan, Yuan Chuan, you two are leaving for the Far North, where there are still three Cangyu Shenhuoli people. Go and get them back for me so that we can recover our strength as soon as possible!" Yuan dynasty toward his boss and Laojiu ordered.
"Yes, father," the two men bowed to the Yuan Emperor and immediately set off for the Far North.
If Lin Yu heard the Yuan Emperor’s command at this time, he would be frightened to disgrace.
Cang Yu God still keeps three fires. Lin Yu has never told anyone, but Yuan Huang actually knows!
"Hey hey cangyu god? It’s just a defeated general from another plane! " Yuan Huang’s cold face is full of cruelty. "Since you don’t choose me as the overlord of this continent, don’t blame me for getting it myself!"
Yun He City
"Is there any news about the top ten demons and the three demons and seven demons?" Lin Yu towards Liu Man and Zhang Xiaorou asked.
"Yes, but their situation doesn’t seem so good." Liu Man frowned. "They two brothers are trapped with residual inferno in Yunyan Mountain near dusk city. The allied forces of each family are encircling them. If they didn’t want to attract the rest of the top ten demons, these two brothers would have been destroyed. But Sigong, why do you ask these two people?"
Lin Yu said slowly, "There is nothing I want to save them."
"What?" Zhang Xiaorou one leng she obviously didn’t expect Lin Yu to have such a state of mind.
"Nothing" Lin Yu calmly looked at Zhang Xiaorou almost word for word "because the big devil is me now"
Looking around at the top of Yunyan Mountain, there are many Terran warriors. Magic seven little hands wipe their faces and blood toward the side of Magic three little. "Old three, you are stronger than me. I will cover you and kill you. Go to Yun He City to find Lin Yu to see five sisters and six sisters. I believe he is willing to secretly take you in."
Mo San Shao shook his head. "No, since you know that I’m stronger than you, I should cover you, and I’m a brother, so there’s no reason for my brother to sacrifice for me."
"Three elder brother when I beg you? !” Magic Seven Little roared, "If we don’t leave, we can’t escape!"
"Let’s die together," said Mo San, who was neither too cold nor too hot. "Anyway, our other brothers are all dead, and they are still stunned. Being brothers is really a life without an afterlife!"
Magic seven little never thought that his third brother had become so sentimental, and he could not help sighing slightly. "Good third brother, let’s break through and see who is lucky?"
"Uh-huh," Magic San Shao finally agreed. "The living one must live for the dead brothers! Rush! "
"Kill the clan!" Magic seven drank wildly, "Even if we die, we inferno soldiers will never bend!"
Hundreds of thousands of Terran warriors surrounded by Magic Seven Little and Magic Three Little led their few tens of thousands of inferno teams from the hills to the mountains.
See inferno ready to desperately this battle commander Luo Zhong toward several family leaders around him said, "Look, the big demon is not going to save their younger generation, and there is nothing to kill them with these two magic pups."
Several of him nodded, "Good Lord Luo, everything is up to you."
Looking at the inferno team didn’t do protection and went to the mountain to wipe Luo Zhong’s face with a mocking sneer and shouted to drink "SPAR gunner prepares the gun. 453 The Great Devil reappears."
Facing the SPAR cannon coming towards them, the magic three little powers will be close to him and the magic seven little SPAR cannons will slow down immediately when they are put to use.
"Old Seven, hurry out!" Magic three little toward the magic seven little roar loud and shoving the magic seven little together.
"Third brother!" Magic seven gave a hysterical roar. He wanted to stay and live and die with his third brother, but he was pushed out by his third brother.
"Your life is your parents’ return. Don’t let them down!"
Half-magic seven little looked back at his third brother.
His third brother’s eyes are firm, which is a kind of eyes that never look back once you decide.
"Three elder brother-"
Boom boom-magic three little power eventually failed to withstand the sky SPAR gun magic seven little eyes thousands of inferno soldiers and his third brother disappeared together in the fire, a mass of blood fog and meat sauce flying around.
"Fight with them!" Magic seven little hoarse roar with more than tens of thousands of inferno soldiers rushed to surround them hundreds of thousands of terran soldiers.
See the magic seven little Luo Zhong face towards himself with a cruel "broken magic arrow!"
"Swish swish ….." With the roaring wind and the locust-like broken magic arrow flying towards the magic seven little team.
"Protect seven little!" Seeing that they are doomed, all the inferno fighters will tightly surround the magic seven little ones, and all of them will release their magic vitality and connect with each other to form a powerful red magic vitality shield.
Poop, poop, poop …
The first batch of broken magic arrows were blocked by tens of thousands of inferno fighters Qi Xin, but the red magic shield disappeared with the first batch of broken magic arrows.
When the second batch of broken magic arrows fell, those inferno soldiers had fallen to them from resisting the rain of arrows all over the sky.